Building B

Chapter 2932: Bloodstained Trade Union (Part 2)

Lou Yi is located in the core area of ​​the formation and began to integrate his spiritual power into the formation barrier. At this moment, he admires He Lianjue courage, because what he is doing now is very likely to form the formation of the business alliance. The layout of the world is fully mastered, and at the same time, he can understand the weakness of the entire formation enchantment. If he has different intentions, the consequences can be imagined.

But He Lianjue didn't have doubts about him just because he had just joined the Commercial League. This was the main reason why he admired the other party. This meant that the other party had a strong ability to recognize and employ people.

Lou Yi’s spiritual power was slowly injected into the formation barrier. What he felt was an extremely vast ocean of energy. This energy was located beneath the entire business alliance, and at this time someone was trying to sneak into the ground. among them.

Lou Yi flipped his fingers, and his mental power was running in it. The formation enchantment moved with his mind, and his divine consciousness locked onto these infiltrating people. There were a total of sixteen people, and four of them seemed to be good at the formation. .

These four people were in front, and the other twelve were standing behind them. The three people behind each seemed to be holding something in their hands. This reminded Lou Yi of those trying to break things when he was in the valley. Array guy.

However, these people are not holding the formation flags, but something more dangerous, because the aura from them can even affect their own spiritual consciousness and the operation of the formation.

The four people in front cautiously hovered on the edge of the formation barrier, trying to find the weakest part of the barrier. Lou Yi immediately knew their intention. These guys wanted to cut off the energy source needed to supply the formation. If they succeeded, then this war might end early.

Lou Yi thought for a while and then smiled, a clever trick came to his mind, his fingers swayed back and forth above the formation map that controlled the formation, and even the range of the formation below was shrunk by a certain distance.

This scene immediately attracted the attention of the formation mages in the Commercial League branch, and their eyes instantly turned to Building B. At this time, the latter said to them, "Don't worry, since Helian is in charge, I will come to the main formation, everyone. Are you questioning my approach?"

His voice has an unquestionable majesty, so that no one of those array mages dared to speak, but someone quietly reported Lou Yi's practice to He Lianjue, and Lou Yi had a clear conscience, and naturally did not fear the other party's. Complain.

Those guys who are under the ground suddenly discovered that the formation was slowly shrinking inward, which caused them to be highly alert. After all, this matter of destroying the energy source of the formation enchantment might be to burn the jade. of.

The four formation wizards who broke the formation have a solemn look on their faces, because they know very well that if they follow the past, it is very likely that the formation enchantment will rebound. Then they may become impossible to escape. .

So they hesitated, and among the twelve people behind, one seemed to be the leader of the group. He began to urge the four formation mages to continue their work quickly. After the four had a discussion, they decided to two by two. One group enters it alternately.

And the twelve people who originally followed them obviously knew that it was dangerous, so they chose to stay where they were, and waited for the formation mages to break the barrier so that they could be ready. The gifts are thrown into the energy source underground in the business alliance branch.

These jet-black metal rods are a special magic weapon that specializes in blocking the flow of the formation. Their function is to roughly interfere with the continuity of the formation rune, causing unstable fluctuations or even breaks.

And this is just like pouring a scoop of cold water into hot oil. The consequences can be imagined, but since they dared to do this, they have already figured out their way out, so at this time they only need to wait quietly. it is good.

Lou Yi saw that only two people entered the urn. He knew that the other party seemed to understand its intentions, so he decided to put some more bait out to force the other party to believe that the business alliance's formation barrier had reached the point where it was almost impossible to maintain.

He took the initiative to expose a weakness in the formation enchantment to the two formation mages who were breaking the formation, which immediately attracted the attention of the people around Bao Building B. This time it was not as simple as last time. Someone eventually He jumped out and questioned him, "This friend, what do you mean?!!!"

Lou Yi was too lazy to explain to the opponent that they were the formation wizards who supported the formation. They could only obey Lou Yi, but they chose not to cooperate. Finally Lou Yi took the initiative to contact He Lianjue who was fighting in front of him. I informed the other party of the idea, and I hope the other party will give a reply as soon as possible.

In a short while, the unrelenting order came. He ordered all the array mages here, no matter what Lou Yi does, they must cooperate unconditionally, because he trusts the other party, so the so-called hiring is not doubtful.

Although the formation mages were a little angry, they naturally wanted to listen to the business alliance branch, so they could only cooperate with Lou Yi to weaken the power of the formation enchantment again, and extend it back again.

