Building B

Chapter 2791: 1 puzzle

Fear looked at Lou B in a daze. Seeing that the other party was serious and there seemed to be a sorrow between his eyebrows, it realized what it was, and cast its gaze on the sacred locust tree with an unbelievable expression.

You must know that this sacred tree has been with its growth from the day it was born. The Dread Crow and Dark Feathers are often harassed by all races because of their blood. It has long been invaded by other races.

From the day they were sensible, the elders in the clan told them to guard the sacred tree for life, devote all their lives to the sacred tree, and be the loyal guardian of the tree.

But now the other party gave it a message that the sacred tree may be short of time. How can it be accepted? At this time, Lou Yi, who was next to him, was gradually agitated when he saw the fearful emotions, and patted it on the shoulder and said, " Don't get excited, there are some things you will know later, I just tell you, I want you to cherish the days you spend with it!"

Fearful, he looked at Building B with a look of doubt. The latter shook his head helplessly, and said again, "It’s hard to say specifically, I just have this premonition, because I also had a very important Senior sacred tree, it can be said that without it, there would be no me today, an existence that is extremely important to me and comparable to life."

Fear looked at Lou Yi, suddenly remembering something, the moment Lou Yi's eyes widened, Lou Yi nodded to it, Fear turned her eyes complicatedly to the sacred tree, for a moment she didn't know what to do.

"You can see that you have the same heart as mine, so let's be so rare!" Lou Yi said meaningfully.

Yoriao nodded, and then they talked about the recent situation. After that, Lou Yi left. Soon after Lou B left, Xianwei returned to the sacred tree, staring blankly into the distance. The sacred tree, the look gradually sad.

I don't know how long it had passed before it suddenly felt a strange force surrounding it. With a flash of fear, it was dragged into another world like Lou Yi.

The only difference is that in the world in front of Fear's eyes, there is only one towering giant tree proudly in this world. Fear's face looks excitedly at the giant tree in front of him. The dark brown tree body is enveloped in dense dense. The pattern of the tree above, thousands of rays of sunlight hung from the crown above, reflecting the world below like an emerald tourmaline.

It was the first time that Xianhua saw Shen Huai's true appearance, and tears filled his eyes with excitement. At this time, there was a rustling sound in its ears, it seemed that Shen Huai was talking to him.

On the other side, after Lou Yi and Tieshan left the Dread Crow Dark Feather Realm, when they returned, Tieshan asked, "What are your plans next?"

Lou Yi took out a boundary stone and sighed silently, "Go to a place and see someone..."

Tieshan glanced at the boundary stone in his hand and said, "Okay!"

Lou Yi smiled at him, and the two galloped towards a certain place. As Bai Xiaosheng told him, time waits for no one, he needs to prepare as soon as possible.

The boundary stone that Jia Tianxia gave him was different from the place where Bai Xiaosheng was located. When Jia Tianxia gave this thing to him, Bai Xiaosheng looked quite surprised.

Lou B was not sure what was given to him by A Tianxia, ​​so he could only go and check it out in person. After a long flight, he finally found a place in the area near the God Realm and found a sense of the boundary stone. The place.

Lou Yi found that this boundary stone seemed to have the same effect as the Kunwu world boundary stone, and there was no realm in this area, which meant that the boundary stone that was handed to him by Jia Tianxia should also be the entrance boundary stone that controls the mustard world.

He glanced at Tieshan and asked, "Are you ready?"

Tieshan nodded, Lou Yi poured his power into the boundary stone, and after a dazzling light shone, the two were drawn into a world surrounded by thunder, thunder continued to shuttle and converge into strange Lei Yin.

I thought it was that this thunder seal sealed the breath of the mustard seed world, and Lou Yi also smelled the same breath as the academy in this thunder seal. He guessed that these might come from the hands of a predecessor of heaven and humanity. The seal of our world is made as a template.

In any case, they have entered the world of mustard seeds. As they continued to descend, Lou Yi finally came into this world. In this world, there were extremely blue waters everywhere.

This world seemed to be a world entirely composed of water, with almost no land in sight. Lou Yi looked at all this curiously, and exchanged a few words with Tieshan from time to time.

He didn't know why Jia Tianxia handed over the boundary stones of this small world to him. Does it have any special meaning?

I was thinking that the sea below suddenly churned up, and then a hundred-foot-sized figure jumped up from the sea. The moment Lou Yi saw them, Lou Yi was stunned.

Because these guys who appeared in front of him were the abyss moray eels that made them hate in Kunwu Realm, Lou Yi's brows frowned, but soon his brows gradually eased. He looked at the boundary stone in his hand. He sighed and said, "You guy has a problem for me..."

Jia Tianxia possesses the bloodline of the Abyssal Moray. I think that when he left Kunwu Realm, he quietly took away some Abyssal Moray. These guys are extremely aggressive and aggressive. If you leave it alone, I'm afraid to wait for them. When it floods, it is a disaster for other frontiers.

Speaking of it, this is the same situation as the Biyou clan, except that there are snake gods on the Biyou clan shaking, and these guys...

"Oh, headache..." Lou Yi rubbed his brows helplessly as he looked at the abyss moray eels gradually surrounding

At this moment, Tieshan took out the sword behind him, tilted his head and asked, "Let me deal with them all?"

Lou Yi raised his hand to stop, shook his head and said, "I'm afraid that guy wants me to restrain these guys..."

After all, Lou Yi took the initiative to meet those abyssal sea eels, and at the same time told Tieshan not to interfere, he rolled up his sleeves, and the power of the dragon race rushed through his body, and he started waving his fists, teaching these fierce and evil creatures.

After a while, the number of Abyssal Morays has not decreased, but has increased. Tieshan saw this, and joined the battle with his sleeves rolled up. The two stood side by side, smashing the abyssal morays. Foaming teeth flying around.

After fighting like this for several days, there were dense deep sea eels floating on the surface of the sea. These guys were not beaten to death, but were knocked out, with their belly churning up, looking quite funny.

Lou Yi looked at the abyss moray floating on the sea, shook his arms and said, "Come on, come again!!!"

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