Building B

Chapter 728: Dongqiao Sangjia


The Dianwei is tall and strong, and anyone who takes a look at it will feel intimidated. Coupled with the long-term leadership, he naturally has a daunting sense of majesty, but even so, some people still quietly hit him. His idea.

   This Dongqiao city was not called by this name before, but was called Sangqiao. Originally it was not a city, but a village, so it was also called Sangqiao Village. It was originally just an ordinary fishing village.

   But later, in order to build a waterway connecting Dongzhou and Beizhou, when choosing a site, I took a fancy to this area. Dongqiao Point blocked the hurricane from the sea very well, making it a natural haven.

After that, Sangqiao Village disappeared, but the fishermen who originally lived in Sangqiao Village stayed and became the first pioneers of Dongqiao City. Later, people in the village were appreciated by various sects and became monks. .

   After that, the reputation of the Dongqiao Sang family has slowly risen in these thousands of years. It can be said that the Sang family made a fortune by relying on Dongqiao City, and it has also become a unique existence in Dongqiao City.

   not only has Mahayana monks, but also a number of monks in the fit period, but now the Sang family is no longer willing to live here. After all, the place is barren and there is no spiritual vein for him to practice.

   So now the Sang family will assign monks to sit here. The Sang family, which has a lot of income, has matured day by day, and its scope of study has become wider and wider, and even has the idea of ​​fighting the world.

   It’s just that the actual overlord of Dongzhou is the Qi family. This long-established family is a huge mountain that stands in front of their ambition to dominate. Only by stepping over can they truly have the ability to conquer the world.

   But now that Dianwei is actually a member of the Sang family, Dianwei's dress is obviously not from Dongzhou, and there is a trade in Dongzhou that is very popular, that is, human slavery.

  The so-called human slaves are actually human beings who have been trafficked, but most of the people who are eligible to be trafficked are monks, and they are very skilled.

   Some of them are used to work, plowing spiritual fields, digging ore, and cutting spiritual trees. On top of this, there is an even more profitable business, that is, fighting slaves.

The so-called slave fighting is actually a kind of slaves who are forced to fight each other. If they win, they can survive. If they lose, there is only a dead end. This cruel method was first introduced from the land of Xizhou, and it was quite To prevail.

Although Dongzhou is not richer than Zhongzhou, it is not in dispute with the world. When people are idle, they naturally hope that some exciting things will happen, such as watching others fight to death, watching flesh and blood fly, watching others miserable Die.

   This will make them feel excited, they feel the blood is boiling crazily, this kind of excitement makes them feel extremely happy, and their hearts follow the climax.

   There are a lot of monks who come to Dongzhou for training. There are people who go with them, and naturally there are also people who walk alone. People who walk alone generally have special skills, and this kind of people is the cash cow in the eyes of the Sang family.

The Sang family, who was sitting in the Mahayana period, was gradually driven by desire. They were also the largest slave traders in East State. However, this black industry was not visible. Therefore, the Sang family was generally carried out in secret, and those who were captured would be forced to obey. Kind of poison.

This kind of gu poison will control people’s emotions. If the slave wants to tell the truth or has such a willingness, the gu poison will attack, and the Gu inside the body will punish the host to achieve the purpose of warning. Slave still insists on telling the truth, Gu will instantly kill him.

However, the Sang family has been operating a slave for so long, but it has not been noticed. It is because of the help of this kind of poison. As for where this thing came from, it is not known. It is only heard that the Sang family and Nanzhou The witches have close contacts.

Dianwei was walking on the road. Although he seemed to be admiring the scenery, he had already noticed that someone was just following behind him. He was not sure what the other party wanted to do. In addition, he was unfamiliar with life and didn’t want to He got into big trouble with Lou B, so he didn't get into trouble immediately.

But he knows very well that the other party already knows that he has discovered them. The manpower seems to be increasing. It seems that he is ready to attack him. Dian Wei repeatedly tried to get rid of the other party, but found that it seemed that the entire Dongqiao City belonged to these people. Eyeliner.

He knew that he had encountered a local snake. Dianwei, who was born in casual cultivation, was more crisis-conscious than those of the aristocratic family. He quietly sent a letter to Lou Yi. He had already gone out of the city. Since he could not get rid of it, he was fortunately killed. .

He is not good at words, but it does not mean that he is a soft persimmon. On the contrary, his standard defense is like a raging fire, especially when he is fighting, he is simply a lunatic. After Lou Yi took back the colorful spar pillars, Huo Yan gave him a pair Bimonthly halberd.

The name of this halberd is "evil, when it dances like a ghost crying and howling, he was not used to it at the beginning, but with the baptism of battles, now he can't put it down with this pair of bimoon halberds, with a dark halberd body. The sharp halberd blade, when facing the enemy, is like cutting melons and vegetables.

