Building B

Chapter 946: Emperor of the Abyss

The surrounding air began to thicken, as if every breath made people feel extremely depressed. Lou Yi had only experienced it at the level of Old Monster Hua. I think it should be on the same level as Old Dao Man. In other words, this is about to come, the rank should be above the tenth rank.

A sky-shattering blue electric current smashed down, accurately hitting the barrier barrier, a huge current that was as thick as a bucket, rushing around the barrier wantonly, and this current seemed endless, falling from the sky.

Lou Yi’s location is barely affected, but his appearance is not relaxed at all. This sense of oppression is really terrible, and he is terribly worried at the moment. It is not that he is worried about him and the tiger, but that this is the first thing. The guy stepped into Xiao Bai in the barrier enchantment.

The opponent is coming fiercely, clearly rushing to the debris here, it seems that Wutu must also increase the manpower, now it seems that the situation has become more difficult, I am afraid that at this moment, the passage to the outside world has been completely blocked. Living.

I am afraid that it is impossible to escape. The current situation is basically hopeless, and the only way to survive seems to be the way the Mosasaur Soul told him, but...

"Oh!" Lou Yi sighed silently in his heart, and looked up at the sky's faint blue electric light whizzing down, the speed was terrifying, and the horror contained in it was enough to easily obliterate the two of them.

Lou Yi glanced at the tiger idiot and found that although he did not speak, the finger joints holding the fishbone hammer became pale, which showed that his pressure was also very great.

Lou Yi didn't dare to touch him, for fear that he would be too nervous and expose his target, so he had to transmit his voice, "It's okay, don't be nervous!"

Hu Chi's muscles around his body shook visibly, and the strength of his hands eased a bit. He turned his head and looked at Lou Yi, his eyes seemed to tell Lou Yi that as long as he nodded, he was willing to lead him.

The electric light was arbitrarily split for half an hour. During this period, Lou Yi did not move at all. The figure hidden in the sky finally seemed to be unable to hold it. A demon shadow of the sky suddenly fell from the sky and drew towards it fiercely. The barrier enchantment below.

It was a huge black devil's tail, shining with terrifying black basket lights. This time ripples appeared on the barrier, which finally made it react. Then the devil's tail fell from the sky one after another, continuously beating the barrier below, although the light of the barrier was Shaking, but there is no sign of breaking.

The terrifying wind danced wildly here, large coral trees were uprooted, Lou Yi complained, because they were in this position, they also received a lot of impact, but fortunately, the distance is relatively far, and it will not be exposed.

When he saw the huge demon soul, his heart shook fiercely. He wanted to take a risk and see if he could take the demon soul into the life and death order, but he gave up very rationally.

Because he is not alone, if he succeeds, then those Abyssal Morays who follow this terrifying enemy will probably start a carpet search, and they will definitely die.

However, the probability of success will not be higher than 10%, which means that the probability of failure will be ninety-nine percent. Then there will be terrible consequences. He can use the space of the knife mark to escape, so what about tiger fool?

He couldn't take this risk. He clenched his fist fiercely, pinching the token of life and death, his pupils stared at the looming shadow of the sky, and there was a voice in his heart that kept encouraging him, "Go, go..."

After a long time, it seemed that there was no sign of breaking the barrier enchantment. The figure hidden in the electric cloud finally did not intend to hide, and a figure suddenly appeared above the barrier.

Lou Yi took a deep breath again, and he counted carefully. There were as many as twenty Lords of the Abyss here, and they were guarding a man who was too tall.

That's right, it was a man. This man had three strands of dark blue hair on the top of his head, which lasted from the front of his forehead to the back of his head, and was braided behind his back. His body was shining with blue-black magic patterns from head to toe.

The naked upper body muscles are extremely exaggerated, the open palms are wide, the ten fingers of both hands flash with black black light, his wide mouth and high nose, and his big eyes like copper bells flash with dazzling blue light.

Although he seems to be a head taller than the tiger idiot, but surrounded by the Lord of the Abyss, he still looks very small, but no one dares to question its strength, because there is a terrible mark on his forehead. The breath it exudes is trembling.

It was also the first time Lou Yi saw the appearance of the Sea Race after its evolution was complete, and it was almost the same as their humans.

There was a faint electric arc around his body, and his eyes were always looking at the barrier enchantment, seeming to be thinking. After a while, he slammed his hand down and saw a black palm covering the sky. , In the blink of an eye, it shrouded on the barrier, and then there was a shaking sound.

It was terrible. Whether it was the devilish energy or the terrifying power, Lou Yi only felt like a razor, and it hurt his cheek.

