Building B

Chapter 3048: Friends

Lou Yi fell asleep after speaking. This so-called man-made pill method is really exhausting. He tried this method for the first time, and it was also tested on Song Zhong, which made him mentally powerful. It was almost a hundred times consumed.

What’s more terrible is that Lou Yi’s own immortal power plays a vital role. He transformed his own power into the medicinal power of Shennong tea tree, and then supplemented with water purification and pill fire. All this.

Therefore, not only did he consume a lot of mental power, but the immortal power had already bottomed out. Thanks to the large amount of pill that he usually accumulated, he would not lose his strength.

I don’t know how long it has passed, Lou Yi’s sleepy nasal sound was heard in the air, and Song Zhong, who had been silent on the other side, finally began to react. The layer covering him was formed by black moss intermittent ointment. The black skin had already solidified because of time. At this time, under Song Zhong's struggle, one after another cracked and shattered from his skin.

Song Zhong's pupils suddenly opened, and he subconsciously tightened his hand holding the knife. What he didn't expect was that his knife was still there and his people were still alive.

At the beginning, he was in desperate situation, almost dead, he saw a white light emerging from the rainbow barrier at the moment he was about to die, and then he was swallowed by the light, and then taken into In this place.

After he entered here, he passed out completely. This life was supposed to be over. Unexpectedly, he is still alive now. Song Zhong slowly got up, suddenly a sound of sleep sounded in his ear.

Song Zhong reflexively jumped up, swinging the knife in the direction of the sound, and when the knife was almost a line away from Lou Yi's neck, Song Zhong's hand stopped steadily because he saw it. The appearance of the person making the sound was shocked at this moment.

The clouded sky knife in Song Zhong's hand slowly left Lou Yi's evenly undulating throat. He closed the knife by his side, and then began to look around. Although he was the first one to come in, he has not really seen it. here.

As to why Lou Yi appeared here, he is still confused now, but it is certain that he must be the one who saved himself.

Song Zhong looked at the ointment still remaining on his body. He came to the upper realm earlier than Lou Yi and the others, and he came to the human realm one step earlier than them, and because he was recruited by the Guan family of Xianyue Lou to become an assassin. , Naturally, this black moss intermittent ointment is no stranger.

He originally had this thing himself, but it was because after parting ways with the Guan family, it was used up by other assassins among them. He originally thought that he was hopeless for this life, so he thought of the use of violence to control violence. Way.

But what he didn't expect was that this Xianyue Tower was too powerful. Although he destroyed one Xianyue Tower one after another, his impact on this huge organization was really minimal.

More importantly, he was involved in the other three clan forces because of his inevitable act of retribution. Under the provocation of the Guan family, he became a rat crossing the street and was taken by the entire Xianyue Building. The big family jointly pursued and killed.

His situation is different from Lou B. For Lou B, the wanted order issued by Zhang Jia stated that he wanted to live, while the wanted order issued by Song Zhong was an obliteration order, and he would be killed if he found it. How serious is this situation.

Song Zhong exercised his muscles and bones, and found that his whole body was unharmed. He had some doubts about this, so he checked the meridians and acupoints in his body by running Zhou Tian, ​​and found that instead of being damaged, they were stronger than before. .

In particular, the speed of the 409 acupuncture points in the whole body was faster than before. He also found that his forty-eight meridian outer acupoints were faintly introverted, which was a great thing for him. .

The technique he cultivated was the Heavenly Sword Art. Although he inherited from the Heavenly Sword Sect, the things that the old swordsman can teach him are really limited. His current cultivation skills are all due to the cloud pattern Heavenly Sword.

Not only him, but even the Heavenly Sword Sect that he once lived in, it was because the cloud-patterned Heavenly Sword fell from the sky and was captured by the Sect Master of the first-generation Heavenly Sword Sect.

It’s just that even the first-generation Sect Master of Heavenly Swords did not have the ability to make the Moire Heavenly Sword really recognize the master, and Song Zhong has a unique talent, and his perception of the outside world can be described as extremely sensitive. People even fight against each other.

Even the slightest amount of hostility should not be exposed in front of him, otherwise he would be preempted, so many people lost their lives. In the first half of his life, the only person whom he respected was the old swordman, the only one in his life. The confidant is probably Lou B.

It's just that Kunwu Realm was in a disaster that year, Song Zhong mistakenly thought that Lou Yi had died in battle, so under the guidance of Yunwen Tiandao, he left Kunwu Realm and soared to the upper realm.

But what he did not dream of was that they would meet again in that valley, and they even made a big fight. In the end, he gave up and left. It was not that he could not beat Iron Mountain. It was that he could not kill his brother in front of the only confidant.

In fact, he himself is very clear about what will happen to the failure of the mission. Among all the assassins cultivated by the Guan family, he is the most unruly one, so he can be said to have made countless enemies on weekdays.

Some people covet the cloud-patterned sword in his hand, some people hate his ignorance of current affairs. The reason Guan Jia can tolerate it is because of his decisiveness. Whenever he is sent out, he can complete the task. And return to the organization.

But when Song Zhong said that he had failed the mission and wanted to leave the assassin organization, the mask on the Guan family’s face was completely removed. They did not hesitate to issue an order to kill. Song Zhong smashed a **** path from countless assassins, and caused unspeakable huge losses to the Guan family.

If it weren't for Song Zhong's unyielding character, Jai Xuan's must-reported character drove him to destroy the Xianyue Tower in all immortal cities, and I am afraid he would not be listed as an object of obliteration. It can only be said that everything is due to his character.

But Song Zhong never changed his character from beginning to end. For him, anyone who is hostile to him is an enemy, and he will use his keen sense to judge whether he is an enemy or a friend.

Song Zhong looked at Lou Yi who was sleeping soundly. In his indifferent eyes, he rarely showed the gaze of a normal person. With a little warmth and gratitude, his ears echoed what the old knife said to him before his death. , The other party is his trustworthy partner and must stand by his side at all times.

Song Zhong remembered these words, so he dared to take death threats to draw a line with the Guan family, and the price he paid for doing so seemed to be worth it in terms of the result.

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