Building B

Chapter 775: Controversy

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Walking with heavy steps outside Qingping County, the Kunshan Guard of the Baitu Family is an elite force trained for hundreds of years. Every monk in the team is a strictly selected monk, and each one has six. The purity of the earth’s spirit veins is above.

The surname Baitu has its own existence, and it is a big family in Nanzhou, but since the Nangong family actually took control of Nanzhou, the surname Baitu has gradually declined.

However, the Kunshan Guards of the Baitu family have always been retained. They are also the only family that can compete with Southern Xinjiang and Minghuang Palace, but after all, people are not as good as the sky. The ancestors of the Baitu family failed to cross the catastrophe a hundred years ago, and died. .

However, the Baitu family had no successor, and the two descendants of the combined stage were unable to provoke the family leader. Then they split into two Baitu families. One came to the Northern Territory, the other stayed in Nanzhou and became the Nangong family. Vassal.

This Baitu family actually looked down on these forces around them. After all, their ancestors were from a large family that was born in the Mahayana period. Although it has now split into two families, the foundation is still there.

At this moment, a shield like a wall, shining with orange and yellow light, came towards Qingping County, Lou Yi took Zhao Tong and others on the top of the city, looked at the mighty enemies, and said, "These shields Wei looks a little way..."

Zhao Tong nodded and said, "The steps are the same, and the breath is condensed into a force, which seems to be the same as our front guard. Could it be that this is the same method of horizontal and vertical?"

Lou Yi nodded and said, "There are no wonders in the big world. It is not an exaggeration to know this method, and it seems that they make it more handy, order to continue, let everyone be more careful."

"Well, I got it!" Zhao Tong nodded.

Lou Yi's eyes flashed, looking at the shield guards below gave him some ideas, but at this moment, he felt a strong force, slowly approaching here from high above.

"Are you still here..." Lou Yi muttered to himself.

This Baitu family has a monk in the Integral stage who is sitting in town, and Baitu family is the only force in this area, so they are also the most likely to be desperate. The monk who came from high above, extremely It may be the old ancestor of the Baitu family in the fit period.

The two ancestors of the Baitu family were not in the Mahayana realm, and eventually split into two families helplessly. The one who was unwilling to attach to the Nangong family was the second child of the two monks of the Baitu family, named Baitu Kuiwei. The practice has been more than 1,300 years.

What he brought out was also his descendants. The two Baitu family armies were also divided into two. The second child took away Kunshanwei, and the eldest left Hu Benwei.

Lou Yi turned into a light and rushed into the sky, with a word in his mouth. He didn't want to fight with the monk in the fit period, but to temporarily trap him in the formation.

The twelve ecliptic star cones burst out of misty light at this moment, and the power of the stars converged on one point, completely covering the power that struck from high altitude.

Baitu Kuiwei was hidden in the clouds, followed by the high-altitude wind, and quickly approached Qingping County. He thought it was perfect and was not discovered by anyone. With a single blow, he could severely damage the defenders of Qingping County.

Unexpectedly, the clouded, raging wind environment suddenly changed in an instant, and a piece of star light flew in front of him, which aroused his vigilance. When he noticed that the situation was not right, he was already deeply trapped. Among the twelve zodiac arrays.

This formation uses the power of the stars and the light of the stars to change everything around it, causing people to make wrong judgments, thereby reversing everything around it. The main function of this formation is to trap the enemy.

Of course, with the current strength of Building B, it is not enough to exert the true power of the twelve zodiac star diagrams, unable to summon the star commander to slay the enemy, and the old celestial celestial immortal did not teach him this method, because he cannot bear the power of the stars. influences.

Baitu Kuiwei found himself in a sea of ​​stars, and everything around him looked exactly the same no matter what angle he looked at. He knew that he had fallen into a certain formation.

But after all, he was a monk in the fit period, so he used his powerful true energy to break out of the formation.

There were thunderous noises from the sky, and the middle-aged man who was commanding Kunshanwei from the Bai Tujia frowned and said, "The ancestor seems to be in trouble, go and take a look!"

"Yes, Patriarch!!!" Someone led away.

More than a hundred monks rose into the air and flew in the direction of the sound. At the same time, the other monks who were hiding in the surroundings also sent people to fly over Qingping County.

"Li Gan, you can start!" Lou Yi transmitted to Li Gan below.

The latter nodded, with two big fire axes in his hand, and swiped forward, and the city gate opened immediately. He rushed out first, and Li Chuang was with him. The two brothers stood side by side and shouted in unison. "kill!!!"

The ground interception guard followed the formation, but this time there was no protection of Yun Chuiwei, because Yun Chuiwei had a more important task to do, and that was to protect the twelve star cones.

Twelve small cloud hanging formations are distributed among the twelve mountains around Qingping County. They are assigned to twelve teams of Yunchuanwei guards. Fengyangwei is also divided into six teams. They are hidden in the sky, and they are always facing the surroundings. Respond to the situation.

