Building B

Chapter 820: Might of the Beast

"Huh! I really have a virtue with the Ji family!" Song Zhong let out a cold snort, and immediately made an attack. Lou Yi followed him. When he wanted to stop it, it was too late.

Ji Wuqi frowned and looked down, shook his head and said, "This kid is too much, but it's okay, let him suffer!"

Ji Ruqing looked down, and the regrettable dragon, who had already become visibly irritable, trembled involuntarily, as if thinking of the losses he had suffered in the hands of these big guys.

Regrettably, the dragon is the most powerful beast sold in the Palace of Beasts. It has a powerful strength of Tier 8. However, the specific combat power varies from person to person. This depends on the purchaser's future training, so ordinary families even incubate it. Extremely difficult.

Incubating it requires at least high-level spirit veins, and depending on the attributes of the beasts, even some special materials are needed to assist its incubation. Of course, if you want to achieve the best growth conditions, then the best spirit veins and accessories are naturally the best.

The most newly promoted hegemonic power in Zhongzhou, the Ji family wants to get these things, naturally there are methods, and these regret dragons responsible for pulling the city gates are also the most top-level existences, and they always have an eighth-order existence.

Their usual food is even better than what the monks eat, so these big guys are very grumpy, and because of their low intelligence, they are easily provoked. Sun Siyao had warned Lou Yi and the others.

And this Song Zhong knows clearly, but still wants to mess with these guys, obviously deliberately having trouble with the Ji family.

Zhou Yu hit Huang Gai, one willing to fight and one willing to endure, Ji Wuqi wanted to watch the show, and Song Zhong wanted to stand up. On the contrary, he reached a certain tacit understanding invisibly.

Ji Wuqi secretly let the beasts release the confinement of the war beasts, so that these war beasts could teach Song Zhong and others some lessons. Ji Wuqi's thoughts were naturally learned by Shen Tong, so he told Lou Yi all this. they.

Song Zhong looked indifferent, sharpening his knife and staring at Regretful Dragon. Shen Wansan and Lou Yi looked at each other, feeling helpless in their hearts. They wanted to stay out of the matter, but it was obvious that these big guys had locked them in.

Roar! ! !

Deafening roars one after another, their emotions began to be irritable, their eyes became red, and even a gas like blood mist appeared around their bodies with a strong pungent smell.

Beast blood is boiling, and the special cultivation method implanted in these war beasts by Yu Beast Palace is regarded as a kind of monster beast talent. Beast blood boiling is similar to dragon blood boiling, but it can only provide five times the limit of the dragon itself. power.

The eighth-order monster, which has increased its own strength by five times, can already be regarded as a terrifying force like a mountain and a sea. The earth is roaring, and it is regrettable that the front hooves of the dragon are stepping on the ground.

They roared and hit each other's bodies, their heads swaying up and down rhythmically. This is their attacking posture. Lou Yi knew that these guys were about to make a move.

"Be careful, it's coming!!!" Lou Yi prompted.

The earth trembled violently amidst a roar, and the dragon of regret launched a charge, like a huge rock bursting into the sky, hitting it at an astonishing speed.

Regrettably, dragons are war beasts and do not possess the magical powers of beasts. Their only weapon is the body, so nothing can enhance its destructive power more than a powerful force.

Regrettably, the dragon ran into the four of them on the left and the other, as if two mountain peaks were squeezed together. The four shadows quickly scattered to both sides, and Lou Yi was surrounded by dragon energy. He tried to suppress these traps. The violent regretful dragon.

However, his plan failed. These regretful dragons were not affected by the dragon energy at all, but because of his temptation, they exploded quickly.

Regrettably, the huge body of Long Baizhang is like a hill, crashing at an extremely terrifying speed. Lou Yi dodges to avoid him, but at this moment, he realizes that the dragon has opened its big mouth and slammed at him. Take a breath.

The powerful suction force dragged his whole body down in an instant, the force is incredible, watching the big mouth of the blood basin, and constantly zooming in front of him, he began to desperately want to break free of this restraint.

At this moment, the two huge orange-yellow soil arms slammed on the body of one of the dragons, staggering it, and almost fell to the ground.

On the other side, a black sword light whizzed up and slashed fiercely on the head of the other dragon. With such a powerful slash, it could not kill the dragon. It can be seen that these guys’ skins, How strong is the defense?

Song Zhong let out a cold snort, leaped forward with the cloud-patterned sky mark in his hand, and jumped directly to the back of Kandilong. He went from top to bottom and killed the opponent.

