Building B

Chapter 744: Dream elixir

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Lou Yi looked at Duanmu Siming, who had been staring at the sky blankly. This situation lasted for a long time, until the stars moved westward, and until the rising sun rose, he slowly lowered his head and looked at the hand. Shennong Chi.

At this moment, the mark on his forehead had long disappeared. Duanmu Siming's eyes were very complicated. It took a long time before he heard his sigh, and then he looked at Building B and said, "Gong, I understand, I Get it all!"

Without waiting for Lou Yi's question, his hand flicked randomly in the air, and a green pill furnace appeared in front of Duanmu Siming, slowly becoming huge, and then falling to the ground.

Lou Yi looked at this pill furnace, it looked like a Shennongding, but he was quite sure that it was not a Shennongding, it should have been copied by Duanmuqi in the same way as the Shennongding portrayed on the mural.

This tripod is three feet high, two feet and four feet long, and more than one foot wide. There are countless precious spiritual extracts painted on it, many of which are not in this world. It looks very strange. The whole body of this tripod is verdant, like a bronze cast. It exudes a strange fragrance of plants, trees, and medicine. Thinking about these tens of thousands of years, this tripod is already quite spiritual, and Dingling was born.

Compared with the mystery of Shennongchi, the fact that the Duanmu family owned the magic pill furnace is something that everyone knows. The Patriarch of the Duanmu family in the past will inherit the Danding, and it will only be passed on to the descendants of the descendants. .

But this generation has a problem. Duanmu Siming has no talent for alchemy, so the division of the family wants to force the palace, which will shake the foundation of the Duanmu family that has been passed down for dozens of generations.

And for so many years, the Duanmu family has not been monolithic. The descendants of the family have mastered the core secrets of the Duanmu family, and these are things that the branch really wants to see.

Alchemy is not a core secret, but it affects the result of who will be in power, and the efforts of so many generations to separate families, in order to reveal the secret that only the direct descendants know.

This farce is also prepared in advance by the separation of families, so that everyone should understand that Duanmu's direct line is no longer good, and they should let the virtuous, more talented children of the separation, be in charge.

The power also needs strength to set off. There is no doubt that the family is very strong, but the family has tolerated for so many generations, and the power has long since been different. The reason why it has not burst out is that it lacks an opportunity. And Duanmu The question of life is the tipping point of this opportunity.

Behind the division, there is even the shadow of the Qi family, because the Qi family is already a little dissatisfied with the concealment of the Duanmu family. They hope to get the same quality pill as the Duanmu family, or even the pill that is only used in the Duanmu family.

Tradition is constantly changing with the changes of the times, and the unchanging of the Duanmu family has also led to the current situation, so they will be under the Sun family, and will slowly walk to the present point.

Duanmu Siming took a deep breath, two fires suddenly appeared in his eyes, and the mark on his forehead slowly showed a corner, Lou Yi's spirit was lifted, and it felt like the aura emanating from Emperor Yan himself.

At this time, Duanmu Siming fired Shennong's ruler in his hand and knocked it on the alchemy furnace with a clattering sound. The top cover of the alchemy furnace flew up and suspended in the air. The golden-red flame of gas in the furnace was warm and hot. .

"Give me the best materials on you, remember that it is the best!" Duan Mu Siming's expression at the moment was obviously different from what he had before, which surprised Lou Yi and was a little at a loss.

Because there is something in Duanmu Siming's words, it is obviously to remind him, but what can be the best thing in himself?

"No...?" Lou Yi looked at Duanmu Siming in surprise, but saw that the latter nodded at him.

Lou Yi raised his eyebrows for a moment, and his figure disappeared in place. When he reappeared, there were two more things in his hand, one of which was **** flowers, and the other happened to be Dreamgrass.

These two things were placed in front of Duanmu Siming. He glanced at the **** flower, then set his gaze on the Dreaming Grass, and said, "Dream Tao for thousands of years, know the beginning, Taoism is natural, beginning and end, very good very good......"

The Dreaming Grass slowly flew up, and slowly began to decompose under the control of Duanmu Siming. The crystal-clear leaf veins slowly decomposed into light particles, floating in the hands of Duanmu Siming like a new star river.

There was a strange sound in the air, as if the whole nature was cheering, and the light of Jade came from all directions and merged into this new galaxy.

He pointed his finger at the pill furnace, the little galaxy immediately poured into the pill furnace, Duanmu Si ordered his hand to lift up, and when the sky fell from the sky, he hammered into the pill furnace severely, and he could hear the boom. There was a loud noise, followed by a harsh buzzing sound from the entire pill furnace.

Then the furnace cover slowly fell. When it was completely covered, Lou Yi heard a roar like a volcanic eruption, and the flames in the furnace were burning crazily. At this moment Lou Yi suddenly heard another sound. Very pleasing to the ears.

