Building B

Chapter 920: Epiphyseal Reef

Moving along the reef toward the center of the sea lake, Lou Yi saw a few huge cracks. It was these cracks that pulled the sea water downwards. He gestured at high speed to make him follow him.

Huchi nodded, and the two walked toward these cracks. He noticed that the surrounding rocks are huge, but they all have one thing in common, that is, they look like sharp knives. The water of the sea lake is very sharp.

It can be seen that the long cracks hidden behind them are hundreds of feet long, and the short ones are only a few feet long. At this moment, the pulling force of the sea water has become very huge, and they have to use true energy to counter this force.

The two moved forward with one foot deep and the other shallow, their hands were unable to grab these exposed reefs. They walked very hard. After some tossing, they finally reached the cracks. At this moment, the power of the current is unlimited. Was magnified.

The two of them were forced to hold hands. The moment they lifted their legs, they felt that a monster was tearing their legs. This feeling was really not good. They finally stabilized their heels and finally succeeded in stepping in. In the cracks.

Lou Yi felt helpless, because just now, he saw a lot of snail stones, and they were much larger than the ones he collected. Unfortunately, his current cultivation level was not enough to collect them.

And the moment he stepped into the crack, his body was sucked in uncontrollably.

It was too slippery and couldn't stand at all. His body was instantly sucked into the crack with the vortex uncontrollably. The extremely fast water flow accompanied a violent dizziness, and Lou Yi fainted as soon as his eyes went dark.

Before he fell into a coma, he was still praying. Don't encounter sharp rocks like cracks, otherwise I am afraid that his life will be gone...

I don't know how long it took, Lou Yi's eyelids moved, he subconsciously touched the position under his body, and felt a very soft touch, the touch of sand.

Then he opened his eyes slowly, and what he saw was a dark environment. There seemed to be no light source. The only thing that made him feel bright was the sand under him.

The sand exudes a faint light. Lou Yi originally thought it was the light emitted by the snail stone, but it was obvious that the light was weaker, and it did not emit a trace of snail stone.

At this moment, there was a collision sound in front of him, and the sound sounded some distance from him. He tried to stand up, but found that his body was a little weak.

Meditate for a while to move the meridians to restore some physical strength, then stand up and walk forward, and his eyes have already adapted to the dim light here.

Lou Yi found that this place seemed to be a karst cave, and he seemed to have slipped down from the crack above the karst cave. There were two sand nests, one large and one small, where he had just lay down. Lou Yi sighed slightly.

At least the tiger fan fell with him. These luminous sands provided them with a certain cushioning effect, so that they would not fall to pieces.

He was afraid of his risky behavior. When he looked up at the dark crack, he felt incomparable. The cave was like a treasure bottle, and the mouth of the bottle was the exit.

And the sound of fighting seemed to come from the entrance. He walked over quickly, the sand under his feet was very soft, and it felt like stepping on cotton.

The walls on both sides of the cave continued to shrink inward as he moved forward. When he came to the entrance, the distance between the left and right sides of the cave had been reduced to about ten feet.

The sound of fighting came from outside the entrance of the cave, and Lou Yi hurried out of the entrance a few steps, stunned by the scene in front of him.

I saw Tiger Chi with a shield in his right hand and a hammer in his left. He was fighting with a group of huge guys. Each of them had a physique of more than ten feet. A huge crab claw lay across the front of the body, covered with hideous black and red. Bone spurs.

They are extremely powerful. Even the tiger idiot with the tiger's aura at this moment is extremely difficult to deal with. There are several corpses that were crushed to death by him not far away, but there are still more than hundreds of these giant claws. The crab attacked him.

Lou Yi rushed over to join the battle. A crab claw swept over. He raised his fist and smashed it. With a loud bang, a huge force surged down his fist. Lou Yi felt like being shot by the mountain. He swished and flew back, and slammed into the rock wall beside the entrance.

"Puff! Wow..."

A mouthful of blood spurted from his mouth, and bursts of painful sensations came from his back. After experiencing the power of these Cancer Crabs, he understood why Tiger Crab had been fighting so hard.

Lou Yi glanced at his feet. The sand that saved them before seems to have become a stumbling block now. Such soft sand cannot make him step on the ground forcefully. How can he use his strength when he is unstable?

But those cancer crabs are different. Their crab feet are very huge. Six crab legs are inserted in the sand to fix their bodies firmly. Moreover, they are the masters here, and they are naturally familiar with how to fight here.

Lou Yi looked up and looked up. This location seemed to be a semi-arc-shaped beach, surrounded by many caves of the previous kind, which means that they accidentally fell into the land of these cancerous crabs, and they would let the other party group together. And attack it.