However, the body of the dragon is derived from the ancient monitor lizard. The most terrifying thing about them is the scales on their backs. In addition to their amazing defensive power, this scaled armor also has terrible offensiveness.

The central position of the scale armor bulges outwards, forming a series of reverse-growing bone spurs. These bone spurs are unusually sharp and are as lethal as their fangs.

Song Zhong's feet hadn't stood still, and he saw regretful dragons suddenly shrinking inward, and the scales made a piercing crash, and his back seemed to be a mouthful of blood, and he wanted to leave Song Zhong's torn pieces of armor.

The blade slammed **** the back of the regretful dragon, leaving only a white mark. Song Zhong took the opportunity to fly upwards, avoiding this deadly attack.

Shen Wansan was building a defense on the ground, but the strongest of these big guys was fighting on the ground, and the wall of breath he was so proud of was fragile and fell in front of these behemoths.

In addition, his cultivation base is only in the Void Refinement period, and in front of these big guys, he is obviously the weakest one, which makes him very unhappy, but fortunately, the cornucopia in his hand gives him some more defensive methods.

At the same time, Shen Tong is also actively preparing. With his talents and supernatural powers, he quietly changed the senses of these big guys, allowing them to attack each other, but because these guys reminded too much, his help will take a long time. Do it once.

He didn't want to waste his mental power when he had to be a last resort. Lou Yi had used the Dragon Blood Boiling before and couldn't use it again in a short time, so he simply played like Song Zhong with a knife.

It's just that his sword is even worse than Song Zhong's. Fortunately, his speed is extremely fast, and the brilliant white light surrounding the dragon of regret is the surprise attack he launched.

It's just that these regretful dragons seem to have no weakness at all. The blade of the sword slashed across the body of the regretful dragon. Except for the burst of sparks, it did not leave the slightest wound. What is more speechless is that these regretful dragons have self-healing Ability.

Lou Yi's figure dodged the iron hoof of a regrettable dragon, and suddenly felt a fishy wind coming from behind, and the figure disappeared again. The regretful dragon bit on the air, making a harsh rubbing sound.

The deadliest weapon of these guys is not their hooves, but their bite force. Regrettably, the reason why dragons are called dragons is because of their huge mouth. It is the descendant of the earth dragon, and it can be regarded as the last branch of the dragon.

It can easily shred the enemy’s body without leaving any bone residue. The corner of the forehead is not a decoration. Every time when it lights up, all of them need to be 100% energetic. To respond.

It emits a peculiar light. This light is extremely aggressive, and it is fast and scary. There is an ancient saying that this rhino horn also contains similar power, although it is not as good as the real white rhinoceros, but It's also very tricky.

Song Zhong nowadays is no longer as defiant as he was before. He seems to have also realized the power of these beasts. As long as the moiré Heavenly Sword can't kill them directly, this has caused these guys to heal themselves unlimitedly.

For these beasts, the Ji family spent countless treasures of heaven and earth, bred and hatched with the best spirit veins. The beasts Song Zhong saw in Midway City could not survive the height of fifty feet, and he had killed several of them. .

He instinctively thought that these war beasts were just bigger and finally realized that he was wrong.

The cultivation base of the same period is the same. If it is a monk, under his moiré heavenly sword, it has rarely encountered an opponent, but these beasts are not only powerful, but also all of them are hob meat. No matter what you use, it All can be carried down with the body.

Moreover, the movements of these regretful dragons seem to be mixed, but there is always a sense of naturalness. Song Zhong can't kill them, but whenever he is waiting for a blow, one will always appear from the side. Even two regretful dragons came to destroy his good deeds.

Song Zhong was very angry, but he was helpless. With his cultivation base, he could spur an attack with the power of the law, but unfortunately there were too many dragons, and he had almost no time to do so.

These hill-like bodies are constantly ramming, with dangerous rhino horns, deadly crocodile mouths, and both offensive and defensive lizard bodies. It seems that the only weakness lies behind them.

But the seemingly most useless bear tail also contains unexpected functions, and it has only one function, and that is defense...

This bear tail is not an ordinary bear, but a steel-tailed bear. This is a monster that is almost impossible to attack. It is not good at attacking, but relying on its solid defense, it arbitrarily shuttles through the territory of other predators, even To taste the delicacies captured by others grandly.

The enemy has no way to deal with it, because the fur around its body can swell exaggeratedly, and every hair will turn into extremely sharp and extremely hard steel thorns, so few creatures can help them.

The best thing about the steel-tailed bear is its tail, so the most vulnerable part of this beast has also become its least vulnerable part.

"How did the Ji family get these things...?" Lou Yi sighed helplessly, avoiding the regretful dragon's attack.

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