Building B

Chapter 2844: Repair and break

Just as Huo Yan tried his idea, Lou Yi and Tieshan were still consolidating their own cultivation base. Their accumulation was very rich. The time to consolidate cultivation base should be the same as Huo Yan, but now they both Almost at the same time, he decided to take his own cultivation base one step further.

The battle with Manghao and the others made Lou Yi and Tie Shan realize their lack of strength, these are just the strength of the ordinary human world family and some monks who are not in the small sect.

Although these people may be the patriarch of a certain family, or the elder of a certain sect, or the sect master, Lou Yi is also the realm master of the same desire world, although he has now unloaded his burden, but The monks of the same desire world still have to set foot on this human world after all, because whether it is his son Lou Tong or other people, after all, he still has to march towards the wider world through the sky.

And if you want to go to the outer world, you must set foot in the human world. If they have encountered the same experience as themselves after they came here, who can rescue them and prevent disasters.

The cultivation base and strength are always the most basic things in the world of the universe. If the cultivation base is weak and insufficient, it will be frustrated everywhere, and even being suppressed by others has always caused disaster.

He has seen too many things like this, and he no longer wants to lose anything, but Tieshan is different from what he thought about. In addition to surpassing himself, Tieshan still has to complete the original master. Things that were said to him.

The relationship between him and Lou Yi is extremely complicated. At the beginning, the fifth prisoner of the North asked him to stay with Lou Yi and become the opponent's sword guard. The purpose was to allow Tieshan to observe the opponent at close range and find and surpass the opponent.

He has indeed done this several times, but the more so, the more Tieshan understands the hidden power of Lou B himself. Gradually, he will compete with the opponent as a driving force to spur him forward, even if he temporarily He didn't feel happy at all after surpassing Lou Yi, but a sense of crisis enveloped himself.

He hopes to be able to protect each other, just like what the other party usually does, his relationship with Lou Yi has long surpassed the relationship between life and death, and even they are willing to sacrifice for each other. This relationship does not contain any moisture. .

While Tieshan felt that he could go further, he also realized that the other party could also do this, so the two of them tacitly began to work towards a higher level.

Every time Lou Yi refines the pill, he always divides them equally among three people. Therefore, there is no surprise on the pill. Both of them have not taken the Shen Shen Jin Pill for the time being, because it is not the time.

Tieshan's body is suspended in the air, and the sword spirit around him shines with strange light. Tieshan's whole body is full of sword energy, and the giant ancient sword behind him hums endlessly. His breathing is very even, and sharp sword marks are reflected in his eyes. .

While breathing, the soul of the sword moved at will, forming a complex and mysterious sword formation around the space he was in. With the movement of his mind, the light of the soul of the sword was also uncertain.

In Tieshan's mind, there were scenes of beheading the person holding the stick. Not only was the opponent's cultivation base not weak, but even in the process of fighting, he was in a state of suppressing himself most of the time.

Although the original self was caused by the fact that he had not yet adapted to his own strength, this cannot be used as a reason to convince himself. Tieshan's harshness to himself was not even lost to the other two at all, but everyone’s Persistence is slightly different.

Lou Yi is for the common people in the world, Huo Yan is to become the world's strongest master craftsman, but Tieshan has always maintained his belief. Master once told him when he could break through the sky with a sword. Disregard the world, horizontally and horizontally.

But if you want a sword to break the sky, how can it be a goal that can be achieved casually? The stronger the cultivation base, the more difficult it is to achieve the goal, but this belief has always been buried in his heart. He has never spared all kinds of swordsmanship. Pursue all the things that will absorb them and transform them into their own.

At the time of the floating monster battlefield, he obtained Luan Qisheng’s sword of pure Jun and absorbed his sword soul. However, through the previous battle, he had actually realized a serious problem. If Luan Tianzong asked him This pure Jun ancient sword, what should he do.

The ancient sword of Chunjun has been refined by the soul of the sword lord, and has become an inseparable part of the ancient sword of Juque. Luan Tianzong is different from ordinary sects and aristocratic families. It is the top sect that stands at the peak of the human world. There are so many old monsters in.

Once the whole problem is not handled properly, it is likely to involve Building B and Huo Yan. Therefore, he needs to have as much self-protection as possible before stepping into the core area of ​​the human world. If he cannot protect himself, how can he protect Building B? .

Juque Ancient Sword seemed to have felt Tieshan's emotional changes, and his own buzzing suddenly became low, but the sword energy connected to Tieshan became extremely sharp.

