Building B

Chapter 788: Savior is here

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A blue light flashed from the top of the wild hill, and the cold wind swept around. Shen Wansan looked at the sky nervously and said to himself, "What are you doing?"

Shen Tong said with a solemn expression, "They are here..."

"Who? Who is here?!!!" Shen Wansan asked nervously.

Shen Tong did not answer him, but said, "Hurry up and prepare, it will definitely be a **** battle later."

"Isn't there still that tiger king?" Shen Wansan asked.

"Its opponent is King Python, and our opponent is the tens of thousands of little monsters who are attached to King Python!" Shen Tongyu said earnestly.

Winter's pupils were shining with blue light, and the body became huge in an instant. Obviously it was also ready for a desperate fight. Shen Wansan scratched his head and asked, "Can't we call that guy out?"

Shen Tong shook his head and said, "If you call him out now, then all your efforts will be in vain. The Tiger King is not the opponent of the Python King. If he fails, the Tiger King will leave here without hesitation. Then think about it. Our consequences..."

Shen Wansan chirped, then swallowed fiercely, and then said with lingering fear, "I...understand."

"Then hurry up and prepare. Don't let them approach him, otherwise everything will be over!" Shen Tong reminded.

Shen Wansan scratched his head and said, "How can we resist so many attacks by demons?"

"Then it depends on whether that guy is fighting..." Shen Tong said naturally Lou Yi, he was also ready to fight desperately, Shen Wansan sighed, and began to quickly build barriers around him. .

This trick was learned from Lou Yi at the beginning, and it was used in the weird black forest to defend against the attack of ticks, lice and zerg. However, this time they prepared in advance and Shen Wansan has not slackened. Therefore, the fortress made by this soil is extremely strong.

At this time, Shen Tong’s pupils were constantly shining, as if sensing the distance of the enemy, Rin Dong stood at the entrance of the cave, a pair of icy blue pupils shining with dark light, it is the last line of defense, if it dies , Everything is over.

A few moments later, there was an earth-shattering sound, and Shen Wansan shivered in shock, because he knew that the enemy was coming...

On the vast snow field, ten thousand monsters galloped freely. The Rin Frost Sabre-toothed Tiger King let out a tiger roar with a sound like rolling thunder. It swept across the snowy field. The harsh cold wind raged, setting off a huge snowstorm, and overwhelming the monster beasts. group.

At this moment, a huge figure struck from the rear, and the huge body slammed into the violent snowstorm head-on, crushing it under the body severely, and blocked the terrible snow disaster with its body.

And this figure is hundreds of feet long, blue and white, with a snake's head as large as a house, and its eyes are shining with cunning light.

Its snake letter glowed with a weird purple light, perceiving the trail of the frosty saber-toothed tiger king in the blizzard. Soon its snake pupils locked in the southeast corner of the storm, and grinned and roared, "Tiger King, show up Tell me a word!"

However, the King Frost Sword-tooth Tiger did not listen to it. The Abyss Snow Python suddenly opened his big mouth and swallowed it. The surrounding wind and snow were swallowed into its abdomen at a speed visible to the naked eye. Those monsters took the opportunity to move forward. Dash.

But at this moment, a blue light flashed by at an astonishing speed, and only heard the sound of puff puff, blood flowers blooming in mid-air, like the flowers of the other side blooming in the ghost domain, gorgeous and eye-catching.

At the same time, the blue and white light flickered, and there was a roar around fiercely. I saw the huge body of the Abyss Snow Python King violently drew into the air, and at the same time its blood basin opened wide, spraying a black snow tornado. The pungent smell spread homeopathically.

Those monster beasts who had escaped a catastrophe were still in a panic but fell into crisis again. They fled to the sides as if fleeing for their lives, for fear of being contaminated by the black snow dragon scroll.

At this moment, the Abyss Snow Python King, who was originally a blue and white body, began to turn black quickly, like a black iron rod, rushing straight into the sky.

"Come out!!!" Abyss Snow Python King roared.

At the same time, it manipulated the black snow tornado and began to wreak havoc on the snowy field. Anything that was contaminated with black snowflakes turned into black water in an instant, and even the teeth of the incomparably hard barbarian mound were so fragile. hit.

Some monsters were accidentally involved in it, and disappeared without a trace in an instant, and even no bones existed, leaving only a stern scream resounding through the clouds.

The reason why Rin Shuang Saber-toothed Tiger King did not show up was to be able to hide in the dark to kill these monsters, and on the other hand to face-to-face confrontation. It was really not the opponent of this Abyssal Snow Python King.

The blue streamer kept shining light everywhere in the snowy field, and every time the light flashed, there were large tracts of blood-colored flowers blooming, which made the entire snowy field dyed bright red, but it also made the Abyss Snow Python King completely angry.

Although it is stronger than Tiger King, but its speed is really lower than the opponent, but it has a way to force the opponent to show up and submit.

