Building B

Chapter 706: Fairy crystal vortex

In order to have a buffer area, Lou Yi almost chose the sea surface close to Wuwang Sea. Although this might be counterproductive, he knew what happened to the fairy crystal once it was separated from the body, which even he could not predict.

The only thing he can do is to control its path as much as possible and seal the horrible existence in the sky, but the first thing to ensure is that these big people can really block it and give him enough time to prepare.

The sea below is like a turbulent abyss. Although it is not as dangerous as the area it has passed through, waves of hundreds of meters or even thousands of meters high are everywhere. They are pushing each other indiscriminately, splashing the sea to 10,000 meters. high altitude.

Building B is like an old monk sitting cross-legged on the surface of the sea. The Ningshui fan turns into a water curtain to separate the sea. With its existence, Building B does not have to worry about the harm of water, because today's Ningshui treasure fan , Is already a treasure that has evolved twice.

It's just that Lou Yi doesn't know what level of magic weapon this treasure fan is, or that it is not a magic weapon at all, but a higher level thing. At least for now, it seems to be above the token of life and death.

You must know that the material used in the order of life and death comes from the heart of the tree of life and death, which is the top treasure, and the Ningshui treasure fan is on top of it. What does that mean, Lou Yi feels that his breath is a little heavy every time he thinks about it.

At this moment, the Ningshui treasure fan was quietly suspended above his head, and the blue water curtain isolated the surrounding sea, leaving the stormy waves outside, but the area under the protection of the fan was calm and no waves.

Lou Yi took a deep breath and looked up at the sky. In the sky above the overwhelming waves, clusters of brilliant energy were shining in places beyond his sight, but he was mainly looking for the light of the jade disc.

Because Yun Shang gifted it to Building B, he sometimes calmed down to communicate with him, so he could grasp its breath more accurately, and bright white auras loomed high in the sky.

The colorful streamers are like ribbons. For the first time, everyone has the feeling of working together. Because of the accumulation of cultivation base and experience, for them, it is not easy to cooperate with this kind of thing...

Waves of energy continued to squeeze the sky, which made the skull extremely angry, because it suddenly discovered that these fly-like creatures made it difficult to move.

Those annoying enchantments are spread out in layers like spider webs on the sky. It wants to kill these people directly, but he can't, because the three that stand in front of him make it quite impressed. Guy with a headache.

Tianxing’s overbearing spear tactic, every time it is cast, it will form a spear shadow in the sky. Although these will not cause much damage to it, it can limit its movement, because after all, it is just borrowing the corpse to resurrect it. .

It is intangible and moves entirely on the skull of the obsidian, so when the shadow of the gun is filled, it needs the protection of the skull, because the gun contains Dao, and this Dao will damage its soul. .

Another thing that made it furious was the woman among the three. She looked soft and weak, but with a spinning cone in her hand, she could weave a colorful galaxy brocade. If it wasn't for this woman's cultivation level, it would only rely on it. This brocade is enough to make it immobile.

They continue to hinder its progress, although it can tear these into pieces, but it will delay a lot of time, and it is the three people who are holding the jade disc of good fortune. .

The jade disc of good fortune can release brilliant white light, which has gone beyond the scope of general power. Similarly, he is not enough to cultivate his true power, but he can use less than 10% of his power.

And the function of this power is to seal the space. To put it bluntly, it is similar to the static effect of time and space. Although it does not make it really banned, it can restrict its actions. In this way, with the help of everyone, it can reach At present, he hasn't left for half a step.

The magic weapons in the hands of many people here come from the upper realm, they don’t belong here, and they don’t have the blessing of fairy spirits.

But what makes it puzzled is that before they were a mess of scattered sand, a group of headless flies that only strayed around, why they have shown the action of keeping them here, there must be some problem in it.

It began to desperately want to get out of trouble, a stream of purple and black souls, turning into huge shadow claws, attacking Yunshang and others, the overwhelming evil aura, and the incomparable power of soul breath, constantly oppress where they are. position.

Fortunately, the magic weapons in the hands of these three people all came from the brain palace.

Yunshang's method is very powerful. The three of them have obtained a kind of inheritance from the good fortune jade disc, and Yunshang has obtained the power of this method, the whole body is bright white, and it has a power different from any element. energy of.

When he lifted the jade disc of good fortune, the huge white beam of light swept towards the terrifying soul breath claw, and the two exploded.

--0---0---small--say---this is a gorgeous dividing line--

Netizens of Lou Yi 00 novels, please remind: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. 00 novel recommended reading: full-time bodyguard

-0--0---small--say---this is a gorgeous dividing line---

With earth-shattering collisions, two distinct black and white forces each occupy half of the sky.