In fact, in Qingping County, only the ground interceptor and the front arrow guard, and the ground interceptor will act as a shield to resist the opponent's attack, giving the front arrow guard as much as possible.

Zhao Tong, father and daughter, stood at the opposite ends of the city, with their hands always raised high. They stared at everything outside, waiting for each other to enter their range. If it weren't for Lou Yi three orders, let them not allow Using Feng Ya Jin Gun, he really wanted them to see Feng Ya's housekeeping skills.

Kunshanwei was already very close to them at this moment, and the two sides could even see each other's faces. At this moment, there was a intensive fight in the sky. Everyone was relieved, and it seemed that the plan was successful.

This large array of twelve zodiacs also has a very peculiar function, which is to cover everything around it, to confuse the five senses and seven senses of the people who enter this array, so that they can't tell whether it is who launched the attack.

So Lou Yi used a very simple method to let them fight each other. These monks who broke into the formation were facing attacks from all sides, and they had no choice but to counterattack.

However, this was exactly what Lou Yi needed, so they fought themselves, and Lou Yi sat in the formation, using the formation to change the direction of their attack, and at the same time firmly trapped Baitu Kuiwei.

The reason why he chose such a troublesome way was also because he had insufficient manpower. Although he had the help of various team guards, it was the most basic force after all, and as the backbone of the existence, he really had few people on hand.

Qi Hua left. Qin Hai and Tieshan haven’t returned yet. Yang Zirong and Wang Baofeng are still guarding the Soul Refining Valley. Dianwei accepts the trial of the Qinglongwei on Dongzhou’s Yushan Mountain. The Li family is left to guard the home, and Huo Yan guards again. Gan Huizong, the monks of Haoxuezong were too busy to take care of themselves. The only ones he could use were the Li family brothers and the Zhao family father and daughter.

Kunshanwei stepped neatly and heavily, and finally stepped into Fengyawei's range. Zhao Tong's eyes became very sharp, and he whispered in his mouth, "Get closer, get closer..."

At this moment, Li Gan and Li Chuang also stopped advancing, the ground interception guard spread out in a circular saw formation, and at the same time displayed the Ghost Rock City method, waiting for the opponent's attack.

The Patriarch of the Baitu Family yelled, "Han Shan!!!"

"Mountain! Mountain! Mountain!!!" All Kunshan guards, holding up the huge shield with both hands, saw orange-yellow rays of light forming one after another on the back of the shield, an amazing force, from these shields Exudes from above.

"Bump!!!" Patriarch Baitu waved his hand and gave the order to attack.

The earth roared endlessly at this moment, and these Kunshan guards who had been striding heavy strides in an instant walked like flying. They held up their huge shields, like rhinos, and slammed into the ground guards that built their defenses in front of them.

The overwhelming earth power whizzed and slammed into the ghost rock city constructed by the ground interceptor. The first group of people experienced an indescribable terrible impact when they suffered the first round of attacks.

This is like being hit head-on by a huge mountain, and the force of terror continues to destroy the defenses they built. The entire circular saw formation was severely knocked open by a number of openings, and the front line was suddenly pushed back. It's hundreds of meters.

In the past, this was almost unthinkable. Everyone on the ground interceptor was also a carefully selected elite. If it weren't for this, I'm afraid that this round of charge could cost them heavy losses.

At this moment, the sky was suddenly shrouded in golden light. Numerous golden light spots were flying at an astonishing speed. The Patriarch's Patriarch, with a stern expression on his face, roared, "Shan Yu!!!"

"Royal! Royal! Royal!!!" Kunshan Wei let out a neat roar.

A heavy shield was severely smashed on the ground. With ten people as a unit, layers of shield walls were built. The golden rain overwhelmed the sky and hit the heavy shields, exploding extremely densely. The sound.

The heavy shield steadily guarded the first wave of offensive launched by Feng Yawei, which made Zhao Tong's expression not too pretty. He looked up at the sky and gritted his teeth and said, "Ning!!!"

Zhao Tong looked at his father. Obviously he was preparing, and ignoring Lou Yi's order, he used his stern shot and quickly said, "Father, this is not appropriate!"

"Don't I will bear all the consequences!!!" Zhao Tong obviously has made up his mind. Zhao Tong has no choice but to follow his father's orders.

A huge golden streamer quietly condensed on the head of the city, and the sharp aura covered several miles. Lou Yi naturally felt this aura. He shook his head and said, "Why can't I keep my breath... …"

He immediately sent an order to Li Gan and Li Chuang to give up the offense and defend with the strongest posture. He had already foreseen the consequences of this attack.

Li Gan immediately passed the order, a huge ghost rock city constructed by all the land interceptors, slowly revealing its hideous features.

At the same time, the Patriarch of the Baitu Family also felt a huge threat. He waved his hand forward and shouted, "Mountain Soul!!!"

"Kun! Kun! Kun!!!" Kun Shanwei let out a deafening roar.

The heavy shield burst out with an astonishing light, and gathered in front of them into a huge orange shield. At this moment, Zhao Tong also took advantage of the enemy below, and shouted, "Shoot!!!"

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