I saw it arched its body fiercely, as if it was about to personally attack the Tiger Savage Hill. The surrounding snowfields made trembling sounds, and at this moment a blue light roared, and then only several icy blue lights crossed. , Abyss Snow Python turned his body and faced the opponent's attack head-on.

There was a piercing sound, and with the dazzling sparks flashing, the Tiger King appeared in front of the Python King. Its claws were extremely sharp, but it did not cut off the Python King's heavy scales.

The python king shook his body fiercely, like a black dragon, trying to entangle the tiger king so that it could not get out of it. Seeing that his sight was taken away a little bit, the tiger king did not appear to be too flustered. His body slammed into an ice blue light, and instantly jumped out of the python king's encirclement.

"Don't try to escape!!!" Seeing that a hit was missed, the python king immediately let out a threatening roar, and now the Rin Frost Sabertooth Tiger King can no longer ignore the python king at this moment, it is forced to wander around. All around.

But this is what the King Python wanted, and saw it lifted its head and shouted at the surroundings, "Hurry up, you bunch of trash!"

Rin Shuang Saber-toothed Tiger King turned his head and glanced behind him, only to see thousands of monsters, stepping on the white snow and rushing towards the Huohu Manqiu, its pupils were flashing, as if it was struggling inside.

At this moment, a golden light whizzed past him at an extremely alarming speed, and the two behemoths were shocked by the light at the same time.

"Humans?!!!" The two of them exclaimed almost in unison.

However, this light was so fast that it disappeared in the distance in the blink of an eye. The Abyss Snow Python King looked a little restless, and it seemed to foresee that the figure just now would become a bad omen.

And the facts are exactly the same. Shen Wansan has built a nearly perfect wall in front of him. They are like an orange-yellow fortress, perfectly wrapping the cave where Building B is located.

At this moment, the first batch of monsters arrived, these guys had never seen this thing before, thinking it was just a magical defense made by the human monk, so they rushed on, trying to smash it through with their bodies.

However, at this moment, two orange soil arms suddenly appeared on the wall of Xiyang, and they slammed them toward their bodies.

Boom boom boom...

A series of sounds spread in the air, one after another huge figures, flying backwards at an astonishing speed, slammed into the monster beast behind, and wailed everywhere.

However, the monster beasts behind did not open their eyes to them because it was a companion. As a result, these sad beasts died tragically under the iron hoof of their companions, and their deaths were a bit wronged.

Later, the monster beasts slammed into the wall of Xiyang, but at this moment the wall of Xiyang changed again. The erected soil vertebrae replaced the soil arms and spread out from the wall of Xiyang. Just like a porcupine, curled up, but stretched out his backstab.

As a result, these monster beasts slammed into these soil vertebrae one by one, blood splattered everywhere, these monster beasts were like the meat worn on the skewer, which was strung together.

There are also some lucky guys, relying on the swing of their bodies and their own conditioned reflexes, avoiding these soil vertebrae, and slamming into the wall of the soil, but the wall of the soil is more than Shen Wansan's display. The armor of the earthen soil strengthens the defensive power.

These monster beasts avoided the soil vertebrae, but still did not escape the fate of death. The monster head was smashed into pieces, the monster noise was splashed on the wall of the soil, but the monster body fell softly to the ground.

But as a result, Shen Wansan was also under tremendous pressure. These monster beasts were all above the seventh rank. When converted into human cultivation base, they were all in the phase of refining. Although he still made progress in the past century, Has never taken this step of the fit period.

The reason why I personally rushed to Wenxianlou this time was to find an opportunity to break through. Unexpectedly, just after coming out of the retreat, Lou B brought such a dangerous place.

But fortunately, because of the sublimation of the earth spirit veins, his cultivation base has made great progress, and his father also helped him fill up the golden spirit veins, so this guy can also be regarded as a perfect earth and gold vein, and his strength is no longer a problem. Unusual.

He grabbed a handful of pills, threw them into his mouth, chewed them indiscriminately, and swallowed them At the same time, he turned his head to look at Shen Tong and asked, "You still How long will it take, I really can't hold it for long by myself!"

"You hold on again, I need to spend a lot of energy to perform this technique, and this technique has great limitations, I just barely able to use it, you can hold on!" Shen Tong replied.

At this moment, his pupils are shining with dazzling light, and what is unexpected is that the vertical lines on his forehead have become extremely clear, and even a mysterious aura is permeating from here.

At first glance, it looks like a drawn eye pupil, opening a little bit, but this eye pupil is erected.

Shen Wansan was panting heavily, constantly changing his spells, but not only did the monster beasts, they were increasing, and many monsters had already crossed the first line of defense and were encircling this wall of breath.

And just when Shen Wansan was about to be helpless, a golden light screamed like a **** descending from a distance, landing on the top of the wall of the earth, and then two dull clashes came from above.

A figure slowly revealed its appearance. Shen Wansan said excitedly, "The savior is here!"

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