Building B

Chapter 2899: True or false

Duo Xian was indeed seriously injured but not dead. Everything was done by Lou Yi, and most of its meridians were sealed, causing the injury to be unable to heal. On the surface, it looked like it was attacked by evil, and he died soon.

How happy the third uncle made people explore how happy his body was. He was covered with dark magic marks, as if his body was bound by some kind of monster. This kind of magic marks eroded his body and made it The skin is difficult to heal.

In order to keep the joy as long as possible, he ordered the doctors under his hand to continue their lives as much as possible, in order to delay the arrival of his eldest brother and second brother.

So a lot of precious life-saving medicinal materials were continuously sent into the room of much joy. If it were normal times, I am afraid that his uncle would be distressed to death, but now everything is worth it.

The more things he sends in, the more confident he will be in demanding to inherit this fairy city by then. Compared with Overlord City, how much can some medicinal materials that last life be worth?

At this time, Lou Yi was hiding beside Duo Happiness, and he used the Spirit Swallowing Technique to cover up his aura, in order to ensure that Duo Happiness would not die.

Before he carried out this plan, he had already let Duo Huai understand how dangerous this plan was, but in the end the other party agreed to it. Lou Yi admired this courage.

After all, they are all only meeting each other for the first time. It is too unusual to be able to trust each other so much. However, Lou Yi’s previous performance made Duo Happy believe that the other party is trustworthy. The source of this idea is the other's eyes. Contains the light.

He didn't know why he believed the other party so easily, but now he did so without hesitation. After the strong opponent left, Lou Yi appeared and controlled all the doctors present with the power of nightmare.

The next thing is easy to handle, even Lou Yi still smashed how happy the third uncle is. Every once in a while, he will let one of the doctors to notify the other party, saying that it is too happy to be too happy. Expensive elixir hangs.

At first, the other party was too lazy to take care of it, allowing these doctors to bring all kinds of precious elixir into the room, but the number of repetitions increased and he became suspicious of the convenience, so he went back to the room again to check it in person.

As a result, Duo's face was paler than before, and even his lips were darkened. He could only hang himself in one breath, and the magic marks on his body became more obvious.

The doctors kept decocting the elixir and instilled it with much joy, but the effect was minimal. The happy Sanbo secretly cursed a few words, and then quickly left. After that, more and more expensive elixir and natural materials were used. Di Bao was sent into the room, his face almost blue with anger.

If he could not achieve his goal immediately, I am afraid that he would have jumped up and rushed in to divide his joy into a mess. After waiting for a few days, he finally waited for the arrival of his elder and second brothers, and he could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

These days, his face was blue, and no one dared to touch the mold in front of him, but now he has changed his face, mourning too much and sadder than a dead wife.

The Beatles exuded like a bereaved concubine, and rushed out of the City Lord’s Mansion howling all the way. His two eldest brothers just arrived in front of the City Lord’s Mansion and frowned when they saw him so slightly, because in these two eyes, his third brother was not Will do such a disregard for the image.

The two of them stepped forward to comfort him, and followed each other to the room where Duo Happiness was. Before that, Lou Yi had also received the news. He immediately gave orders to several doctors and used these days He deceived the precious medicinal materials of the other party, refined a pair of Peishen pills for Duo Happiness to take, and then used the power of nightmare to teach these doctors some methods of crossing acupoints and clearing the veins, and then those people left one step ahead.

The other party is a master after all, and it is not convenient for him to be here, so Lou Yi found a safer place to hide. Under the guidance of his third uncle, the happy uncle and the second uncle finally came to the happy room.

As soon as I opened the door, I smelled an unusually strong fragrance of medicine. The happy uncle and the second uncle looked at each other, and looked at the third brother in front of him unexpectedly. The latter said in his heart, "There are still gains in paying, although these things supplement It’s a waste to get rid of that waste, but at least in front of the two old stubborn elder brothers and two elder brothers, they have erected a happy image for themselves to save life at all costs."

He tried his best to conceal his excitement, squeezed out a few tears, and said to his elder brother and his second brother, "Big brother! Second brother! Brother, I really did my best!"

As he staggered, as if he were about to faint, his two brothers naturally stepped forward and helped. After a few words of relief, the three of them stepped into the door of the room together, and soon saw how happy the bed was. But what all of them did not expect was how joyous they would wake up...

When the happy third uncle saw this scene, the expression on his face was so wonderful that his eldest brother and second brother couldn't help showing a surprised look. Didn't it mean that he was seriously injured and died? Didn’t you say that you are dying and hang up with just one breath? So what is the situation now?

Duojoy's face was still very pale at the moment, but the black magic marks on his lips and body had long since disappeared. After seeing his three uncles enter, he was struggling to get up to meet him.

His uncle sighed and said to him, "Hey, you have not healed from a serious injury, so you don't have to stand up to show off!"

"More uncles and compassionate nephews, I'm ashamed!" Although the joyous voice was extremely weak, but he stopped talking, this scene made his three uncles unexpected, showing a puzzled expression.

His second uncle walked forward and personally signaled how happy he was. The other two waited to listen to the result. After a while, the other side stood up, turned around and said to his elder brother and third brother, "The joy is indeed deep. Severely injured, there is still some special evil power remaining in the meridians, but it seems..."

His second uncle was hesitant to speak, and the elder brother on the side quickly said, "It's like what, if you have something to say, don't hesitate!"

The other party nodded and said, "It seems that when this evil attack is raging on his body, it is accidentally neutralized with the residual toxins in Huanxi's body after being poisoned. It seems that Huanxi nephew is a blessing in disguise!"

What a joyous San Bo heard this, he almost staggered and almost didn't pass it His elder brother and second brother glanced at him, and thought silently, "This time it should be a real reaction... ..."

It's not that they don't know the ambition of their third brother, they have been pretending to be deaf and dumb for so many years, and they are unwilling to let the other party take over Overlord City, but how happy they are is that they are too disappointed, plus the many parties in the city The forces' joint recommendation, recommending their third brother to inherit this fairy city.

Even if they wanted to help the fourth brother to keep this family business, it was not easy to take over the power, regardless of the ideas of the forces in the Overlord City. Therefore, after rejoicing in the increasingly unbearable appearance over the years, they gradually did not want to control the Overlord. The matter of the city.

In their opinion, it may not be a bad thing to hand over this city to the third brother, but hope that the other party can treat their fourth son, the only heir, kindly after they get their wish.

Whenever they think about it, they miss the joy of being run away at a young age, thinking in their hearts that if he did not die and came back to inherit this city, it would be a logical thing, but now... Ugh!

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