Moreover, this halberd can be used for throwing. The effect is far better than the golden flying spear in Feng Yawei's hand. In addition, Dianweiwu is brave and is the first soldier in the battle. He is in a position where no one can get close to him within ten feet, and it is short within one hundred feet. There is no false hair in the halberd case, and a hundred shots are hit.

   There are many roads outside the city, leading to various towns and villages. Dianwei chose a relatively remote path. There is a dense forest in the distance, which seems to be an excellent solution. He didn't think much, and rushed into the woods.

At this moment, Lou Yi was also contacted by Dianwei. He frowned. It stands to reason that they have just come here and are unfamiliar with them. No one will recognize them. Listening to Dianwei’s tone, the group seems to be right. What did he do.

Leaving the inn with the funeral, Lou Yi went straight to the outside of the city. At this moment, he suddenly felt a peep of spiritual consciousness. His figure disappeared in place, and the next second a monk hiding in the corner , He pinched his neck easily.

He glanced at this person's costume, which was very ordinary, unable to see which force he belonged to, so he knocked him out and quietly took him back to the inn. Since someone was staring at them, that means he was also stared at. On it.

If this is the case, you might as well explore the details of the other party first, so that you can make a judgement by knowing yourself and the enemy. After returning to the inn, he took this person back to the room. What made him strange is that the people in the inn seemed to carry him back. People who are unconscious have no doubts at all.

   This made him feel a little unusual, there is something strange in Dongqiao City, this is how he feels at the moment...

   set up a sound insulation prohibition in the room, and then woke the other party up, but before he could ask for a question, the other party actually became extremely painful, and then turned into a pool of blood in front of Building B.

In this **** water, there was not a dark red weird worm about ten centimeters long. Suddenly jumped up from the **** water and rushed straight to the door of Building B, but was blocked by the blue and white secret pattern. The worm missed a hit, and immediately It burst, and the poison pouring out of the body turned the blue and white secret patterns into black and purple.

   This worm is very poisonous, and it is so vicious that even his own people are not let go. What kind of organization is this? Lou Yi suddenly changed his complexion and whispered, "No, Dianwei may be in trouble!"

He turned over and jumped off the inn and rushed to the outside of the city. With the aura left by Dianwei, he came to the dense forest smoothly, but at this moment, the dense forest has been completely different. It seems that there has been a war here, and the number of opponents is very high. Much.

   There were blood stains on the ground, but most of them belonged to the other party. The fierce Lou Yi shook his whole body and said in doubt, "The fit period?!!!"

   The soul breath he left from here, judged the final result, Dianwei should have killed all the people who followed him, but when he wanted to come back, he was attacked by the monk of the fit period.

Judging from the remaining traces on the scene, the other party should have restrained him. Lou Yi looked around to find the traces left by the energy, and then galloped towards the southeast. The other party obviously did not leave for too long and tried to catch up. It shouldn't be difficult.

It’s just that the opponent is a cultivator in the combined period. Why is it difficult for a monk to cultivate in the combined period. Only the god-level cultivation is Dianwei. What's more, Dianwei’s character Lou B is the clearest, usually not smirking, a typical dull gourd. .

   People like this will never take the initiative to provoke and anger each other, so why are these people arresting him? What's the secret?

   After chasing for a long time, Lou Yi suddenly stopped, and a lot of soul aura appeared in front of him. Obviously, he had found the destination. How he can get in is what he needs to consider now.

It didn’t take long for Lou Yi to wear black clothes and appeared on the other’s It looks too ordinary here, it doesn’t feel like a secret stronghold, it’s more like a mass grave. .

   Some bones were piled up randomly on the slope. Snakes, insects, rats and ants were walking through the bones, and there was a rotten smell in the air, which made me vomit.

Those people are hiding around this place, or pretending to be scavengers, or simply hiding, Lou Yi spreads out the divine consciousness to cover the surroundings, and the strange thing is that the breath of Dianwei clearly appears here, but why can't it be found... …

Could it be that......?

He thought of a possibility and looked at the ground. It seemed that there was an entrance hidden underground, but where it was hidden. He still didn't know. In order to find out where the entrance was, Building B was also hidden, quietly. Waiting for someone to open the entrance.

This place feels really bad. Lou Yi waited patiently until the setting sun was slanting. Someone rushed to this side in the distance. It looked like four or five people. The leader was a young man, young. Light looks around twenty years old.

He wants to wear a jade pendant with a mulberry character carved on it. The four people around him are all masters and should have almost the same level of cultivation as him. It seems that this young man’s status is not low. Because of this, he brought four monks in the late refining period.

Lou Yi stared at these people until they landed here. The young man seemed to dislike the smell here. He waved his hand to create a barrier to isolate the smell, and complained dissatisfied, "I don't know what the second uncle thinks. , Choosing such a shabby place, the Sang family has a lot of business, who dares to have trouble with us?"

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