Building B

Chapter 3088: 4 people out

Lou Yi didn't notice the other party's appearance. Lou Yi was really taken aback when the voice came out. If Yang Zong hadn't been safely put down, I'm afraid that the voice just now was really going to happen.

The true runes around Building B began to agitate because of his gaffe, and the surrounding space was even more tsunami-like fluctuations, but at this moment, the person who spoke raised a little finger and turned to the air. The situation like the collapse of the ground that day suddenly calmed down, as if nothing had happened.

However, the outside world also caused a series of consequences because of this accident, but these are all things to do. Because the problem was solved in an instant, it did not cause too much fluctuation, but it made some people brave to challenge themselves. People get a lot of cheap.

But none of this is a problem. Lou Yi turned his head and looked behind him, and he saw a giant, to be precise, a fat giant, wearing a very large Taoist robe, using a toothpick the thickness of a small tree to poke him. Holding his tooth flower child.

Lou Yi could smell a strong scent of alcohol from him, but the aroma of the wine seemed to be really bad. Lou Yi bowed his head with a guilty conscience, and seriously apologized, "This senior expert is here. Come on, the younger generation doesn't mean to overstep, but it's not clear after being trapped here for more than two thousand years. It's a bit boring!"

   The fat Taoist glanced at him squintly, how could he not know all of this, to put it bluntly, all of this was done deliberately, because a ray of his mind stayed here.

   When the Rune Abyss fluctuated, he had already sensed all this, and Lou Yi unexpectedly appeared here afterwards, and he was naturally under his observation.

   He could have kicked Lou Yi out, but in the end he chose to let the opponent stay. For more than a hundred years, he has been observing the man who strayed into the lower realm through this thought.

   When Lou B tried his best to use his strength, he himself laughed from ear to ear in Upper Realm. After that, he was naturally bored with a drink, and taking Lou B as a side dish.

Unexpectedly, drunk and drank the wine, and then fell asleep in a muddle. Hundreds of years have passed since the lower realm of sleep. When he woke up, the place he guarded had already appeared in a different situation, which also made this This fat Taoist felt a little weird.

You must know that he has made a small change here in advance, which is why Lou B can't use his power here. Of course, this is not just for Lou B alone, but all the people who accidentally fall here. , The same situation will occur.

But the difference is that the other people will fall into the rune abyss below the moment they fall here, and then return to the barrier of banished immortals. Although they remember this, they never have the opportunity to return here. Come, because they were already marked when they came here.

   Although there are not many things like this, it is not uncommon. After all, this barrier to immortality was created artificially by the great power of the upper realm to protect the safety of the lower realm. Naturally, it is impossible to be without a slight omission.

   That's why it needs to be guarded by existences like the fat Taoist and the mysterious Buddha, but after a long time, as the fat Taoist said, a guard is thirty thousand years, and it will be more or less boring.

And because of this, Lou Yi took advantage of the loophole. Of course, all of this was a coincidence, including the fact that the other party was drunk. He originally believed that Lou Yi had no chance to break through with his own little tricks. Imprisoned, the result was a surprise to him.

   But fortunately, Lou Yi did not take advantage of this opportunity to mess around, but spent the time after that to get acquainted with and master his own abilities, which also made the fat Taoist begin to show more interest in Lou Yi after a false alarm.

   He had made a calculation, but he could not infer Lou Yi's past and present. At this time, he understood that his own little ninety-nine might not be effective.

The immortal family pays attention to fate. Obviously, he and Lou Yi have a fate but no part. If he forcibly establishes a fate, it will definitely cause a huge disturbance. It’s not that such a thing has happened before. It is said that he almost lifted the entire heaven. flipped.

But although he can’t accept the disciples, he can’t afford this little **** in vain, so he pretends to be invisible and traps him here again. Anyway, there will be no change in time and space in this place. In 2017, he had nothing to complain about.

If it wasn't for Lou Yi who accidentally changed the trial Yangzong experienced through the power of the true text rune, maybe this fat man didn't plan to show up yet, but Lou Yi did what he did, and he would never again. If it appears, once the barrier of banishing immortals goes wrong, his fat body will inevitably suffer a little bit.

The fat Taoist stared at Lou Yi, making the latter feel a great pressure. Lou Yi scratched his head, and suddenly smelled the scent of the strong wine in his nose, so he thought about it and put the wine he brewed, one by one. He placed in front of the other party, and said respectfully to him, "Senior, the younger generation is really unintentional, and I hope your sire will spare the younger generation a lot. These are the younger generations respecting you!"

The fat Taoist looked at the wine jars at his feet, and glanced at the corner of his mouth with disdain. To him, the wine in the lower world is not as good as the wine in the upper world, but he was appointed to do so. A drudgery and no money on his body can only enjoy himself with the worst-quality liquor in the upper realm.

But even the inferior wine of the upper realm is incomparable to the wine of the lower realm, so he can't even look down on the wine given to him by the filial piety upstairs. He waved his hand and said, "Okay, you leave Here..."

The other party just waved his hand gently, Lou Yi felt an inexplicable force pulling his body and flew upwards, everything around him instantly turned into light, and when he reacted again, people had already appeared. Above the barrier of banished immortals.

At the same time, a strange light suddenly appeared in the sky, and he saw countless people gathered under it. They all pointed in the direction where they were, and one of them shouted, "Look at it again! One passed the personal trial!!!"

   "Oh my god, what is going on? Is there something wrong with the barrier of Zhanxian?" someone said excitedly.

Many people acted directly, but the result was naturally obvious. At first, fat Taoists were more polite to them, but more and more mediocrities wanted to challenge the barrier of banishing immortals on their own, so they were very unhappy. It is conceivable how bleak the end of those who do not know what to do.

   Lou Yi looked at her side, and happened to see how happy Tieshan was and Yang Zong who was carried on his back by Tieshan. Lou Yi frowned slightly and said inwardly that it was not good, because the four of them were a bit too garish.

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