He looked at the sound and saw Duanmu Si Ming raised his head to the sky, stood on one leg, and slapped his back on the pill furnace. Lou Yi shook his body, because this thing resembled Shennong. Sanshou, that is, Duanmuqing's original technique.

But it seemed more mysterious. There were many other things incorporated into it. He couldn't really see it for a while, but he was deeply attracted.

Afterwards, Duanmu Siming's movements became faster and faster, and it seemed to Lou Yi that he was dancing, and it was a dance of sacrifice to the heavens. He suddenly thought of the identity of the other party, and suddenly understood why he wanted this. do.

"God! God's will cannot be violated..." Lou Yi muttered to himself, but his eyes always followed Duanmu Siming's movements.

Human races are always created races. Although they are very powerful now and have their own saints, they still cultivated the day after all. They cultivated immortals, cultivated immortals, and always went against the sky. At this moment, he seemed to understand why the monks should Going against the sky.

It is precisely because the will of heaven cannot be violated, and the will of heaven is not the heaven of the human race, but the law of heaven created by the gods. Only by breaking through the shackles of this heaven can you truly detach yourself, but there are a few people who can truly detach yourself. , But it has been ups and downs for decades and turned into a pile of loess.

However, alchemy is different. Alchemy requires the right time and place to be compatible with people, conforms to the laws of heaven, and takes advantage of geographical advantages. Coupled with the extraordinary attainments of alchemists, only by reaching this level can a truly good pill be refined.

The ancients have said, "The good fortune of the world, the mystery of invading the sun and the moon..."

And this world was originally chaotic. When Hongmeng first opened the world, it turned the Qi of Chaos into the Qi of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements, which later evolved into the Qi of Heaven and Earth, which fills every corner of the world. Whose Qi is it?

The sun and the moon were originally binoculars. It is said that they were Jun’s eyes, which turned into the essence of the sun and the moon after death, but this is just an ancient myth. After all, Lou Yi once heard that Dawu Xihe once used a bow to shoot the sun. He shot for ten days, died on the nineth, and escaped by chance in one day.

Then if according to the legendary middle day and one month, then how come the ten-day lingtian legend, so what kind of mystery is invaded...

All of this needs to be explored, and this is the exploration of the Tao, so alchemy is actually trying to figure out the path, letting oneself into the world, allowing oneself to coexist with the world, and achieving the perfect integration of heaven, earth, and man. Seize its good fortune and explore its secrets.

This so-called Shennong Sanshou actually refers to the supreme truth of heaven and earth that Emperor Yan had contrived when he ascended to heaven. It was his use and contemplation of this power. Sacrificing to heaven was only for prayer, but the real purpose was to seize its good fortune. The way.

Lou Yi lamented Emperor Yan's domineering. This was the unwilling resistance of the ancients to fate and the accusation of the unfair treatment of countless creatures. However, it was presented in the form of this contradiction, and it took the heaven and earth with the posture of praying for the sky.

With a loud bang, a circle of strange light spread out from the pill furnace, like a strange ring surrounding it, surrounded by green light swarming in, one after another integrated into the halo.

Just at this moment, Duanmu Si ordered both palms to lift, Danding flew up and down on both palms, all the essence instantly returned to the furnace, an indescribable smell spread all around, Lou Yi swallowed fiercely , Staring at Dan Lu without blinking.

With a loud bang, Danding fell back to the ground again, everything around him calmed down, the mark on Duanmu Siming's forehead slowly disappeared, and the light in his eye pupils gradually dissipated. At this moment, he looked back at Lou Yi and said , "Little gift, take it..."

The Danding slowly opened, and an aura that did not belong to this realm spread. The old tea tree that had been dying, when smelling this aura, unexpectedly pulled out a new branch. This is something that has never happened before.

For a moment, UU read www. Building B was a little worried, wondering whether he said it to himself or to the tea tree he planted.

When the aura was gone, the tea tree had already recovered a lot of vitality, and the green branches and buds were unfolding little by little, just as it was when it was planted, Lou Yi felt relieved.

Duanmu Siming may have spent too much energy, his head tilted and he fell asleep. He walked in front of the pill furnace, and looked over, a pill pill with a peculiar halo was quietly suspended in the pill. In the tripod.

There was a layer of dreamlike substance floating around it, and a strange fire pattern was branded on the pill. Lou Yi knew that this was the unique mark of Emperor Yan. It turned out that after reaching a certain level, even the pill can be branded. Putting his own mark on it has benefited him a lot.

The moment he put his hand into the pill cauldron, this pill actually wanted to escape, but it was firmly held in his hand by Lou Yi. The pill was tossed for a long time, and finally settled down, but it was a bit pitiful. Trembling in his palm.

Lou Yi suddenly felt a headache. This Emperor Yan really presented him with a problem. The pill he refined was already psychic. This pill should have been out of the scope of Fandan, it should be regarded as an elixir...

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