If they were able to leave, it would not be difficult for these giant crabs to come to them, but the question was how to leave, the location of the exit, there are now hundreds of these behemoths, and their tongs can easily tear them to pieces.

And Lou Yi also noticed that they would hold sand in their mouths, and then spray them with sea water and saliva at the enemy, which was terrifying.

At this moment, on the rock wall where he was, there were traces of them everywhere. One can imagine how strong this destructive power is.

A soft ripple of water rippled by, Lou Yi felt the fire behind him feel much better. The carelessness just now made him completely awake, and his eyes became focused.

With a shake of the hand, the Narcissus Sword appeared in his hand. The Waterfall Sword Art has finally improved, and the perception of the way of water has also reached a new level. If this is the case, it is better to use these Cancer Crabs to test. Take a look at its power.

The blade pointed forward, and the surrounding water vapor began to quickly gather towards the fairy sword. They merged into a drop-like appearance, suspended around Lou Yi's body, rotating regularly in a clockwise direction.

Lou Yi's body released freezing air and began to invade onto the beach. Water Zhenyuan flowed through his legs and penetrated into the sea sand from under his feet. The corners of his mouth rose up and muttered to himself, "I can't always suffer. , It's time for you big guys to be devoured..."

The originally soft sand began to gradually become hard, and the Shui Lingyuan continued to expand to the outside, and in an instant it enveloped the surrounding area of ​​hundreds of meters, and then still spread out at an alarming speed.

The tiger was crazy like the tiger felt something, and slammed the two giant crabs back. When looking back to the rear, he heard Lou Yi shout at him, "Let's make a big fuss!"

When Tiger Chi turned his head, his mouth was grinning upwards, his pupils radiated orange and yellow light, and his whole body quickly expanded. The sound of tiger roar accompanied by madness, his feet stepped on the ground, and his face showed satisfaction. .

After playing for so long, I can’t stand my heels, I can’t stand my heels, how can I go all out, but now...

There was a loud bang, and there were signs of cracking in the sand. A huge footprint appeared on the spot, but the tiger idiot had long since disappeared.

boom! ! !

There was a loud noise, and the broken heart slammed into the claws of a giant crab. This blow was a blow with sufficient strength. The crab did not react, and his body turned back sharply. Past.

But a strange scene appeared. Originally, it could use the sand below to carry out roundabout battles, but at this moment, its six crab feet seemed to be tightly tied to it by the sand, and they couldn't move half of it.

Tiger crazy's blow turned into a fatal blow. The sound of bone fragmentation, accompanied by the separation of the six crab legs of the Cancer Crab, its body rotated to the sky, leaving only a piece of bone in place. And six lonely standing crab feet.

At this time, Lou Yi also came forward. He waved the sword in his hand, and the freezing gas spread out at an astonishing speed. The sand was frozen in an instant, and the giant crabs came to him with their mouths. Spitting white foam, they stretched their heads toward the sand, trying to swallow the sand on the sand.

However, how could Lou Yi let him get what he wanted, and the Zhishuixian sword was sent forward, and the entire beach shook suddenly, and then everything fell into the ice and snow. The crab feet were frozen first, and then spread to the entire body.

Lou Yi gasped heavily, this Zhi Narcissus Sword was too laborious to use, but it was powerful...

He looked around and saw an ice sculpture standing in front of his eyes, with a look of horror. The huge crab claws were waving, but he didn't know how to attack. Not far away, Hu Zhi came up, saw his masterpiece, wrinkled The brow complained, "You are freezing, how will I eat later?"

The complacency on Lou Yi's face suddenly disappeared. He held the Narcissus Sword and waved it, only to see that the ice melted quickly and once again, under the traction of Shui Lingyuan, formed a circle.

At this time, Huzhi noticed that these giant crabs in the circle were not dead at the moment, but they all seemed to be frozen. He grinned happily, "Crabs are delicious, delicious!!!"

Half an hour later, Lou Yi walked out of the sand with a grilled crab foot, and the tiger fool behind him was even more exaggerated. He held a grilled red crab claw, put his head into the claws, and feasted on it. Gnaw while walking.

Lou Yi looked back at him and shook his head. This guy ate two giant crabs in one go. The appetite was really unsatisfactory, but the giant crabs were indeed delicious. He took the rest into the universe bag. , Make rations after saving.

A sea breeze came in in front, which proved that they finally found a way out. When he came out excitedly, he was once again shocked by what he saw...

In front of them, there was a vast sandy beach with no end in sight. On the sandy beach, there were no reefs, but bones. The huge bones were like huge mountains, lined up together, he fell. Take a breath and mutter to himself, "This...Where is this?"

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