Building B

Chapter 3093: in danger

"Building B(

With the emergence of the Shadow Palace, things have emerged in many places, and the Human World Business League is probably the most affected force. After all, the Human World Business League is based on the human world. Naturally, it is more important for every fairy city to maintain its existence. The thing is that if they want to gain a foothold in the human world, they have to open up all trade routes, and this has inevitably become the target of these monks active in the underground dark world.

From the time when the Shadow Palace announced its re-emergence, the branches of the Human Realm Business League continued to report news back to the headquarters. Therefore, the strong men who originally stationed in the headquarters were continuously sent to the Human Realm. All over.

Although the momentum of the Shadow Palace has been suppressed on the bright side, in fact, many areas of the human world have already fallen into their hands, and these news are only in the hands of the top forces, ordinary forces and The family has no way of knowing.

For example, in the fairy bridge world, before the fall of Hongqiao City, there were many fairy cities in the surrounding area that were taken by the monks of the Shadow Palace, and even now, everyone in the fairy bridge world is still in danger and dare not have the slightest. Lax and careless.

They don't want to lose track of Hongqiao City. Of course, the most worried thing is the warning issued by the Shadow Palace, saying that they will take the entire Immortal Bridge Realm.

But what they didn't know was that the crisis was resolved because of the appearance of Building B. The Shadow Palace's tenable killer was also shattered because of their appearance, and even the important props were eventually included by Building B.

Everyone in the outside world is in danger. Although the core area looks peaceful, from the current situation of the business alliance, it may not be as peaceful as it seems.

The flying magic weapon slowly approached the opponent, and then stopped in front of the opponent. Lou Yi offered to let him come in contact with the opponent, so that Yao Guang would not show his face in front of them.

Shaking and nodding, Lou Yi took He Lianju and Qin Jinqing out of the flying magic weapon, and came to the other side. He took out his identity plate, and then let He Lianju and Qin Jinqing take out his identity plate. Give it to the other party.

Because this flying weapon was leased from the Shangmeng, it had the logo of Shangmeng, plus the identity of Lou B and the other two, plus the reason Lou B said.

Lou Yi did not take out the two letter jade slips. After all, these people are only members of the business alliance responsible for the interrogation. The identity of theirs is still unknown, and such interrogations may still occur later, so there is no need to waste time here. .

Lou Yi took some of them into the flying magic weapon and inspected them inside and out. Of course, Tieshan and Yangzong hid in advance.

And Yao Guang and Duo Happiness also chose to avoid detection. All the monks here have gone through pre-disguise. In addition, this flying weapon is used to avoid other people’s search as much as possible, so it has stocked a lot of medicine and medicine. Food and a lot of raw materials, so the other party did not find anything wrong under the inspection, so he hurriedly released it.

Afterwards, as expected by Building B, after three or four consecutive interrogations, they appeared before a huge rune barrier, and this is where the real business alliance headquarters is located.

Lou Yi looked at the faint marks of authentic text in this barrier, and knew that this huge barrier was probably stronger than it seemed.

This huge barrier can't see the end at a glance. It obviously encompasses the entire floating continent. What a handiwork it is to arrange such a huge barrier forbidden, Lou Yi has the strength of the Human Realm Business Alliance again. A new assessment.

After arriving here, if you want to enter the Human World Business League headquarters, you must register and wait. Only the franchisees of the Business Alliance are eligible to cross these red tapes and enter the Business Alliance headquarters.

Fortunately, when he bid farewell to the two seniors, He Lianjue and Qin Wuwei, the other party gave him two seals of jade slips, saying that as long as they were handed over to the elders of the Commercial League who was in charge of interrogation and reception, he could enter the Commercial League without hindrance. Headquarters.

So Lou Yi wanted to give it a try, and asked Yao Guang to wait in place, while he took He Lianju and Qin Jinqing to the registration office. Only when he came here, he was shocked by the crowd around him.

This is only outside the main hall of the registration office, and the same neighboring halls are all crowded with people, even if he wants to go through the back door, he has to enter the main hall. Say it again.

In desperation, he shook his head, and led Qin Jinqing and He Lianju obediently to follow the crowd toward the hall. Fortunately, although there were a large number of people, the speed of the monks entering and leaving the hall was not slow.

Lou B saw that there were a total of twenty teleportation arrays in the hall where he was located, and each teleportation array could transmit about a hundred people at the same time. Therefore, although there were a lot of monks around, they could still bear it. Within the scope of Besides, many of them come here in groups.

But even so, Lou Yi had been in line for nearly an hour and a half before finally getting his wish and taking He Lianju and Qin Jinqing onto the back teleportation formation.

After a burst of light shone, they appeared in the hall. However, unlike what they had imagined, there was no one empty in the hall.

No, it can't be said that there is no one. Lou Yi can feel that someone is peeping at this place with divine sense, but he hasn't shown up. Lou Yi told the other party about his request and took the two seal letters. come out.

It’s just that Lou Yi can clearly feel that when he mentioned He Lianjue and Qin Wuwei, the divine consciousness peeping at them fluctuated strangely, which made Lou Yi feel a little flustered for some reason. sense.

After a while, an old voice said to them, "Well, Yinxin is the handwriting of the two directors of our business alliance branch. You can leave here when you step into the rune formation ahead!"

Lou Yi frowned slightly when he heard this. He clearly felt that the situation was not quite right. From the abnormal fluctuations in consciousness he felt before to the words of the other party, he felt an inexplicable sense of disharmony. It feels like something will happen.

Sure enough, when he took He Lianju and Qin Jinqing through the rune pattern that the other party said, they were teleported to a closed space, where there are many very powerful existences, their minds and consciousnesses are instantly They covered the three of them, and peeped at them one by one.

Lou Yi forced the panic in his heart. He was very worried that his disguise method would fail at this time. If these powerful existences see through, the consequences would be unimaginable.

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