Building B

Chapter 2889: Fish in troubled waters

Dai Zong was eager to save his son. Although he knew the weird mist was severe, he rushed in without hesitation. After all, he thought that since it was the formation laid by his beloved, he shouldn't be killed.

As a result, as soon as he rushed into the mist, his divine consciousness and perception were instantly deprived, and the range that his spirit could cover was only a thousand meters, which Dai Zong had never thought of.

This is a familiar feeling. Back then, the four big families of Xianyue Tower came out together and went to the Dao Palace to ask for an explanation. As a result, the whole army was wiped out and trapped in the Eight Odd Formations. He still understands the truth of a big family that is both prosperous and prosperous.

For the whole Dai family, he had to learn to compromise some things. His father's entrustment when he was dying, he never dared to forget for a moment, but because of this, the Dai family, whose family is gradually weakened, can only be dealt with by him. forward.

The feeling of entering the Baqi formation is so similar to that of this formation. At first, it was only sleepy and not killing, and persuading people to retreat. If you are persistent, then there will be a serial killing formation, which will recruit dangerous and deadly moves.

What he felt in the trapped formation was similar to this, but the strength of the people who deployed the formation seemed to be a lot worse than that of the sloppy Taoist. Could it be that the old way opened his eyes to who he saw and accepted him as a disciple? The child passed the mantra.

Dai Zong shook his head. This is not the time to think about this problem. What he has to do is to quickly find the question and confirm whether their mother and child are safe.

Uncle Mu followed Dai Zong into the mist. Dai Zong could say that he didn't know something in this valley, but Uncle Mu was stationed here all year round, and he was familiar with everything here.

But the situation now clearly exceeded his expectations, because the fog not only overflowed the valley and enveloped the mountains outside the valley, but also exuded such a strange color, this situation was unprecedented.

He was not as reckless as Dai Zong, but calmed down to quietly feel the flow of the formation, wanting to break through the formation gap and directly find the position of the formation eye as before.

But this time he just tried to do this, his mental power was immediately disturbed, and a mess of scenes began to emerge in his mind, as if someone had jammed all kinds of memories with the pictures without his consent. Into his head.

Uncle Mu was shocked and quickly gave up his previous behavior. Only then did he realize the power of the formation. He quickly ordered all the people who followed him to keep their minds tight and don't let their guard down.

Uncle Mu divides people into several shares, and each share is distributed to different areas, but the distance between them is not more than a thousand feet, so as to avoid accidents.

Uncle Mu cast his eyes on the phantom light mist, sighed and said, "Why are you..."

Uncle Mu blamed all of this on Shu Mi. Naturally, he would not believe that Shu Mi had such ability, because he was afraid that the other party had hired some talented person through money.

Uncle Mu never doubted Shu Mi’s abilities. The galaxy brocade she wove was a very popular weaving. It was his idea to set a three-hundred-year deal. After all, if the outside world knows that this thing is important to Shu Mi As far as it is concerned, it is just a pastime, I am afraid that Shu Mi's wealth and life will become a big problem.

Just like when she was in the place where the human world and the floating monster world bordered, sometimes jealous and greedy can make people crazy. In the eyes of Bo Mu, after all these years, I am afraid that Shu Mi will weave the galaxy brocade without anything else. , How many Galaxy Brocades she has hidden in the past few years, I am afraid only she herself knows.

There was just one problem that bothered Uncle Mu. Shu Mi had been in the valley all these years, so how did she deal with these things? Could it be that in the transaction that occurs every three hundred years, who is sloppy with it?

But that shouldn't be right. Every time a trade, it's just the green bull pulling the cart out, and the Galaxy Brocade in the box is only a fixed amount, so it shouldn't be.

Uncle Mu suddenly thought of something, he sighed, "It seems that there is something tricky in the box..."

In fact, he guessed right. Every time Shu Mi didn’t show up, it didn’t mean that she could not sell the stolen goods. Over the years, she would always put some Naxu rings in the box and then cover them with her own consciousness. When picking up these rings, she negotiated with each other through the consciousness covering them.

Although she has stayed home in recent years, she is also familiar with what happened outside, but it is not the same as Uncle Mu said. Shu Mi did this not to make money, but to worry about her son and the guilty man. Safety.

After all, she is still a woman with a weak heart. Even if she pretends to be stronger on the surface, her heart is still soft, but Uncle Mu thinks these things as what she has seen today, obviously misunderstanding Shu Mi.

However, Lou Yi also discovered that Uncle Mu and Dai Zong had stepped into his domain at this time. He used some small means to lead Dai Zong, Uncle Mu and others to the Zhang family.

