Building B

Chapter 2955: Murder rainy night

The rain in the city never meant to stop, and the sky did not clear. The guards of Overlord City frowned and looked at the sky, wondering what the **** was doing.

The water of the moat outside the city skyrocketed, mixed with mud and sand running freely along the city wall. Among the four cities, Nancheng is now the loneliest. The entire Nancheng is silent and the atmosphere is extremely strange.

There is a gate between the southeast and the northwest, but these two gates are not normally opened. Therefore, you need to go through the gates of the true north and the east to enter and exit the Overlord City. This is also known to the entire Overlord City. thing.

But the city gate on the southeast side of this rainy night was quietly opened. Some people were walking towards the city gate from outside the city. On this day, the monks who had guarded the distance from the southeast city gate building were all ensnared. Switched to a person with a lot of words.

There are dark shadows galloping along the southeast official road towards Overlord City. Among them, there are many people who have been hiding in the cave to recover their strength. There are people along the way to guide them and help them hide their identities.

The rain didn't seem to mean to stop. Instead, it showed an intensifying situation. The wind became more noisy, and the curtain of rain was thrown northwest like a curtain of beads.

These unidentified guys, under the leadership of a caring person, were flying in the direction of Overlord City by night. They all walked lightly, looking agile.

At this time in the North City Lu League, Lou Yi's fingers were tapping on the table, clasping rhythmically, snap! Snapped! Pop~

Not long after the sound of footsteps came from outside the door, Lou Yi tilted his head to look, and the Central Sect of Wind and Rain came on foot. The rain curtain was blocked by him with the power of immortality, and there was no trace of wet clothes on his body.

He stepped into the room and walked into the room. Instead of saluting him like an ordinary guard, he looked at Building B and said, "They are here..."

Lou Yi looked at Yangzong and asked, "Are there any changes at the South City Gate?"

Yang Zong nodded and said, "Since last night, the guards around the city gates have all been replaced with festivities. They have been at the closed south gate, and there seems to be signs of being opened!"

"It seems?" Lou Yi asked in confusion.

"I will send someone to keep an eye on it again. Nancheng seems to be peaceful, but now there is a state of turmoil everywhere. My people can't go deep into Nancheng, otherwise they will be discovered by a whistle with a lot of words." Yang Zong explained.

"That's your problem, I arranged your thing, you must actually complete it, if you can't do it, then your level is not enough, your ability is limited!" Lou Yi said coldly, looking at the other party.

Yang Zong frowned slightly. It was the first time he saw such an aggressive Lou Yi, and Lou Yi at this time always gave him a ubiquitous sense of oppression, making him very uncomfortable.

He glanced at Lou Yi, and said to him, "I'll take care of this personally. Wait for my news!"

Lou Yi hummed, and Yang Zong turned and left, and soon disappeared in the rainy night. After Lou Yi waited for him to leave, the aura on his body gradually recovered as before. He shook his head helplessly and said, "This guy is a wild wolf. I’m not familiar with it..."

Lou Yi was deliberately aggressive just now, in order to make Yang Zong subdued, but it was obvious that the opponent was an unruly wild wolf, or a very dangerous lone wolf.

It is difficult for such a person to trust anyone other than himself. This is not a big trouble for Lou B. If he can't get into the heart of the other person, he can't trust each other. If there is no way to trust each other, there will be many Things can't be handed over to the other party. In his opinion, it takes a lot of patience to truly subdue the other party.

Yang Zong walked alone in the rainy night, his brows were always frowning, he was indeed as Lou Yi thought, he did not trust anyone, in his opinion, whether it was a good or bad person to him, All have their value that can be used.

He will become stronger at all costs and eventually reach the ultimate goal of destroying the Guan family. Yang Zong is very ambitious and patient. What's more interesting than these two is that he has more confidence in himself.

He believes in his own mind, believes in his talents, and believes that he will eventually realize everything he envisions. There are too many people in this world than he is now, but he believes that his talents will surpass them all. people.

It is with this belief that he has never shown sincerity to anyone, and maintained a defensive posture to anyone. Whether the opponent is genuine or false, it has no influence on him. All he has to do is to combine all with The people he has touched stepped on his feet and became the stepping stones for him to achieve his goals.

Lou Yi's attitude made him very uncomfortable, but he also knew at the moment that he was not the opponent of the other party, so he had to forbear and wait until the right time to take action.

What he said about the rumblings of the South Gate, the grass and trees are all the truth, his men really can't detect more information, but he is different, because he masters the forbidden technique, and only he can quietly hide it from everyone.

A scarlet light flashed in Yangzong’s eyes, and his figure gradually disappeared in the rainy night. Not long after he appeared near the south gate, he saw everything clearly, and many people were secretly walking from the south gate that opened a corner. Entering Overlord City, these people were well-trained and didn't make any noise. They were picked up by the celebratory people like a ghost.

This situation lasted for nearly two hours, and the rain curtain kept scouring Yang Zong’s sight, but he was motionless like a stone statue. Just as he was about to turn around and leave, suddenly there was movement at the south gate. .

Another group of people and horses entered the South Gate on a rainy night. They were absolutely quiet like those before, but after they entered the South City, they were taken to other places.

Nearly an hour later, the South Gate closed quietly. Yang Zong knew that the people who should come might have already arrived. There were a lot of people who entered the South Gate in the previous two hours, and all of them were masters. But the monks who entered the south gate later made him feel a little uncomfortable.

This is his instinct as a killer, and he always feels that these sneaky people behind are the ones that should be most vigilant.

After thinking about it, UU Reading sent the news back to Building B, and then chased after those who came in alone. He didn't know what these people wanted to do, just instinct. Tell him that he should follow these guys.

The rain washed the huge bluestone bricks on the ground, the drains on both sides had already been filled with rainwater, and the surrounding tiles were crackled by the rain. All of this was interfering with Yangzong's judgment of the surrounding environment.

Just when he relied on his familiarity with the terrain to start looking for places where those people might hide, the accident happened suddenly. Some of these people set up an ambush on the way, and Yang Zong accidentally hit the other's ambush. Wrapped with a yellow rope with a symbolic mark, the yellow rope is wrapped with brass bells and symbols of unknown year. At this time, because of Yangzong, they are jingling bells, and Yangzong also instantly It became a target of public criticism and attracted the attention of everyone around.

A cold sweat fell on his forehead, because this is still the land of the South City, it is a place of celebration. The other party wants to make him disappear, but it is not a difficult thing, and he also tried to break free of the ropes that entangled him. However, he found that the more he struggled, the stronger the **** of the rope, and it was difficult to break free. Now he was in a very troublesome situation.

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