The echoes between the two are closer than ever before, the world’s supreme giant, bravely innocent, dominates the world’s work cloth, noble and unparalleled, and now they are all tied together, what Tieshan has to do now is to connect them The power of the sword soul is perfectly integrated.

The sword guards the eight wastes, the sky is swayed, the sword pictures of the five mountains, the evil spirits are swept away, Tieshan feels the souls of the swords echoing with them, he feels the sword energy in his body constantly impacts the strange meridians and eight channels, making his limbs The strength was constantly impacting the gradually consolidating cultivation base, Tieshan muttered to himself, "Come on..."

The surrounding sword spirits burst out dazzling light at the same time, and the sword aura completely enveloped Tieshan. Tieshan was located in it, and his eyes slowly closed, completely integrating his own power with the surrounding sword intent and sword aura.

At the same time, Lou Yi is also in an extremely mysterious state, he is not as persistent as Huo Yan, he is not as indomitable as Tieshan, he is more like letting the flow go.

He relaxed his body and mind completely, letting his strength flow freely in his body, slapped his body like a wave. The biggest difference between Lou Yi and Huo Yan and Tieshan was that he had too many things.

It is precisely because of his mastery that he wants to move forward in his cultivation level, and he will inevitably need to work harder than ordinary people. He has always been so strict with himself. He is very self-knowing. If his fate is not for his favor, I am afraid His greedy character, I am afraid that everyone has already been wiped out.

He never thought that he was the son of destiny. He always believed that everyone or other beings, from the moment they were born, were the son of destiny in this world, but everyone chose a different path.

When he was born, he was just an ordinary doll living in a small mountain village in the mustard world, but because of the many changes in his destiny, he stepped on the road of seeking immortality step by step. The moment of life and death crisis, he has never forgotten that he has vividly remembered now.

The lost confidante, the brother who parted ways, the best friend who was missing, everything is more like fate is joking with him, rather than caring for himself.

He admitted that he also gained a lot in this long life, but he also lost a lot, and even some made him heartbroken and unforgettable.

What is the Son of Destiny, and how can he bear the burden of the Son of Destiny? Until now, he has no answer of his own. He just knows that if he stagnates, he will not be able to fulfill the promises he made. , There is no way to protect the people you want to protect.

Now that he has stepped into the realm of real fairyland, his original wish has been realized, but the achievement of this goal is really not easy. It consumes much energy and youth.

Now is the time to set higher goals, so what will he pursue next? At this time, Lou Yi was immersed in this thought.

Countless thoughts flashed in front of him, but none of the answers he wanted, because he thought that these were not what he wanted most, the trance-like building B seemed to have returned to the place where he was born, returning to lead him to the fairy road The Hao Xuezong.

He was only eight years old before his eyes, so immature, so innocent, his eyes bright like stars in the sky, but his young age showed stubbornness to fight against fate.

In front of his eyes appeared the faces of those who had helped him in the Haoxue Sect, and they swiped in front of him one by one, and then Lou Yi saw Gao Dali, the brother he has never forgotten.

His taste buds suddenly showed the ups and downs of life. It was the wine Gao Dali made for him when he was parting. Although he now has a more mellow wine, the ordinary taste makes He has endless aftertastes.

Aftertaste Jianlou B appeared in the depths of the sacred mountain, and the dying Song God Sang Lao appeared in front of him. It could have left here, but it was willing to use the rest of its life to shelter the creatures in this mountain, how great and selfless.

In a blink of an eye, Lou Yi came to the Palmprint Plain The moment when he met Mu Xin, and then Zili and Bingjia, his life seemed to be alive again in front of his eyes and in his mind. Once again, let him see his past more clearly.

At this moment, Lou Yi sighed and said to himself, "All these are memories that cannot be let go. It would be great if you could hold everything in your hands, alas, the old problem has been committed again. ....."

He knew very well how absurd his thoughts were, because all of this was impossible to achieve, and the things that were gone were gone after all, and he also understood that he should set his sights on the future and look forward to all this.

Lou Yi slowly closed his eyes, and the aura in his body suddenly rose up. At this moment, he seemed to have figured out all the tricks, and his cultivation was naturally broken.

Without any hindrance, without any carrying, his cultivation level went from the first level of True Wonderland to the second level of True Wonderland, and it seems that his cultivation level is still slightly richer, but Lou Yi did not continue to try to change. Take one step closer, because haste will not be achieved.


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