The violent energy even blew some Mahayana monks away. Shu Er concentrated on controlling the spinning cones, constantly weaving the galaxy brocade, circle after circle to the skull.

Tian Xing was holding a long spear and slammed into the purple-black soul breath alone. His spear had natural restraint against the power of these soul breaths, constantly forcing the skull to converge on itself, and the perfect cooperation of the three also received miraculous effects.

It's just that this situation doesn't have a long time, because the previous attack was just a sham shot from the skull. Its real purpose is to find out what the purpose of these people desperately trying to stop it is.

In the end it succeeded. Through the power of the soul's breath, it finally discovered that there was an ant-like human on the sea directly below, and he was doing something extremely ridiculous.

He actually wants to ban himself, but this little thing seems a bit too overwhelming. If it is put in the ordinary, it only needs a look, which is enough to make its bones and bones disappear.

Such a small existence, how dare to make small moves in front of it, but soon it found that the situation was not right, because it felt the power that did not belong to this world, and felt the power that belonged to the fairy world.

However, it is very surprised how an unborn person should have power that belongs to the immortal, but the soul thought it emits is very limited. It wants to set off the stormy waves to bury the other party, but finds this little The things above the head seem to have a lot of origin.

Those waves couldn’t do anything about it at all, so it rushed towards Lou Yi with the only remaining soul thought, trying to defeat his spirit with the power of soul thought, but it would never think of Lou. Yizheng is waiting for it eagerly...

Since being discovered, Lou Yi has been thinking about how to use this ray of soul thought, but he has thought about it for a long time, after all, he is not sure whether he can withstand it if he can swallow it with the spirit swallowing technique.

But when he saw the other party cautiously, he finally had a bottom in his heart, holding the token of life and death with one hand, and trying to adjust his breath with the other. He felt that this was an opportunity given to him by the heavens, as long as he swallowed this ray of soul thought, then He has full confidence to do the next thing.

Soul Nian burrowed into the sea, trying to use it to cover his tracks, but Lou Yi didn't rely on the divine sense to capture the opponent, he relied on the Spirit Swallowing Technique, a method almost the same as that of the Soul Soul.

He always locked in this ray of soul thought. At the moment when the other party jumped up from the sea, Lou Yi fiercely grasped the token of life and death, and a black light swept it, restraining it in the position where it jumped. The force was instantly wiped out, and finally entered into the token of life and death.

And Lou Yi took the opportunity to use the Spirit Swallowing Technique, swallowing the thought energy that had lost his soul power into his body, and the majestic power immediately began to flow in his body, Lou Yi's eyes gleamed with light, and he violently raised his hands. With a shake, the Zhishuixian sword fell in his hand.

Luohe nine-shaped lifted up like a fright, the surrounding sea water immediately rushed towards the sky with a shake of his hand, Lou Yi stepped up on the waves, and the true essence in his body was completely released in one breath. The shape and eight styles can be like the sunrise.

His whole body is glowing, exuding strange blue fluorescence. What is even more strange is His whole person looks like transparent, a terrible cold air suddenly rises, and the sea water is instantly covered. freeze.

He lifted his sword upwards in the Luohe nine-shaped three-style hair like Qiuju, and a series of cold currents rushed into the sky like chains. This was not ordinary mysterious ice, but fairy ice that condensed the power of fairy ice crystals.

The surrounding temperature dropped suddenly, perhaps because of the abnormal movement below, Yun Shang made a deafening sound, "trap it, then withdraw!!!"

All the Mahayana monks who fought here in an instant, tried their best to throw their strongest stunts to the skull trapped here, causing it to be slightly injured. After that, everyone quickly retreated and retreated to Safe enough place.

When Bone Skull discovered that one of its own thoughts had been swallowed, it truly realized the problem. It seemed that the reason these flies were refusing to leave around it was to delay the kid.

It roared angrily and violently countered the surrounding enchantment. Suddenly it felt something and looked down. At this moment, almost everyone was looking at the sea below.

A huge, unimaginable huge vortex appeared on the sea level. It turned at a terrifying speed. The center of the vortex was like an abyss that could not be seen to the bottom. It felt a lot like when Lou B went to Zhongzhou. The state of returning to the ruins that I have witnessed.

It was so terrifying, so terrifying, even these Mahayana monks, after feeling a little bit of its power, couldn't help trembling all over, what kind of power it was, it was really terrifying.

Is this the power of this world? Everyone put a question mark in the bottom of their hearts, that huge blue light chain, one by one to the sky, wrapped around the body of the skull, as if to pull it into the abyss, into the huge , In the rotating vortex.

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