Building B

Chapter 698: Unexpected

Lou Yi lay down on the ground in pain, but the surrounding fighting never stopped. Not far from him, Ji Li's body moved. After suffering such a serious injury, he didn't die. It was a miracle. .

I don’t know why Lou Yi always felt that this was God’s will. He moved his fingers laboriously. A ray of emerald light emanated from his fingertips and slowly drifted towards Ji Li. The latter’s body was stunned, and then he was shocked. The light shrouded.

The wound slowly healed, Lou Yi had more than enough energy at the moment, and the only thing he could do was to stop the bleeding temporarily. As for whether he was alive or dead later, it all depends on his own destiny.

In fact, Ji Li is already in a state of exhaustion at the moment. No matter how high his cultivation is, he cannot recover from such a serious injury, but his spirit is still sober, but the fanatic state has disappeared.

He saw the behavior of Lou Yi helping him stop the bleeding. At this moment, Ji Li's eyes clearly had a touch of complexity. He was not a person afraid of death, otherwise he would not be crazy enough to seek a breakthrough with this method.

At the same time, he is not a person who does not want to die, because he has pursuits, and he wants to see a higher level of power...

His chest was ups and downs with difficulty, and he tried to reduce the frequency of breathing, so that he could temporarily enter a state of suspended animation, cheating his body to win him more vitality.

Lou Yi's wood spirit is different from others and can better release this vitality. This is a gift from all things, but obviously this can't make Ji Li recover, but it gives him hope.

In the process of this bit by bit, Ji Li seemed to have an epiphany, his eyes became clear, his body began to make wonderful changes, his self-healing ability seemed to improve, and his body began to tremble slightly and exuded. A strange fragrance comes out.

Ji Li looked up at the sky and whispered hoarsely, "Finally...finally, finally...become..."

He cried with joy. It is hard to imagine that a person like him would cry. His eyes fell down his cheeks, hot and hot. Lou Yi noticed the other person’s body and healed quickly. He believed that it would not take long for him to be free. Active.

Looking at himself again, he feels abnormally tired at the moment, and his eyelids are getting heavier. This is actually a kind of self-protection of the body. When a person is in a coma, although he is very fragile and vulnerable to attacks, he recovers from his physical injuries. , But it has the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort, and sometimes a sleep can have unexpected effects.

But Lou Yi really didn't dare to close his eyes at this moment. He wasn't sure if he did something stupid, because his actions seemed to make the other party realize it, which means that he indirectly helped his enemy break through the shackles. , Is this a bit stupid...

Lou Yi sighed in his heart, maybe this is fate, you will never know what will happen next second, if all this is to blame, then he also admits.

After a while, Ji Li was able to move. He slowly stood up, walked to Lou Yi's side, looked down at him and asked, "Repent?"

Lou Yi made a wry smile with difficulty. He didn't answer the other party. It seemed that all the decision-making power fell on the other party, life and death, he thought.

However, Ji Li only looked at him carefully, and did not speak again. He picked up the crutches he had thrown away before, hobbled around and left. Before leaving, he said, "Thank you..."

These simple words caused a warm current to flow through Lou Yi's heart. His subconscious action may have received unexpected surprises...

Obviously, Ji Li gave up the huge temptation before him. I was afraid that he finally found the opportunity to break through. If there is a chance to see him again, he is afraid that he is already in the Mahayana state. The two words when he left are extremely precious. Maybe in the future There will be unexpected returns.

Lou Yi finally couldn't hold on anymore. He fainted with his head tilted, but with a smile on the corners of his mouth, his body immediately entered a protective state. Someone rushed over. Fortunately, it was Shen Caishen’s people, and they finally rushed. After leaving Wu Yi and his group, both sides suffered casualties.

It seems that Shen Caishen was very angry with Wu Yi and the others for their betrayal, and even calculated him before, causing many deaths and injuries to his brothers, so this time the battle was very fierce.

Shen Caishen took the deceased brother's body and kept it in good health. At the same time, he sent someone to look for the whereabouts of Lou Yi. Fortunately, the other side escaped from the other side. When he left, he didn't think too much about him, the little guy who was in the refining period.

When Lou Yi woke up, he was already in the treasure palace, but what he didn't expect was that it was empty...

Originally, he thought everything was taken away by Shen Caishen, but looking at the other person, it seemed that things were a little bit wrong, because he saw Shen Caishen walking back and forth, and he kept muttering, "Why is this? Why? Will this happen?!!!"

Obviously everything that happened here was unexpected for the other party. He tried to move his body, but his body was extremely honest to report his body's current condition. There was a pain like needle sticks all over his body, and even some joints made him frequently freak. Dense sweat oozes from the eyebrows and forehead.

It is conceivable how miserable he was this time, but fortunately, his life is still there. The hidden wounds in his body are not irreparable injuries. Although his spirit has been wounded, it is still within the acceptable range. It's a great fortune in misfortune.