At this time, the strength of the formation enchantment is already very low, especially the weakness of the formation is still exposed in front of the two formation mages. To put it bluntly, what is placed in front of them is a layer of window paper. If it pierces, it will be able to throw the Destruction Column into it.

More importantly, the current formation enveloped the range, which has been infinitely close to the energy source of the business alliance branch, and has even reached the point where it can be seen with the naked eye.

They immediately notified the rear of the message, and they were eagerly preparing to pierce this layer of window paper. Building B tapped on his corrugated cover, calculating how long it would take for the other party to break this thin layer of paper. The enchantment.

For him, this strategy of attracting monarchs into the urn is also a dangerous move. If he fails, he will be unavoidable, and it will also affect the entire business alliance and even the people who are introduced.

Suddenly his spiritual sense sensed that the people outside began to walk inside, and only one person remained in place, and that person was the mastermind who planned this operation.

Lou Yi hesitated again. If he gestures now, all the people who enter the area will be killed, but the mastermind will escape safely. If he gets a group of people after he escapes, then this matter will not be so easy to solve. Up.

Although there are a lot of people who know how to travel, there are no more people to deal with the crisis from underground at this critical moment. This is why the business alliance branch has also built a strong enough formation under the ground. s reason.

Lou Yi's hand was trembling slightly, showing that his mood fluctuated abnormally at the moment. In the end, he sighed, his fingers beat slightly, and a new barrier appeared, blocking the formation barrier that was as thin as a cicada's wings.

This scene immediately caught the attention of the people below. They retreated quickly in an instant, and the speed was so fast that Lou Yi did not expect it. Only then did Lou Yi realize that when he was calculating the opponent, the opponent was also guarding against accidents. happened.

He suddenly opened his mouth, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He hooked his fingers, and the newly formed enchantment light shattered little by little, and it was destroyed by Lou Yi himself.

You must know that once this enchantment is destroyed, there is no way to repair it in a short time. The broken enchantment energy overflows along the broken place, making those who are ready to temporarily evacuate have a strange look in their eyes. They almost simultaneously Turned his head to look at the person of the master.

And the person who made the master hesitated, because this situation seemed too unusual. He raised his head to look at the continuously shattering barrier, and at the remaining layer of barriers as thin as window paper, his My heart was still shaken.

In the end, he still did not resist the temptation created by the sacrifice of the building B, and ordered the four mages to rush there together. When nothing changed, he finally ordered all his subordinates to take action together.

At this moment, Lou Yi finally waited for the opportunity. He instantly opened all the underground formation barriers. At this time, the four formation mages were about to open the formation barriers, behind him Those people are also ready to throw the pillar of destruction in their hands into the energy source within easy reach.

However, in an instant, the energy raged around and turned into various elemental forces to strike together, instantly strangling everyone present. The mastermind wanted to resist, but Lou Yi had prepared him a big gift long ago, countless golden energy. The light blade slashed out, breaking its defensive magic weapon first, and then shattering its corpse.

At this point, the underground crisis was temporarily lifted, and all the formation mages present were dumbfounded at this. They were stunned for a while, so Lou Yi reminded, "Don't be in a daze, we have no time to waste!"

"Yes!" At this moment, all the mages admired Lou Yi, and they unconsciously began to fully cooperate with Lou Yi's actions.

At this time, the entire business alliance branch was full of killings. Even with the protection of the formation enchantment, the guards of UU Reading business alliance also suffered a huge loss. After all, there were not only a large number of people who came here but also a master .

Although He Lianjue is a master at the pinnacle of True Wonderland, there are as many as three of the same masters here, and they work together to contain He Lianjue and order the subordinates to solve the rest as soon as possible.

Helian has two punches that are hard to beat four hands. Even though his strength is higher than these three, and he has a powerful magic weapon, but sometimes the advantage of quantity, especially when the strength is not too great, the balance of victory is easy. Will fall to the crowded side.

But fortunately, Tieshan was underneath at this time. His Five Sacred Sword Formations were released, and countless shadows of sword souls were flying. Anyone who accidentally stepped into it would be strangled instantly.

And just like the situation encountered by Helianjue, Tieshan also encountered a collective siege from a master. Although he was not afraid of these people, the other party did not fight with them at all, but used all kinds of weird magic weapons to limit him to the original. Land, so that he has no time to take care of others.

The casualties began to expand, and there were corpses everywhere in the Commercial League, and blood stained the entire Commercial League. Only because the weird dark magic weapon covered the entire Commercial League, it didn't look so dazzling...

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