Building B

Chapter 3072: Slash of the Waning Moon

"Building B(

Many years have passed in a flash. On this day of flying magic weapons, the unchanging days continue. The only difference is that Tieshan woke up and was standing in front of the bed in Building B, watching silently. other side.

At this time, Tieshan was extremely silent, but he could feel a terrible repressive force in his body. It turned out that when Tieshan used his sword soul flying sword, he used a force beyond his own ability. The consciousness sank into the sword soul domain.

When he regained consciousness, he found that he was trapped inside. He wanted to return to reality but couldn't do it. What's more troublesome was that there was no power in him anymore.

The world he was in was dark, and even the dazzling sword star on that day was all dimmed. Tieshan felt very weak. He dragged his heavy body and walked on this dark land.

The road is not flat, and there are even some stubborn feet. When you step on it, you can hear the sound of metal collision. Tieshan stopped and lowered his head and touched the foot with his hand. He found that the place where he started was very cold and tentacles. There was a feeling of cold metal, and under the touch of his palm, the shape of a sword gradually emerged in his mind.

Soon Tieshan's eyes seemed to adapt to the darkness here, and he was able to'see' everything around him, but because of this, he took a breath.

Because under his feet is a road paved by countless broken, broken, and destroyed swords, and he is stepping on them right now.

The road has been winding forward, and a huge sword mountain that can't be seen at a glance appears right in front of it. The surrounding air is filled with the smell of rust, which makes him breathless and very uncomfortable.

"Am I abandoned?" Tieshan muttered to himself.

He stepped forward, if he used to only need a thought to stand on the top of the mountain, but now he could not feel the power in his body at all, he seemed to have lost everything, as if he had become a useless person.

But Tieshan did not abandon himself at all because of this. He stepped forward. Although the walk was unstable, he never stopped. After walking like this for many, many years, even he himself was about to forget that he was trapped. How long is this **** place.

There was still the unchanging darkness around, the rusty smell of metal still floating around, Tieshan always looked ahead, always keeping pace.

As he progressed, the road under his feet became more rugged. Broken swords and broken swords of different sizes, lying down or stuck on the ground, made the uneven ground more difficult.

Tieshan struggled with those rusty abandoned swords, and climbed forward with great difficulty. Before his eyes, the road had begun to gradually extend upwards. Only then did he realize one thing, that he had already arrived there. At the foot of a huge sword mountain.

A rotten and ruined breath came from the sword mountain, which tried to oppress Tieshan's body, but Tieshan's will was extremely firm. He looked up at the dark and invisible sword mountain, and said with a cold snort. "You are just escapers, and I am different from you!"

Tieshan's words seemed to anger all the broken swords here, they set off a terrible metal rust, blocking the view of Tieshan.

These metal rust gases contained metal particles. They blocked Tieshan’s sight and tried to close his eyes, but Tieshan’s eyes were stubbornly open. Even under the constant collision of these metal particles, Tieshan did He didn't even blink his eyelids.

So they changed the direction of attack and wanted to penetrate into the opponent’s mouth, nose, ears, and even pores. But at this moment, an invisible force appeared, and it began to move like a magnet. All the metal particles that dare to approach are adsorbed on it.

And this power is the gift of Tieshan's innate talent, broken star marks...

Although these metal particles could not harm Tieshan, they also wrapped him into a special person. He carried the countless metal particles on his back and began to climb upward.

At first his climb was not smooth, because what he said before offended all the broken swords sleeping here, and they tried everything to prevent them from climbing up.

Tieshan was even thrown off by these broken swords several times. If it weren't for his concentration, he would have been thrown to pieces.

In this way, the battle with these broken swords continued for incomprehensible years. His stubbornness and perseverance shocked the broken sword souls who were stuck in this place. They began to stop making troubles, and began to observe this fall into focus. This guy at the bottom of the abyss.

In their eyes, the human being in front of them is the same broken body as them, a waste sword abandoned and abandoned here, but why is this fellow like them obsessed with climbing upwards?

Perhaps Tieshan did not know at this time. On the unattainable mountain top, there was also despair waiting for him. Tieshan climbed for many years, with the attention of all the broken swords, and finally came to the top of the mountain. on.