The terrifying magic energy continuously destroys the surrounding corals and reefs. Fortunately, his attack direction has always been locked in the dome position, and the aftermath of the spreading power does not directly affect the ground.

His attack caused the barrier enchantment to tremble continuously, but there was still no sign of breaking. This made the terrible figure had to stop. The Lord of the Abyss surrounded all around, but no one dared to speak. The scene became extremely silent and seemed Especially weird.

After a while, they landed on the ground, not too far away from the location of Lou Yi and the others, which made his heart suddenly mentioned in his throat. If this guy is here to use tricks, then they two 100% will be affected.

But fortunately, the other party was just observing the barrier enchantment and circling it around. Lou Yi took the opportunity to quickly evade backwards and left this area far away. He was praying in his heart, hoping Xiao Baiqian Don't accidentally happen.

At this moment, there was a sudden noise in the sky above. Lou Yi found a huge monster, which was being blocked by something. He quietly touched it, and it turned out to be Apo. At this moment, it is being used by a master of the abyss. Stop it, and there are hundreds of ugly murlocs.

It seems that they are still unable to resist the attack of the Abyssal Moray Clan. It is estimated that Bai Yueming intends to let Apo take them away, but the problem is that this world is completely under the control of the Abyssal Moray Clan. They think Isn't it too beautiful to escape?

However, although he is very disliked or even hated Baiyueming, other people can't just sit and watch, so he intends to help. At this moment, the Lord of the Abyss is unscrupulously displaying the devil soul, suppressing Apo's body, those fish People use their paws and teeth unscrupulously to bite Apu's body.

Today's Apo is covered with scars and looks shocking, but it still wants to escape. At this moment, Lou Yi suddenly appeared and sacrificed the token of life and death. Xiao Hei got out of the token, fiercely. Opened his mouth wide, he pulled the demon soul over with one mouthful, and swallowed it in threes or twos.

This sudden scene made no one think that the murlocs saw the body of the Lord of the Abyss and fell straight down, frightened and prepared to flee in a hurry, but were trapped by the vortex reversal performed by Lou Yi, and then strangled. Under the vortex blade.

But at this moment, a horrible magic cloud rose up from the horizon, Lou Yi's complexion suddenly changed, and he shouted at Ah Po, "Quickly follow me, otherwise it will be too late!"

Apu seemed to feel the horrible aura, and its scream seemed to be asking Bai Yueming’s opinion. Lou Yi knew what Bai Yueming’s decision would be, and he shouted at Apu again, "This is already complete. Being blocked, you will never escape, just follow me if you don't want to die!!!"

Apo looked at the magic cloud whizzing, and for the first time, he violated Bai Yueming’s opinion and fled down with Lou B. Lou B had no choice at this moment. The only way was to use the ancient Kun whale soul. Get out of trouble temporarily.

He bears the brunt of his return to the tomb where the Whale Kun's Soul is located. This place has long been a mess. The huge Whale Kun's soul is still fighting in blood, and it faces an enemy that is ten times more than it.

Just now Xiao Hei told it a secret, that the soul of the whale is connected to it, and it can use the soul of the whale to help them through this disaster.

The terrifying existence had already sensed them, and now it was the moment of life and death, and he could only choose to believe Xiao Hei's words, because he really had no choice.

As Lou Yi fell, the Lord of the Abyss suddenly turned around, and the terrifying coercion almost killed him directly, but fortunately at this moment Xiao Hei suddenly appeared from the order of life and death and swallowed with an open mouth~www. All these evil spirits were wiped out, and then they rushed straight to the spirit of the whale.

Xiao Hei merged into the soul of the whale kun at a very fast speed. The other party's Bai Yingying body immediately began to transform into pitch black. At the same time, a terrifying soul power was released, Lou Yi felt the life and death order in his hand. The cards vibrated violently.

After a while, a large amount of soul power was released, and a brain was integrated into the soul of whale kun. At this time, the soul of whale kun suddenly opened his eyes, and two crystal blue lights enveloped the entire grave.

Lou Yi was surprised to find that the spirit of the whale nowadays is like being reborn, and its body is extremely solid, just like a living whale. It opened its big mouth and made a sound that shook the world, "Shoo!! !"

The sound waves swept the sky like the strongest storm, blowing away the masters of the abyss. Some of them were not blown away by chance, but they encountered a more tragic fate.

A huge shadow slammed over with a black light, and the terrifying power accompanied by the sound of their broken bones, drove them away fiercely. In just a moment, the surrounding enemies were swept away, even those The murloc and the abyss moray were all directly shaken to death under the vibration of sound waves.

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