The most important thing is that the foundation of his cultivation is not shaken, which really made him breathe, closing his eyes and washing his body over and over again with wood spirit, healed some obvious scars, at least he had to recover before he could stand up. Just work.

Shen Caishen’s companions were still searching for the treasure palace, but after they came back, they got bad news. There was nothing in the treasure palace, and Lou Yi heard that Shen Caishen and the others were discussing the confinement. The temple, it seems to be saying that it is gone...

Lou Yi has been here in the future, so naturally he wouldn’t know what it was, but it’s clear that something happened here that caused everything here to disappear. It took Shen Caishen to come here for so long, but he didn’t get anything. I want to know his mood at the moment.

Lou Yi looked inside his meridians, and after a long time he took a breath and stood up slowly. His body was still weak, but he could barely walk around. He came to Shen Cai Shen and them, clasped his fists and said, "Thank you, senior Our life-saving grace."

Shen Caishen looked at him and smiled bitterly, "It's fine if you're fine, but I'm afraid this trip will come in vain..."

Lou Yi shook his head. As far as he was concerned, he had already gained a lot from this trip to the sea. Man's chances are destined to be destined, and he is already very satisfied if he is forced to get something.

Shen Caishen saw his expression and smiled bitterly, "You are open-minded, contentment is a good character, unlike me..."

"Senior, why bother to belittle yourself, the purpose of your trip is not for the things in the treasure palace, right?" Lou Yi asked.

Shen Caishen waved his hand and said with a sad face, "The momentary greed has created all kinds of things afterwards. If I were not driven by desire at the beginning, maybe I would not even be able to see them at this moment. It's just that this life will Seeing people, and dying to see corpses, but where are they...?"

Lou Yi didn't speak any more. It was obvious that Shen Caishen was in great pain at this moment. Lou Yi noticed that his shoulders were trembling. It was obvious that his emotions at the moment were very excited, but he desperately suppressed it.

The people around him are his life and death friends. For them, the most important purpose of this trip is to have the idea of ​​making friends, but the result was unexpected.

Came with hope, but found nothing, not even a little clue left, just disappeared out of thin air...

At this moment, no one knew how to comfort Shen Caishen. He could only stand beside him silently. After a long time, Shen Caishen raised his head, looked at his brothers, and said with a mockery, "They all said everyone should be blessed. Sharing, but this time I’m afraid I’m going back empty-handed."

However, just when the brothers were about to tease, the abnormal situation happened again. The Baogong trembled suddenly, and the strong shaking made them unexpected. Someone asked, "What's wrong?"

"Go out first, you take care of this little guy, go!!!" Shen Caishen said to the people around him, and reminded them to bring upstairs B.

The group quickly left the treasure palace, but it was a pity that Lou Yi didn't take a good look at it until he left the palace, so he was taken by others and hurried out.

Shen Caishen's face was solemn, because the entire atrium seemed to be shaking, and the surrounding passages seemed to have a strange aura permeating. He saw that the corpses that had been piled outside were gone and disappeared without a trace.

Although he has been here once, this situation has never happened before. What is going on?

Shen Caishen waved his hand, and they started to rush outside quickly, apparently wanting to leave here. Lou Yi was protected by three monks in the combined stage, and walked out with them, but his heart was beating wildly at this moment. From that moment in Baogong, he became like this.

This tension comes without warning, it seems that something big is about to happen!

Soon the monks who were scattered around the three treasure palaces all gathered together unconsciously, but this time everyone has a look of confusion and confusion on their faces, and those who have been here before The monks all had a solemn face.

Obviously they were unexpected in this situation. There was a violent tremor around them, making a huge noise, as if something terrible was recovering. Ji Wuqi was guarding Ji Ruqing to death. From his appearance, it seemed that They also got nothing on this trip.

At this moment, someone from the other side rushed over. Lou Yi was pleased to see that Shen Wansan, Li Dou, Tie Shan, and even the girl named Ma Xiuying were following a burly man intact.

"Master!" Lou Yi shouted at the person who came by.

"Huh! You are so embarrassed to call my master, I thought you would have deceived your master and annihilated your ancestors a long time ago!" Man Qianjun said angrily.

At this moment, another person came over on the other side. Nangong Liuli brought high power, and Qi Rui followed Song Zhong's side. Lou Yi asked unexpectedly, "Why are you here?"

Nangong Liuli looked at him and said, "Can you come? Can't you come?"

Song Zhong glanced up at him, as if he didn't mean to answer him, but Qi Rui said, "You guy is really lucky, so many people want you to die, you are still alive now. Brother is really optimistic about you..."

On the other side, Shen Wansan rushed over, with a pair of eyes staring like a bull's eye, staring at Shen Cai Shen, his eyes were full of shock and ecstasy, but Shen Cai Shen's joy of father and son reunion was expressed in a slap. Shooting on Shen Wansan's forehead, he cursed, "What is your expression? Do you really believe that you, I will die in this ghost place?!!!"

"No, of course I don't believe it!" Shen Wansan replied excitedly with tears on his face.

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