However, he didn't do this for another time, he wanted to force the opponent to throw a rat trap in this way to achieve his own safety.

At the same time, he also wanted to see what Dai Zong would do for Shu Mi to ask the heavens. While Lou B was doing it like this, the Zhang family woman who had been waiting outside, told the people around him to bring Lead her into the mist of phantom light.

Lou Yi was stunned for a moment, and thought of a good way to kill two birds with one stone, but the old man next to the woman surnamed was not a good stubborn. Lou Yi thought maybe it would be better to let Tieshan lead him away. The way, so he informed Tieshan with his mind and told the direction of the woman surnamed Zhang.

So Tieshan went straight to the old man in person, and soon he appeared beside him. There were many monks from the Zhang family who appeared with him, and he even led the old Ge to the past. , Lou Yi saw everything in his eyes and laughed knowingly.

"This guy is getting worse..." Lou Yi exclaimed sincerely.

In fact, Tieshan knows very well that since Lou Yi finds a tricky target, it must be something that is not easy to deal with. If this is the case, he will simply come to fish in troubled waters, stir the water first, and then take the target away. Isn't it simpler?

In front of Tieshan’s head, there were countless chasing soldiers behind him. In order to cooperate with Tieshan’s performance in this scene, Lou Yi let the power of the formation focus on the area near Tieshan, especially Ge, who was chasing Tieshan. Old, it became his focus.

This old Ge suddenly realized that the strength of the formation was increased, which made the range of his divine consciousness radiated again compressed, he thought that his target was the person who deployed the formation, and he couldn't help chasing more fiercely.

As for the cultivator of the Zhang Family behind him, he didn’t pay attention at all. Soon Tieshan met the old man of the Zhang Family first, and he used his full strength to use the Five Sacred Sword Art, constructing a huge and incomparable The phantom of the sword formation is controlled by the soul of the sword king. After the shadow of the sword soul is blessed by the mist of phantom light, it makes people have a kind of surprise attack effect unconsciously.

At first, the old man was not moved, but ordered the people around him to help resist the attack, but as the sword soul phantom became more and more powerful, he had to protect the people in the sedan chair. Shot.

Tieshan was waiting for him to take the shot, so he stepped out of the mist, ignored the others, and directly killed the old man. The latter was taken aback at first, but he saw that the person who appeared was just a cultivation base and had just stepped into the real fairyland IV. The waste of the heavy world could not help but feel a little annoyed.

But irritated to irritated, he didn't care at all. When he reached their level of cultivation, he would choose to take a few more steps to deal with anything, and because of this, it was not easy for Tieshan to lead him away.

Therefore, Tieshan chose this style of fishing in troubled waters. Relying on the protection of the phantom light and fog, Tieshan began to use the power of sword art to attack Ge Lao and the old man in front of him at the same time, and soon they were all fooled. .

Because the mist sealed their spiritual consciousness, they didn't know who each other was at all, and because of the interference of the cautious personality and the mist of phantom, they regarded each other as opponents, but Tieshan was able to retreat and stay there. Watch the play aside.

Not long after, the people of the Dai family and the Zhang family also ran into each other, and an extraordinary melee was completely unfolded. When the two elders were fighting like a raging fire, Tieshan suddenly shot his hand and went straight to the sedan chair. The bells hanging on the sedan chair suddenly rang.

Hearing this sound, Tieshan knew that this sedan chair was probably also a great magic weapon, but what he wanted was not to destroy the sedan chair, but for the people in the sedan chair. If there was a problem with the sedan chair, he would simply take the sedan chair away.

As a result, Tieshan used the giant ancient sword to directly lift the sedan chair and walked away. The Dai family monks around wanted to stop him, but he was thrown off by Tieshan's casual sword storm. Tieshan said, "I am Accept it, you can play with my men!"

This remark immediately irritated everyone around Even the old man who rushed back desperately was also irritated at this moment. He almost instantly used his full strength to attack the person who was entangled with him, wanting to do it as soon as possible. Get out to save the lady.

As a result, he had just performed his fame and fame, when he heard the person fighting with him in the mist ask in a very shocked tone, "Is the old fire you?!!!"

When the words came out, the old man called Lao Huo was shocked, and then he asked the other person, "Are you Lao Ge?"

After getting the affirmative answer from the other party, the two cautiously fumbled towards each other. After seeing each other's appearance, the two immediately understood everything.

It turned out that they were played tricks by the guy who had robbed the young lady just now, so the two shouted to their own people in unison, "Stop it all, it's all their own!!!"

When everyone approached each other, they realized that all this was just a trap set by the person who robbed the young lady. Because of the enthusiasm, the old man Ge and the old man directly left the others behind and pursued Tieshan. Past.

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