Building B

Chapter 751: Go to Qijia

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Duan Mu Xiao looked at Duan Mu Xiao in disbelief, he even looked back at Duan Mu Ye, wanting to get an answer from him, but Duan Mu Ye nodded at him, indicating that what Duan Mu Ye said was true.

At this time Duanmu Siming continued, "Let me tell you a story. The ancestors of Duanmu traveled here..."

Duanmu Siming recounted everything he had seen in the ancient tea tree. His voice was not loud, but every word and every sentence, like a heavy hammer, hit everyone's hearts fiercely. .

Everyone understands why the master has been reluctant to tell this secret. It turned out to be like this. No wonder they couldn’t understand the secret text of the Lieshan Mountain anyway. It’s no wonder that the master did everything possible to keep this secret, because it is too great. It was a bit shocked.

And what shocked them even more was that the Duanmu Siming in front of them was more talented than the ancestors of the Duanmu family. He obtained the complete Lieshan secret and the inheritance of Emperor Yan across time and space.

From time to time, there were sounds of cold breathing in the hall. Obviously they had not recovered from the shock. At this time, Duanmu Xiao made a motion that made everyone stunned. He knelt straight in front of Duanmu Siming.

However, what everyone did not expect was that Duanmu Siming calmly accepted his bow and bow, and then all the elders got up and bowed to him.

With tears in his eyes, Duanmuye happily looked at Duanmu Siming, muttering to himself, "Okay, okay..."

Then a heavy news came out from the elder’s pavilion that the Duanmu family will be integrated into a whole, and the new patriarch will be succeeded by Duanmu Si. The old man of the Sun family looked to the sky and muttered to himself, "Look. The Lai Duanmu family is about to change, and the real opponent of the Sun family has appeared."

"Great grandfather, don't worry, grandchildren will not make them too proud!" the two young men said in unison.

The old man nodded and said, "Yes, that's good, my grandson Jia Erlang, how can I grow up other people's ambition and destroy my own prestige!"

After that, Duanmu Si ordered to see Lou B, and at this moment Lou B had finished recounting the old with Duanmu Qing, Lou Yi expressed his intention to leave, Duanmu Siming wanted to keep him until the end of the succession ceremony.

But Lou Yi insisted on leaving because he had more important things to do. Duanmu Siming asked why, but Lou Yi didn’t tell him. At the end, Mu Siming handed over an item to him and watched him leave Duanmu. Family.

The reason Lou Yi hurried to leave the Duanmu family was because the Dragon God told him one thing. When the Azure Dragon Seal appeared, if the Blue Dragon Clan didn't grant them dragon blood to suppress the seal, they would die within a month.

Qi Rui is his good friend and brother, he would not let him die anyway, so he had no choice but to leave, and then rushed to Qi's house to rescue Qi Rui and them.

Qi's family is located in the best boundary of Dongzhou. The most famous here is the green wood forest. The so-called green wood forest is similar to the existence of the mountain, with rich resources and mineral veins, and the existence of the best spiritual veins.

The most distinctive feature of the green wood forest is the green scaly blood wood. This is a very magical wood. The outer layer of rare material can make armor and other things. The leaves are as wide as plantains and the texture is extremely hard. It can be disassembled to make bows, arrows, darts, etc Things.

And its greatest value lies in its sap. This sap is a liquid sap, not the leaves of the leaves. Its tree body can secrete a kind of phospholipid, and this phospholipid is bluish-red and has extremely high medicinal value. The older the trees, the better the phospholipid effect.

Therefore, the Qi family often used this material to trade with the Duanmu family in exchange for the expensive pill that they refined. The Qi family was located on the highest peak of the Qingmu Forest, and the rolling Qinglin Mountain was where their Qi family was located.

The entire Qinglin Mountain is full of formation barriers. Anyone who is within five miles of Qinglin Mountain will be exposed to the surveillance of the Qi family.

And Lou Yi moved east all the way, and finally came to the foot of Qinglin Mountain, which has consumed him more than ten days. Counting the delay before, he felt that Qi Rui and others had begun to show symptoms.

When he came to the foot of Qinglin Mountain, what he saw was Qi family's heavily guarded defense, which made him firmer in his mind.

When he came to the road gate guarded by the Qi family monks, someone came to him, issued an expulsion order against him, and told him that Qi family hadn't seen guests recently and no one had been seen.

Lou Yi explained his intentions, asking to see Master Qi Ruiqi, the other party did not mean to retreat halfway, and still did not intend to let go.

Lou Yi wanted them to inform them, saying that as long as the other party was notified, the other party would definitely come to see him, but the person who stopped him was not accommodating anyway, which made him realize that the situation may be more severe than he thought. .

