Building B

Chapter 2817: Unforgettable night

The three of them first came to the human world, they were somewhat curious and excited, but what they saw and heard made them feel a little bit uncomfortable. The demons invaded the human world, and the most severely damaged was the human world. The main reason was the human race. The most powerful forces are located in the most central area of ​​the human world.

They themselves are indifferent to the people living on the border of the Floating Demon Realm, because such people are either profiteers, profiteers, or ordinary people with no power and power, people with ability and status, and naturally they will have the richest resources in the human world. Gather in the core area.

Human races are different from other races. They like to join in the fun. The stronger the people, the more they like to get together and compete secretly. This is completely different from the god, demon, and spirit worlds.

The human race has a very special cultivation method, which also originates from the human race's own desires. The human race's desires are even more arrogant than the demons than the demons, because I don't know when, there is a way to abandon the seven emotions and six desires.

The Dao is the same but not the Dao, the Xuan is not the Xuan but the Xuan, the most powerful force in the human race is probably the power of Taoism, similar to the Shangqing Palace and Shangyang Palace in Kunwu Realm are the Taoist sects.

Taoism can be said to infiltrate all corners of the human world. The ancients often said that ascending to be immortal and refining into gods was mostly derived from Taoist propaganda. Taoism regards Tao as its highest belief, and as the top three saints of Taoism today, According to legend, he was Jun's disciple.

Therefore, Taoism holds the supreme position in the hearts of the human race. Taoism takes Tao as its belief, while Taoism takes the devout beliefs of believers as the foundation. Often the strength of a Taoism is directly related to the number of believers and their devotion to it. The degree is directly related.

The more powerful the Taoist sect, the more powerful it is. It is said that there is a palace in the upper realm named Jinglian Tianchi Palace. It is the Taoist sect with the most prosperous incense in the Taoist tradition. Countless geniuses have come out. It is the place where everyone aspires to Taoism.

However, it is precisely because the human race has seven emotions and six desires that far exceed those of other races, so people have different aspirations, whether Taoism or Buddhism, but they are all a way of cultivation.

The land of the human world is full of flowers, and there are many different kinds of sects. They are not Dao, but they only respect the original heart and have their own judgments and guidelines. For example, Confucianism and Daoism are the representatives.

They are also enshrined in the beliefs of students from all over the world. With the power of faith, students in academy can also display strengths far beyond their own cultivation. Another is the Tao of the military.

Yuwen Wudi and Liming follow this path. By accumulating the strength of the military and the belief of the soldiers, the power of the emperor's way can be added, which can make the army stronger, making them vigorous and victorious in all battles. .

However, Lou Yi and the others came from the Kunwu Realm of the mustard seed world. They only have a general impression of these strange and varied ways, and most of these cognitions originated from the ancient books of the academy and the monks of various races they came into contact with.

So everything is still in the groping stage, and now the human world is at their feet, but they don't know how these few rootless, bottomless human races and unknown generations can gain a foothold in this strange human world.

Now that you have come to the human world, you must first find a place to stay, but unfortunately the border land is now full of ruins, and many realms have been reduced to ashes.

The Shura clan never shows mercy. The three of them looked at the devastated, deserted and sad land. They were quite complicated. Tieshan turned to look at Lou Yi and asked, "What are your plans?"

Lou Yi sighed and said, "I want to find someone first, someone who has been waiting for me for a long time!"

Tieshan froze for a moment, then nodded and said, "Then go!"

Huo Yan on the side was thoughtful, but he didn't speak. Since he came to the human world, he has always been like this. Lou Yi and Tieshan only regarded him as not worrying about the sun, so he often had a cover of longing.

However, this situation has become more and more weird as time goes by. As he was walking on this day, Huo Yan suddenly stopped, his eyes looked dull and he stood motionless on the ground. , Keep this posture.

Lou Yi and Tieshan looked at each other, because this had happened for the third time these days, and it seemed that each time lasted longer than the first time. At first it was only an hour, but from the second time on, he just stopped. It's four or five hours.

Now this is the third time, and it’s getting late. The two of them don’t know how long Huo Yan will last, so they set up a bonfire beside him. Tieshan went out and beat two elk and came back. Lou Yi took it for a long time. Things that don't need to be started to get busy.

After tossing for more than half an hour, a sumptuous and delicious meal was presented to the two of them. Lou Yi took out the gourds given by Huo Yunlie and handed one of them to Tieshan. In the distance, I took out another one, unscrewed the mouth of the gourd and said to Tieshan, "No matter how much, let's eat first and drink first!"

After drinking three rounds of food and five flavors, the two of them hiccuped with satisfaction. Tieshan tilted his head to look at Huo Yan, who was still standing still, and said to the opposite Lou Yi, "What's the matter with this guy? Is the devil stunned?"

Lou Yi frowned and shook his head, "I don't know, but it doesn't look like a demon, maybe he has some adventure!"

Tieshan smashed it, smashed its mouth, brought the gourd to his mouth, raised his head abruptly, and ate hard, and then he burped comfortably, lying on his back on the messy ground, looking up to the sky. Looking at the gray sky, muttered to myself, "My master taught me the way to cut the sky. I vowed to cut through the sky, but when I faced the monster, I realized how small I am now. ......"

Lou Yi was silent for a moment, and then lay down on the ground, looking up at the gray sky. His eyes flashed through the scenes that emerged in the star array, and then flashed through the scenes of the nameless ghost mound. With the illusion, the terrifying laughter echoed in his ears, Lou Yi suddenly felt like countless mountains were pressing on him, and he was almost breathless.

"Am I really the so-called Son of Destiny? Do I really have the ability to reverse all this? How can I?" Lou Yi asked three times, as if he was questioning the sky and himself.

The wind at night was very cold, blowing on the bodies of the three of Except for Huo Yan, the other two were tossing and turning, unable to sleep. The night seemed unusually long, and they thought a lot.

When the sky cleared again, Huo Yan finally recovered from the sluggishness, and Lou Yi and Tieshan also got up from the ground. Lou Yi looked at Huo Yan and asked, "Are you okay?"

Huo Yan shook his head, and then Tieshan asked again, "What the **** are you doing? I stood there like a demon all night!"

"I heard a certain call, and I occasionally felt it, so..." When Huo Yan spoke, his face was confused, and he cast his gaze to the far north, as if the call was at the extreme. Land of the North.

Lou Yi and Tieshan looked at each other, and Tieshan whispered to Lou Yi, "You really said it, this guy's life is not ordinary!"

Lou Yi smiled, thinking of Tieshan and thinking of himself. How could their lives be bad? Although he had a bad background, he was taken care of all the way. Although he suffered a lot, the gains were far greater than the losses. Perhaps it was fate here.


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