Building B

Chapter 2860: Why so far

But this matter cannot be uncovered by him, because his situation is very special now. If someone in Xianyue Tower finds out that he has actually appeared in Dai's house, one can imagine the consequences.

Another point is that this Dai Zong didn’t understand that Xianyue Tower might be intriguing, but if he showed his identity, it’s hard to guarantee that Dai Zong would not give control to Xianyue Tower’s overall interests. The high-level of Xianyue Building sent off, isn't it the same as sending sheep into a tiger's mouth?

Lou Yi pondered for a moment and said to Tian asked, "You tell the truth to your uncle, if you were to make a choice between Xianyue Lou and your mother, where would you choose to stand?"

"I...I...I don't know..." Tian Wen looked very embarrassed, and this made Lou Yi also start to become difficult to judge, because after all, it was the first time I saw this My nephew, don't know his temperament.

"Then if the people from Xianyue Tower wanted to kill your mother, what would you do?" Lou Yi asked in a different way.

Tian Wen suddenly raised his head and said loudly, "No! Foster father and Uncle Mu will not kill my mother!"

"What if? Or let me put it another way. If your foster father and Uncle Mu had to sacrifice your mother for the benefit of Xianyuelou, what would you do? Give your mother to the other party and continue to do yours Young Master Dai?" Lou Yi asked, his eyes sharpened suddenly.

Tian Wen clenched the hand holding the cloud piercing gun unconsciously, his body was trembling slightly, his expression looked very painful, and then he said to Lou Yi, "I won't let anyone hurt my mother... ..."

Lou Yi breathed a sigh of relief when he said this, his eyes softened again, and he stepped forward and patted Tianwen's shoulder. The other party subconsciously wanted to avoid it, and he could see that he was still somewhat resistant to the identity of the uncle Lou Yi.

Lou Yi didn’t mind this. After all, this was the first time the two of them met. Lou Yi said to him, “Let me take care of your mother’s affairs. You can go back first. Don't mention it with others, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble, understand?"

Tianwen looked at Lou B incomprehensibly, not knowing what the other party was referring to. Lou B told him that his identity was very sensitive to Xianyue Lou. If he did not want his mother to be involved in trouble, he would Be tight-lipped about what you see today.

Tian Wen wanted to enter the house to take a look at his mother, but was blocked by Lou Yi. Before leaving, Lou Yi handed the three jade boxes to Tian Wen, saying that he was an uncle's gift to him.

Tian Wen didn't know how many people had long dreamed of obtaining the meeting gift that Lou Yi gave him at this time. With a heavy heart, he disappeared at the end of the road after three steps.

Lou Yi sighed silently, but raised the corner of his mouth afterwards. For him, he knew that God's choice was extremely important. It directly related to the time when things really had to be made. Son, will he put the key to a fatal knife in his mother's chest?

When he got the answer he wanted, Lou Yi naturally became relaxed. Before he re-entered the thatched house, he first sorted out his mood, and then walked in. At this time, Shu Mi was staring blankly. At the table, Tieshan sat a little awkwardly.

After seeing Lou Yi come in, Tieshan quickly got up and said to him, "You can be regarded as coming back. I'll go out to breathe, and you will continue to talk!"

After talking about running away, he walked out of the thatched hut. Lou Yi returned to the wooden chair he had made before. Just as he was about to speak, Shu Mi suddenly said, "He's gone?"

Lou Yi nodded, Shu Mi sighed heavily, tears crawled to his eye sockets again, fluttered and then fell down, it can be seen that Shu Mi did not care about his son, just because he always replaced The guilty man explained that the more injured made her reluctant to face her son, and even wanted to forget her son.

But since ancient times, blood is thicker than water, and Tianwen is the only heir of her and Tianxing. How can she let go of this affection? Every time she sees Tianwen appearing in front of her, she will be cut by thousands of swords. It felt like she had betrayed Tian Xing, so she was even more reluctant to see her son.

Lou Yi waited for her to calm down a bit, and then said to her, "Aunt Shu, I think there might be something hidden in this matter..."

