Building B

Chapter 3055: Start again

Lou Yi knows this guy best. He has an almost obsessive attachment to his own way, and he has determination and confidence in his own way that no one can shake.

Because of this, when he faced an invincible opponent, what he questioned was not the kendo he had cultivated, but directly himself, believing that his talent was limited, and thus fell into extreme extremes.

But fortunately, Lou Yi let him get rid of all this, let him understand a truth, cultivation level can be compensated by time, he can not defeat opponents may be because the time of cultivation is still broken, as long as he does not give up and relax, Gradually approach one's own cultivation base and path, and one day you can achieve what you want.

Now Tieshan has put aside the paranoia in his heart, he is devoted to learning about the sword, and his heart is nowhere to go. Lou Yi sometimes admires this guy for being so pure, but he is himself, everyone’s life is different, and the ending he wants is also It's different. He doesn't know what he will end up with, but he does his best anyway.

Tieshan raised his head and looked at him with a bright smile. Tieshan's sword energy gathered around his body, and his body jumped down from the sky. At this time, the guards of the entire Fairy Bridge City rushed towards Building B. It seemed a little nervous at one time.

However, these talents gradually dispersed after Lou Yi showed the business alliance token. Later, Lou Yi received an invitation from the City Lord's Mansion. After about two hours, Lou Yi returned from the City Lord's Mansion. , His face looked a bit solemn.

He went to the room where Yao Guang was located, and informed Yao Guang of the news he had received in the city lord’s mansion. Lou Yi told Yao Guang that the monks in the Shadow Palace had sneaked into the immortal. In the bridge realm, there hasn’t been any movement yet, but it’s certain that the immortal bridge realm is now in the center of the storm. As long as the storm changes slightly, it will cause a huge disaster.

Because Lou B took out the token of the Commercial League, the city hoped that Lou B and the others could temporarily help the Immortal Bridge Realm. As for the remuneration, all major forces were responsible for the payment.

The reason Lou Yi came to look for Yao Guang was mainly because Yao Guang's identity was very special. He had been hunted down by these so-called Shadow Palace monks before. If he appeared on the battlefield and exposed his identity, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Yao Guang was caught in a dilemma. On the one hand, he wanted to rush back to the sect as soon as possible to find out all the traitors in the sect. On the other hand, as a disciple of Wenjian Pavilion, he was naturally obliged to protect the human world. stable.

Lou Yi doesn't really care about this, and his identity is actually more sensitive. Although he has the method of disguising, if he encounters that crazy woman again, he will expose himself if he is not uniform.

And if the other party knows that he has taken in the real owner of the Shadow Palace, he doesn’t know how these guys should treat him. Every family has a hard-to-read scripture, so Lou Yi will ask Shaoguang to discuss this matter. After all, it involves The identity of the other party may also trigger a greater crisis.

It's just that Yao Guang is now in a dilemma. He said he wanted to think about it, so Lou Yi returned to his residence. This was a few days, during which Yao Guang never came to him.

Lou Yi was also helpless, because the lord of Xianqiao City was still waiting for his reply. After another two days, Yao Guang came to Lou Yi personally and said that he was willing to help. Made a choice.

Seeing Yaoguang, Lou Yi said with a smile, "It's not easy to make this decision, right?"

Shao Guang just nodded and went back. Lou Yi put away his smile and went to the City Lord’s Mansion. During the following period of time, he and Tieshan temporarily became a part of Xianqiao City and were responsible for cooperating with other monks in Xiancheng City. Visit the surroundings together.

In fact, as the center of the fairy bridge world, Xianqiao City has absolute power of representation, and because of this, there are monks who are far more than Lou Yi imagined in this huge fairy city.

Although he doesn't know how many powerful people are hiding here, the weak consciousness fluctuations that can be sensed all the time undoubtedly prove that they are always prepared. Perhaps this time it will be the major forces of the human world and their rise again. Another big decisive battle in the Shadow Palace, it's just that it's not clear whether it will win a complete victory as it did before.

Ten years passed in a flash, but the immortal bridge realm was always calm, there was no sign of being occupied, and the investigation and deliberation of the entire immortal bridge realm became extremely strict.

Tensed nerves for so long also made many monks who were temporarily recruited feel a little overwhelmed. After all, everyone is not voluntarily participating in the responsibility of maintaining the immortal bridge world. Perhaps more of them are joining them for profit, which is always affected. All nerves, people will have problems after a long time.

After more than ten years, some people at UU Reading finally couldn't stand it anymore, and they chose to leave the immortal bridge world, but the monks of the great powers did not spare their previous promises and gave them what they said. make up.

And Lou Yi and the others were invited into the City Lord's Mansion of Xianqiao City again, and the other party tactfully expressed their thoughts. Lou Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and finally they could leave.

After accepting the reward from the other party, the group of them was finally able to leave. After bidding farewell to some monks who had been with each other day and night for decades, Lou Yi and the others embarked on their way to Wenjian Pavilion again.

However, if you want to leave the immortal bridge realm, you still need to cross half of the realm, and the immortal bridge realm itself can be regarded as a big realm. Without three or five years of time, I am afraid that it will not be able to go out.

So they re-planned the route, combined with the location of each fairy city in the fairy bridge world, found a relatively safe route, and started their return journey.

However, what they didn't know was that after decades of dispatching troops, the monks who claimed to be members of the Shadow Palace were almost ready.

Not long before Lou Yi and the others left, many figures appeared at the border of the Immortal Bridge Realm. They were hidden in the lofty mountains beyond the realm, as a teleportation enchantment hidden in the depths of the mountain. , Transported a large number of monks to the surrounding of the fairy bridge world.

It's just puzzling that the purpose of the Shadow Palace coming here with such a big fanfare, is it true that, as the rumors say, it is to invade this immortal bridge realm, but it is bigger and richer than the immortal bridge realm. They are everywhere, and no matter how they say they are a group of monks who cannot be seen.

Even if they can really win this immortal bridge world, how can they resist the endless stream of monks from the superpowers? This is really a puzzling puzzle.

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