But just as those broken sword souls felt, it was an extremely desperate picture. It turned out that no miracle happened on the top of the mountain, because there was a well-like hole above the top of the iron mountain, which seemed to hang in the sky. It is out of reach.

Tieshan looked around and saw all the swords that still had surviving breath. They were extremely well-made, and many of them were even broken swords from ancient times.

They are all erected to the conical hole above the sky. Tieshan can feel unwilling from them. Tieshan stands on the top of the mountain, overlooking this abandoned world. This is the result of countless broken swords. In the place of burial, an unwilling will rise in the heart.

"Since you still have spare energy to embarrass me, why did you choose to give up? Now I have stepped onto the apex of this world and have witnessed your despair, but I am unwilling, and I want to leave here. If you also have such ideas, Then give me all your power, and I will help you cut through this ridiculous world!" Tieshan's voice spread from afar, but he didn't get any response.

Tieshan turned his head to look at the broken swords that were pointing up at the sky, and asked, "Would you like to help me?"

But no one answered him, Tieshan smiled boringly, and muttered to himself, "So you think this is a foolish dream...?"

Tieshan no longer speaks. He used the metal particles captured by the broken star marks to make it plastic and condense it into a sword. The hard work of these years has not been wasted. He feels that he has finally got strength in his body.

The way Tieshan walks is the way of breaking the sky, and his swordsmanship is also overbearing. He is naturally unwilling to be given up. Since this place wants to imprison him, then he has to cut through this world, from this prison. Get out of trouble.

When power gushed from its body and injected into the sword body made of metal particles, the world had light for the first time. Although it was only a faint light of condensation, it was enough to plunge into this endless darkness. The Broken Sword Souls in the movie felt extremely shocked.

They looked at the top of Jianshan Mountain, instinctively wanting to get close to this light source. As Iron Mountain continued to accumulate power, the entire Jianshan Mountain began to vibrate slightly, and the power of Iron Mountain began to resonate with these broken swords. This is them. It is impossible to imagine and control.

The first ones that were affected were those broken swords on the top of the mountain. They couldn’t do without here, but they were unwilling to give up the remaining charm. But now the situation has changed. They saw the condensed in Tieshan’s The shape of the sword recognized the culprit who destroyed them and threw them here.

However, there is no hatred in their hearts. The phrase Juque Ancient Sword Supreme Supreme represents the respect for this ancient sword and its supreme status. Now there is a broken soul that condenses the shape of this sword. It made them think of a sentence the other party told them when they were thrown into this place.

Only when the people holding the supreme and supreme come to this sword tomb, they can truly be free and leave this endless world of darkness.

Now they finally waited for this day, they finally ushered in the moment of freedom, countless glimmers emerged, and the entire sword mountain began to light up.

This is the light radiated by all the broken swords above Jianshan. After they felt the resonance power caused by the iron mountain, they also understood the arrival of the destiny moment. UU reading

They had no hesitation and began to extract the remaining power out of the broken sword body of the boarding house, and gave them full power to Tieshan's hand, so the sword in Tieshan's hand became more and more bright.

The sparkle of the entire Sword Mountain also directly illuminates the places where Tieshan has walked all the way, the broken swords that were called by Tieshan but never responded to it.

And now they are finally moved because of the changes in Jianshan. I don’t know who opened their heads first, and a faint light of the sword soul rises, like a firefly in the endless darkness, flies towards Jianshan. .

Then more and more fireflies appeared, they flew toward the huge and bright sword mountain like moths, and became a part of it without hesitation.

Tieshan felt that more and more power was gathered on him, and when the Broken Sword located here gave him all the power, Tieshan finally hacked out his first blow in this world.

It was a peculiar sword cut that looked like a waning moon, the same crescent impact as the sky-breaking sword, but it exuded a strange light like a bright moon.

Tieshan stepped up on the sword mountain, and his whole body rotated and cut upwards, one after another huge waning moon whizzed towards the sky, all his power was released again at this moment, and he cut a full 13 swords. Falling from above.

At this moment, on the conical well above the sky, there were 13 more irregular cuts. With the violent shaking of the mountain, what Tieshan saw was that the sky of the world was in the conical shape. The well head is the center, and it collapses quickly toward the surrounding.

The original sky slowly reappeared, and Tieshan once again felt the long-lost power returning to him. When he slowly opened his eyes, his consciousness returned to the real world.

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