He had to take out the Dragon Soul Treasure Jade, and at the same time took out a waist card Qi Rui gave him. The other party carefully identified it for a long time before finally letting them in, but Lou Yi always felt that someone was monitoring their every move. A move.

Such a strict level of protection made him even more worried. The road up the mountain is not a flat river, it has reached the point of ten steps, one sentry, and a hundred steps. I came to Qi's house.

The towering mountain wall was cut very flat, with ancient seals on it, carved with a huge Qi character, it felt like they wanted to be in harmony with the sky, and they seemed to do the same.

On this huge mountain wall, a dazzling array of pavilions and pavilions are looming in the clouds, and the most shocking is the location of the uppermost floor, a majestic building towering tall, densely packed pavilions and pavilions surrounding it.

It seems that the entire Qinglin Mountain has become the foundation of this building, and Qi's family seems to be living on the top of the cloud. People can't help but think about it. From the building, there are many huge chains that are connected to each other.

This is the only way to go to Qi's house, and this process requires numerous inspections. I have to say that Qi's protective measures are really armed to the teeth.

Lou Yi took the funeral and Dianwei, and under the guidance of the guards, he mounted a wooden cage. This wooden cage is made of Han thunder iron wood. Its hardness is comparable to magic weapons. If someone destroys them wantonly, it will Thunder shot from the tree, strangling those who wanted to break the cage.

Every 100 meters you can see a pair of guards walking back and forth, and every kilometer you can feel the amazing True Yuan fluctuations, and there will be a building here, connected by a cloud bridge, and monks walking back and forth.

The mountain is too high. The clouds only reach the mountainside. After passing the mountainside, the wooden cage enters into the cloud layer. The cloud layer also implies the universe. There are also formations forbidden, and the level is quite high. Shield perception, and can hide body shape.

Rows of hidden buildings reveal the tip of an iceberg in the clouds from time to time, which makes people wonder what else is hidden inside.

After going up through the clouds, he heard a loud rumbling sound echoing the sky. He suddenly raised his head and looked up. A huge dragon head suddenly appeared in front of him. Only then did Lou Yi discover that there was a stone sculpture hidden here. The giant dragon, its mouth is spouting torrential waterfalls, and the waterfalls spread to the surroundings along the excavated drainage, turning into 18 waterfalls and falling down, and then lead to the back of the dark black through the rock pool below Cave.

Lou Yi faintly heard the sound of organs in the cave. He wanted to come to this Qi family because he hired a skilled craftsman to transform the Qinglin Mountain inside and out. There were surprises everywhere and mystery.

The wooden cage never stopped for a moment, until it reached the destination. This is a huge platform, located on the top of Qinglin Mountain. Lou Yi recognized this platform at a glance, and it was Yunkong. Stone is the most expensive stone in Yunshu Tiancheng.

It's no wonder that such a huge complex of buildings can be located on the top of a clouded mountain. This is the reason. Eight huge blue dragon beasts, with their heads high, soaring towards the sky, as if to break free from the shackles of the mountains and soar into the sky.

Standing on the square, the three people in Lou B did not dare to move at all, and stayed in place obediently, because he felt a very strong energy fluctuation, the formation here must be very strong, and by no means inferior to the Shen family. The Tianyuan place array.

Relying on intuition, his gaze was fixed on the eight stone dragons that were about to take off. There were faint fluctuations, spreading from all over the dragon's body to the surroundings, compared to this formation and the eight stone dragons.

Just thinking about studying this place more, an old man brought someone to him, Lou Yi was He fixed his eyes and found that the old man was somewhat similar to the old Qi Heng. , But the cultivation base will be worse.

He looked up and down at Building B, his gaze was unobstructed. Building B looked at each other and said straightforwardly, "I'm here for your family who is going to the Duanmu family this time. You'd better take me quickly. Go and see them, otherwise everything will be too late!"

Lou Yi's words made the old man chuckle, and he asked, "Who is this little friend? What are you talking about, why doesn't the old man understand?"

Lou Yi raised his brows. It was this time. He was still testing himself, so Lou Yi explained their experiences at Duanmu's house in detail. The old man no longer doubted in his heart, and quickly led Lou Yi and others into Qi. Family.

I didn’t even have a chance to appreciate the spectacular sight of Qi’s family. The old man took him to the gate of a cave. Two huge bronze iron gates were closed tightly. Each side of the gate was on each side. It is carved with half of the dragon's head, which is now closed together to form a perfect pattern.

The dragon was full of anger and grinning. It was full of ferocity, but Lou Yi was not in the mood to study these. Just as he was about to push the two doors open, the old man on the side said, "Hold on, little friends, old people have I must tell you the important things first!"

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