Building B

Chapter 2829: let me think again

The magic formation that was gradually opening seemed to have felt the arrival of Lou Yi, and a terrible roar came from the formation, as if threatening to warn Lou Yi not to approach.

The devilish energy around him gradually became richer, and more and more black and red magic claws emerged from the magic mist, trying to stop Lou Yi from continuing to advance, but everything was in vain.

Lou Yi smashed through all the thorns and thorns, and finally rushed into the forbidden land of the back mountain, but soon he faced another problem. This forbidden land was originally reserved for the dean of the little holy sect, which can be said to be the safest among the little holy sects. local.

The guy who was fighting with Iron Mountain, when desperately rushing to the two of them, turned on the formation prohibition as well, and it was the kind at all costs.

This means that if Lou Yi chooses to forcefully break it, the Little Saint Sect’s guardian formation will disappear from then on. This is only a superficial problem, but the more serious problem is that this middle-aged man obeys the orders of the demons. , Under the guise of building a new guardian formation, looted the vitality of the world that originally belonged to the entire Little Saint Realm.

If Lou Yi breaks the formation forcibly, it will inevitably involve the ground veins of the surrounding land, which may cause irreversible damage to the extremely fragile ground veins. If this is the case, then the entire Little Saint Realm will be implicated. An abnormal change in the vitality of the world of the world will affect all the creatures living here. This will inevitably involve countless causes and effects, which is unbearable for Lou Yi.

But now he is blocked by a powerful formation enchantment. If he cannot enter the forbidden area, the consequences will be equally troublesome. Now he has two choices in front of him, one is to return to the original path and kill the one with Tieshan. The young man, searching from him, can find whether he can find his token as the head of the Little Saint Sect.

But in case that guy jumps over the wall and discards the token or simply destroys it, then he wants to go back the same way and make other plans, I am afraid that time will be too late.

And the second choice is to analyze the forbidden enchantment of this little holy sect, but obviously this is not an easy thing to do, because the little holy sect is based here for incomprehensible years, and the efforts of countless generations are exchanged. How could he break it casually?

Just when he was in a dilemma, Xiao Bei brought people to this place, and he came here with the two old masters who had previously been confused by his pupil technique.

They have now regained their consciousness, and they are extremely worried about the rich devilish energy around them and the strange formation that exudes blood. Lou Yi said excitedly after seeing Xiao Bei bringing them here. ,"Well done!!!"

Lou Yi came in front of the two old gentlemen, held a fist and said to them both, "The two seniors have offended before, and I hope the two Haihan, now things are very urgent, you have seen everything that happened here, the juniors hope The two can help the younger generation break this enchantment formation and prevent the activation of that magic formation!"

The two masters Nie and Guo looked at each other, shook their heads and sighed at the same time, then turned to look at Building B. Their eyes were extremely sharp, as if they wanted to see it through. They looked at each other carefully. After the turn, Master Nie said, "Although I don't know your identity, but for the sake of the little saint sect and for the sake of the little saint world, this busy old man will help!"

Master Guo also nodded and said, "Hurry up, do it as we said!"

"Junior knows!" Lou Yi nodded.

According to the request of the opponent, Lou Yi stood in the center of the formation barrier. Fuzi Nie and Fuzi Guo were on the left and right sides of it, while Xiao Bei led the people of the clan to construct a barrier to block the devilish energy. The claws that appeared in it.

Nie Fuzi and Guo Fuzi pressed the palms of both hands on the barrier at the same time, and in an instant, countless characters appeared on the barrier formed by the barrier. They were constantly changing positions and looked extremely complicated.

"Go ahead, Li Zheng!" Nie Fuzi shouted.

Lou Yi trembled all over, and the Unsullied Eyes immediately opened completely. In an instant, the speed of character changes on the entire barrier began to become abnormally slow. His eyes swept across the barrier at an astonishing speed, and then his palms and fingers began to move quickly , Follow the clockwise direction, point your finger on all the ritual characters, twist them one by one.

Although Confucius Nie and Confucius Guo had a natural advantage, after seeing Lou Yi's actions, they couldn't help being taken aback by them. They couldn't help but glance at each other more, the expressions in their eyes contained deep meaning.

After all the ritual characters were screwed up, all the ritual characters on the formation stopped changing. They emitted a soft white light and were fixed in their original positions.

"Go on, filial piety!" Master Nie continued to shout.

At the same time he made a sound, his finger touched a filial piety character and slid to the right. The filial piety character began to push to the right under the sliding of his finger.

Lou Yi did a good job. At the same time, he stretched out his finger to quickly click on those changing filial piety characters, and slide them to the right. Soon, the filial piety characters rolled to the right like a school of fish. Above the boundary barriers, ripples of white light formed.

"Don't stop, shame!" Master Nie shouted again.

I saw his finger quickly point on the barrier barrier, and then framed a shame character, and the invisible light wrapped the shame character, making it brighter.

Lou Yi learned all the way, and soon all the shame words were framed. At this time, when Lou Yi looked at the barrier barrier, he began to discover the law in the formation. He didn't wait for Master Nie to shout. Unconsciously moved his hand.

"Juyi, clean, respectful, loyal, honest..." Lou Yi muttered to himself.

His fingers quickly flew over the barrier barrier, and Master Nie and Guo were dumbfounded for a while, forgetting what they should do.

I saw Lou Yi's figure flashing above the barrier like light and shadow, first gathered all the righteous characters in the center of the barrier, and then placed the Lian characters in the vacant and then he Quickly shuttle across the barrier, place the Ti characters on both sides of the filial piety, and let them move to the right with the filial piety.

After that, the letter characters and loyalty characters were all placed on eight positions outside the barrier. The loyal characters occupy eight corners and are connected by letter strings.

When he finished all of this, the barrier barrier turned into a huge strange talisman seal. It originally exuded a soft white light, but when everything was over, the white light gradually dimmed and the characters all turned into After removing the black, they fell off the barrier like ink, and with a rumbling sound, the barrier in the forbidden area was broken.

Lou Yi and the two masters rushed to the active magic circle without saying a word. Just as they were about to break it, a scream came from behind. The middle-aged man who was fighting with Tieshan was all over. Enveloping the devilish energy, breaking through the barrier formed by Xiaobei and the others, and hitting the magical formation that was still active, a voice floated in the air and said to all of them, "Master, save... I......"


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