Building B

Chapter 2965: Rein in the cliff

Lou Yi only felt a gust of fishy wind coming straight to his body, violent energy blowing on his body, Ugly Chou made a sound like a lion roar, and the mouth of the blood basin was only a few minutes away from Lou Yi.

As a last resort, Lou B could only disappear first, losing the ugliness of the target, and then replaced the target with the huge magical aspect, especially the constantly shaking magic bone whip.

Chou Chou's exaggerated muscles are covered with dark brown blue veins, and its pupils are shining with scarlet light, which is obviously completely frenzied at this moment.

The ugliness after madness is basically the existence of the enemy and us, and because of this, Lou Yi always thinks about destroying this guy, only because of the little Mengbao, he has been letting it go until now.

Chou Chou rushed towards the demon face frantically. The Man Jiang Han who manipulated the demon form, saw the ugliness that existed like Shura, and reacted subconsciously. Dozens of devil bone whips whizzed towards the ugliness. .

There were huge sounds in the air, but the ugliness nowadays didn’t know what pain was at all. It was originally rough and thick, but now it’s even more fearless after the magic line erupts.

Chou Chou rushed forward madly, biting on one of the Demon Bone Whip, saw the sharp teeth crossing by, then bit the Demon Bone Whip to pieces, and it destroyed it three times. Nearly half of the Devil Bone Whips caused Man Jianghan a great deal of trouble.

Man Jianghan used the light of the magic eye to attack him, but he was swallowed directly by Ugly’s open mouth. Only then did Man Jianghan remember that the reason why this mad dog was so crazy just now seemed to be gathered before. Caused by the impact of the magic eye released by the magic energy.

Although Man Jianghan was angry, he was very clear-headed. He thought of a way, which was to move the disaster eastward. Anyway, besides the demon phase he controlled, there were two big troubles beside him.

Man Jianghan first chose the Emperor Yan as his target. It was the first time he saw the Emperor Yan in full form. It seemed exactly the same as the phoenix in the rumor. He could hardly imagine that a strange thing like a phoenix really existed in this world, even in the demon world. It is also difficult to see its trace, only the real upper realm can exist its presence, so Man Jianghan can be said to be salivating to the Emperor Yan.

He wanted to try to severely wound the Emperor Yan, and then think of a way to get his hand. As for the guy on his back, he should just shoot and kill him. He is not afraid that the Emperor Yan will be in his hands and keep calling. After living for so long, he has had more ways to torture people. The reason why these people in black regard death as home, it is not knowing his methods, even if they don’t want to die, they have to obediently act. It is also a method he is proud of.

Man Jianghan deliberately led Chou Chou to pounce on the Yan Emperor. The Devil Bone Whip is an excellent bait. Chou Chou chased the Demon Bone Whip and rushed towards the Yan Emperor who was colliding with the devil's magic pattern cover. The moment his blood basin was mouth wide and his scarlet pupils rushed towards him, he was shocked by how happy he was riding on Yan Huang's back.

But fortunately, Yanhuang is not a mortal bird after all. Throwing a wing is a piece of flame feathers flying out, and all of them exploded on the huge face of ugliness. At the same time, some of them flew into its mouth and violently happened. explosion.

Chou Chou’s entire head was surrounded by golden red flames. Perhaps the flames of Yan Yu’s flames were unique. Chou Chou was burned to scream and shook his head desperately, and some scattered flames followed it. Flew and fell down.

At this time, Lou Yi reappeared in the place where he disappeared. Just now, he had no choice but to hide in the space of the knife mark. At the same time, he asked the statue of Empress Hou Tu and asked why the collar didn’t work, and the other party told it. Said that the collar is not useless, but the current Chou Chou is deceived by the devil, forgetting the pain and commands.

The restraint of the collar on Chou Chou is weakened by the nuisance of the devil. This is the main reason why Chou Chou is not controlled by the collar. This makes Lou Yi feel extremely helpless. If even the collar cannot make Chou Chou take orders. If so, who else can calm it down...