Unexpectedly, before the words were finished, Shu Mi jumped up like a cat whose tail was stomped on, looked at Building B in disbelief, and questioned the most aggrieved, "Even you have to help. Speaking to that sad man?!!!"


After that, Shu Mi started crying again, Lou Yi comforted the other side and explained, "Aunt Shu, you and I have just met again. I believe Aunt Shu, you know the most about what kind of person I am. Do you think I will abandon you and stand by the other side?"

Shu Mi trembled and stopped crying. He seemed to be aware of this. So Lou Yi hit the railroad while it was hot, "It's normal for you to be invisible in the game, and your nephew can see it. Dai Zong’s people are still very affectionate. If you don’t love, you won’t be hurt, and if you don’t love, you will naturally be indifferent to what he does."

Lou Yi's words made Shu Mi feel sad again in an instant, but Lou Yi must unravel his emotional stalemate, only in this way can he persuade the other party to temporarily let go of their grievances and not lose judgment on the matter because of love.

His words were orderly and well-tempered, causing Shu Mi's emotions to constantly fluctuate. After all the time was ripe, Lou Yi began to analyze the hidden problems in the whole matter for Shu Mi.

For example, why Dai Zong would suddenly have to return to Dai’s home because of something, for example, why Uncle Mu was distracted for some trivial matters, and why after both of them were distracted, the guy named Zhang Guangyao suddenly came to him. What's wrong, and why is it necessary to check the branches of Xianyue Building at this time?

Shu Mi actually has her own judgment on these things, but all of her judgments are based on the premise that the other party is a guilty man. After being affected by emotional factors, she often loses correct judgment on the matter.

Lou B analyzed each other one by one. The reason why Dai Zong was disbursed was probably something thorny within the family, and he needs to be dealt with by the head of the family. As for what happened, Lou B analyzed that it is most likely to be separated. Someone or some people unite to make things happen.

Because if the trouble is not big enough, Dai Zong will not hurry back to Dai’s house. Similarly, Uncle Mu’s departure is obviously also a deliberate arrangement by someone with a heart, and the spearhead of all this is upstairs. It seems to B that they are probably all the ghosts of the Zhang family behind them.

Although Shu Mi believed in Lou Yi, he was still skeptical of his analysis, because Uncle Mu had made the same inference at the beginning, but none of this can conceal that Dai Zong took the bastard's sister and discarded it. Disregarded the facts.

And this is exactly a hurdle that Shu Mi can't get around anyway. It's a wedge that Shu Mi wants to forgive Dai Zong and convince himself that he is forced to do this because of helplessness, but he can't get through. Whenever she thinks about it, she I can't sleep at night like a knife.

Lou Yi used some details to clear up the doubts in his mind a little bit, such as why she sought help from the Dai family after desperate, but the other party informed the guy named Zhang Guangyao of her whereabouts, such as why everything Things seem to be accidental and coincidental, but they work closely together, like a well-arranged bureau, and she is the one in this bureau.

After Lou Yi's help Shu Mi's mood has improved significantly, but it is not a day's cold to freeze three feet, Lou Yi knows that she has not completely opened her heart knot, so Lou Yi told The other party, wait until he finds a way to get a reply from Dai Zong himself.

He made Shu Mi stay here at ease. In order to protect his safety, Lou Yi re-arranged the layout of the formation here, and put the jade disc of good fortune from the predecessor Yunshang in the formation. At the same time, he also purchased a teleport Enchantment, but did not set its destination, because Building B had to choose a safe place for it, in case it could help Shu Mi escape from this place if there was any accident in the future.

If this matter had something to do with the Zhang family in Xianyue Tower, then the matter would not end so easily. Perhaps Uncle Mu could protect him for a while, but he could never protect his life.

Lou Yi guessed that Dai Zong still has feelings for Shu Mi, but for some reason they can’t meet each other, but if things turn around, then Aunt Shu is likely to be the first to become the target of those hiding in the dark. At that time, Uncle Mu couldn't protect his safety.

He didn't want to see Shu Mi's accident, because the Three Saints of Yun Shu had the grace to know him and the grace to save his life. No matter which one, he could not let the other party ignore it. He must be cautious about this matter. It will come to the end.

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