Building B

Chapter 922: Astral Blood Beast

The Immortal Sword of Water Still affects the icy rain falling from the sky, and penetrates into the coral sand below at an alarming speed. Numerous profound ice crystal filaments, like a giant net covering the sky, continuously penetrate downwards, and they penetrate below in a flowing form. Every inch of coral sand.

Lou B can't use his divine sense to feel, so he can only find each other in this way. He is convinced that there are definitely not only two or three tentacles hidden on this coral sandy land, I am afraid that they are hidden under this beach. There are many angry figures.

After comprehending the nature of water, he no longer adheres to the form of water, because soldiers are impermanent, and water is impermanent!

The liquid ice net continued to penetrate below, suddenly Building B sensed something, and the huge ice net immediately wrapped around what he felt.

The huge king of ice and water cut out a small one-size web, like the kind of web woven by a spider, flowing toward the target in a contracted state, and then suddenly attacked and entangled the opponent's body.

However, the captured target was much larger than he thought. Lou Yi first used the ice cobweb to restrict the opponent's movement, but it always seemed to be able to get out of the net, as if this guy had no bones. It was really weird. .

As a last resort, he could only quickly search the remaining area first. Fortunately, it seemed that there was only such a monster in this area.

So he changed his strategy and kept shrinking the net toward the target. After approaching the target area, the gap in the net disappeared, turning a big net into a pocket, a huge pocket.

He waved the sword in his hand, and the powerful Zhenyuan began to pull at the ice pocket below, but Lou Yi seemed very struggling because of the wide coverage.

And his behavior also caused a huge pit with a diameter of more than several thousand feet to appear on the ground. The coral sand that was originally spread on the beach began to flow toward the newly formed pit.

A coral waterfall was formed, but no one cared about it. Everyone was staring at the slowly floating ice pocket. Lou Yi had tightened the pocket and kept trying to drive the monster out.

However, it seems that all efforts are in vain. It is hard and hard to eat. He has gathered a large amount of ice blades. However, clearly cutting through its body, Lou Yi also felt that it hit the other party, but it did not seem to be the slightest. Effectiveness.

The monster was still in the ice bag and was very active. Perhaps it had realized that someone was driving it away, but it was not afraid at all, and even played with the ice cobweb.

The ice cobweb could not help it at all, but had to catch each other again and again, and Lou Yi turned the ice bag into an ice puck at this moment, and began to cautiously infiltrate the coral sand from the ice puck.

In order to prevent the opponent from escaping, he made a bigger hockey puck on the outer layer. Seeing the size of the hockey puck getting smaller and smaller, Lou Yi knew that the crucial moment was coming.

At this moment, the unknown monster inside seemed to have noticed that the space was getting smaller and smaller, and it began to react. It saw the entire ice hockey trembling wildly, and it was possible to see the inside of the dark ice-colored sphere with countless dancing. tentacle.

They desperately pushed to the outside, trying to open the ball made of Xuanbing, but Lou Yi poured all his true energy this time, and the huge ice storm rotating around was specially prepared to deal with this monster.

Since it is impossible to get rid of it internally, there is only one way left. As the coral sand continues to be discharged, the sphere gradually becomes smaller, and its thickness is also increasing, because Building B is worried that it will get out of it. Out.

However, his worries still happened. The mysterious ice ball, which was hundreds of feet thick, broke open, and a cloud of liquid shining with the light of stars sprayed out of the cracked ice ball.

However, Lou Yi was already prepared. The moment he took it out, he completely froze the ground. This was a mixture of sand and ice, which was by no means comparable to pure profound ice.

Everyone looked at the continuously flowing liquid with solemn faces, it was as gorgeous as a galaxy, shining with the beautiful light of the starry sky.

But it is such a beautiful thing, it has become the culprit of the billion bones buried here. Lou Yi doesn't know how many things like this are, but he only knows one thing, and he can't let it go.

The blade of profound ice shot down like an arrow above the sky, but he quickly discovered the problem. It turned out that the liquid had no substance. It was like water. Those sharp blades of profound ice pierced it easily, but Will not cause the slightest danger to it.

"What the **** is this?" Wu Tu Weng said in a voice.

Lou Yi continued to try, but it was of no use to this guy. Finally, when it completely appeared, Lou Yi was stunned.

Because this thing is very similar to the kind of silt monster that I saw in Wuwanghai, but it has an essential difference. It has no eyes. At first glance, it looks like a floating sphere, but it has countless tentacles.

Tiger Chi has tried to hit the opponent with a broken heart, but it was easily resolved by it. It seems that it is not afraid of any attack, water and soil are not invaded, and it is useless.