Suddenly Lou Yi thought of something, so he returned from the knife mark space, and there were immortal puppets around him. To be precise, his main purpose was to get Xiao Mengbao out.

For Chou Chou, perhaps his position in Chou Chou's heart will never compare to Xiao Mengbao, but Chou Chou is afraid of himself, and Xiao Mengbao is his favorite.

However, now in the ugly state, Lou Yi did not dare to risk sending Xiao Mengbao there, in case there was an accident, he tilted his head to look at Tieshan, Tieshan was still trying to break through the demon's defenses. Obviously he is very close to the goal.

It was Man Jianghan who had no choice but to manipulate the demon-like consciousness. He would not easily let Tieshan do what he wanted. The demon winds roared out, blocking the approach of Tieshan.

Tieshan's sword is indeed invincible, but after all, the cultivation base is limited. Although the wind can be cut through, the remaining power is not enough to cut through the thick magic pattern cover of the demon phase.

Lou Yi looked at Duo Happy again. Because of the ugliness, Emperor Yan had to temporarily leave the contact with the demons to prevent being flanked by them at the same time, putting Duo Happy into danger.

He moved his gaze again and placed it on Chou Chou's body. Because of Emperor Yan, Chou Chou's huge dog's head was scorched at this moment, which was unexpected by Lou Yi.

It stands to reason that the flame power of Emperor Yan shouldn't be ugly, so why is ugly hurt so badly? This seems to make no sense...

Just as Lou Yi was puzzled, Chou Chou suddenly turned his head towards him, with crazy salivation at the corner of his mouth, and came straight to him. At this critical moment, a light and shadow appeared in the fairy puppet, swishing for an instant. Blocked in front of Chou Chou.

Lou Yi was so scared that his soul was coming out at this time. While he blamed Xiao Mengbao for his dangerous mischief, he hurriedly propped up the wall of Yuanyue, preparing to resist the ugly furious blow.

Unexpectedly, when the two sides were close at hand, Chou Chou’s crazy eyes that were so irrational changed immediately after seeing Little Mengbao, and the devilish energy spewed out from the magic lines on its body. Ugly convulsed all over, wailing in pain.

Lou B saw the originally inoperative collar, but now it finally started to work. The sharp thorns began to shrink inward to contain the ugly movement, but he chose to give up at this moment because he had already seen it. Chou Chou's scarlet pupils, because Little Mengbao is gradually recovering her sanity.

Little Mengbao pouted her mouth to block the ugly dog’s head, looking at it with open arms, tears and nose pouring down. If it was left in normal, Lou Yi would definitely feel distressed again, but at this moment he Feel an unprecedented sadness.

Chou Chou's huge body kept shrinking, slowly returning to the way it was when it was first born, sobbing and walking towards Xiao Mengbao. Xiao Mengbao was originally very angry, but he saw the all over Chou Chou's head. After the burns, I can't help but feel distressed.

Its tears and nose dripped on Chou Chou's injured head, causing strange changes, and Chou Chou's wounds gradually recovered because of them.

Originally, Chou Chou’s resilience could be called abnormal. Under Xiao Mengbao’s unintentional actions, Chou Chou finally started to operate normally. Chou Chou lowered its head and carefully aimed at Xiao Mengbao and Lou Yi. It seemed to have realized it. What did you do before.

But this time it did not choose to hide behind Xiao Mengbao, but bravely walked towards Lou Yi. It seemed that it had already accepted its fate. Xiao Mengbao stretched out his hand hesitantly and stood in place with his mouth pursed. Knowing that I have done everything I can do, and if I blindly block it, I am afraid it will really lead to disaster.

When they both didn’t know what Lou B would do, Lou B bowed his head and bent over, stretched out his palm, grabbed the skin on the back of the ugly neck, lifted it up, and looked in front of him. Two eyes, sighed and said, "Don't blame you, but I hope you can restrain and defeat it in the end!"

After that, Lou Yi touched Chou Chou's somewhat smooth head with his other hand, and said softly, "Go back and rest and rest..."

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