This thing seems to rely on instinctive action. It constantly waved its tentacles, capturing any existence close to it, no matter who the other party is, the tentacles are extremely sticky, but they are easily cut off.

However, the severed tentacles will quickly return to the body, and even it will launch its own tentacles to catch prey, and everyone will be careful to surround it and not give it a chance to succeed.

Wutu has a huge body, swinging a bone axe as the main force, he seems to have gained a lot in this Sea God Abyss, and he can feel the power of the dragon blood in his body, which is much better than before.

Huzhi acts as a pioneer, breaking his heart and using wind and thunder to blast him hard. The Qihu wraps his body and can resist the harassment of his tentacles. Everyone besieged him, but there was little achievement.

Lou Yi was consolidating the battlefield while observing this guy. It seemed to be just a mass of liquid without self-consciousness, but for some reason he knew how to prey and enrich himself.

The past scenes flashed quickly in his mind, he was thinking about what this thing has in common...

However, as the fighting time prolonged, the blood beast's shape began to change. On its original liquid body, complicated and mysterious patterns began to appear, and these patterns were shining with the light of bright stars.

The tentacles around its body began to lengthen, and the whole body was transformed. Its body became slender, and it really slowly changed into the form of a dragon, but this dragon had no eyes and mouth, and looked alive and well. It is a sea cucumber.

All its tentacles began to dance, and at the same time it emitted a mist of stars, the tentacles began to extend, and the attack method also changed. Its tentacles would rebound after touching the ground, and as the guy turned his body, the attack speed was so fast that it was hard to see clearly. .

Wutu was caught off guard from being rubbed, and his thick scales suddenly burst like tidbits, blood spurted out, but stopped in the air, and then he was dragged to the monster.

The monster who tasted the taste of blood suddenly turned dark from the color of the starry sky, and its shape also changed accordingly, and it turned out to be exactly the same as Wutu.

However, his hand was empty, and his body was not even an inch. The Wutu nameless anger caused by this scene, under a roar, waved a black bone axe and rushed over.

The guy who turned into Wutu sideways avoided Wutu's chopping, and his palm began to change. Not long after, it also had a giant axe in his hand, and it looked exactly the same.

The two began a head-to-head fight. Wutu waved his axe like crazy. The monster's movements at first seemed a bit stiff, but as time passed, its movements became more and more smooth, and even soon exceeded the speed. Wutu.

The aggrieved Wutu could only watch himself, from an attacker to a defender, Lou Yi shouted to the side, "Tiger crazy, go!"

The tiger idiot, who was originally observing, rushed over after hearing the words, and the two started to kill the transformed monster. Unexpectedly, just a moment, the monster body suddenly grew two hands.

And this hand still holds a wind thunder that looks the same as the tiger idiot, and its masterpiece is exactly the same as real.

Lou Yi was suddenly astonished. If only the appearance was the same, why could he even imitate the breath, and the wind and thunder, but it contained the aura of wind and thunder, which was the power of the five elements.

But when he saw the other party hit Wutu's bone axe with a hammer, and the sound of the wind enveloped the light of thunder, spreading along the bone axe, his face became more solemn.

At this time, the Chief Bone Warrior also rushed over, but this time the monster only turned out a few tentacles, which made it difficult for the dozens of them to move, and even frequently appeared in danger.

Lou Yi was a little anxious in his heart. He wanted to rush over together, but he had to manipulate this huge mysterious ice vortex. Once he withdrew his power, he would most likely let the other party slip away.

But if this continues, this guy may become You must think of a way, which can kill you with one hit.

On the frozen coral beach, Wutu began to feel somewhat powerless. The main force of the battle was replaced by tiger idiots. The latter was surrounded by tiger auras and made the sound of tiger roars. Wutu was holding the bone axe tightly. I can't keep up, but I really don't want to just return.

Lou Yi had a panoramic view of everything, and shouted at Wutu, "Brother Wutu comes back first, let him hold it first!"

Wutu tilted his head to look at Tiger Chi and found that Tiger Chi was more and more courageous in the battle. The breath that erupted, even he was somewhat suppressed. He sighed, Weng Sheng said in a huff, "Brother Tiger Chi hold on, I'll go Back!"

Huzhi gave a noncommittal hum, raised the wind and thunder with his left hand, and put the broken heart in front of him with his right hand, and moved his body toward the center, creating conditions for Wutu's departure.

Wutu quickly withdrew back, Lou Yi wiped the ring of the virtual reality, and two bottles of pills appeared in front of Wutu. Seeing that the other party hesitated, he hurriedly said, "Hurry up!!!"

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