Building B

Chapter 949: King of Whales

With Lou Yi's chanting, lightning flashed and thunder suddenly appeared in the dark clouds, and the extreme frost and cold air seemed to dominate the entire sky, spreading to the huge surrounding area, and the sky began to raindrops.

However, this is not ordinary rain, but the rain that contains kendo, the rain that contains Lou B's willpower, and the rain that contains his own freezing air. The surrounding wind is strong, forming a wall of wind to isolate the sky, and the rain falls but does not suffer at all. About the wind.

It was like a drizzle, light as a gauze, thin as a cicada's wings, just like a little bit of it, fell on the fighting sea people, and permeated their bodies, and then unexpected things happened.

Those Sea Clan belonging to the same camp suddenly felt a vigorous force flowing all over the body, as if it was really like Lou Yi said, the rain fell from the sky, and the people were born.

Their injuries are healed, their vigor is restored, and their blood qi is improved, as if a powerful force has been injected into their bodies, making them brave, tenacious, and fearless!

However, on the contrary, the abyssal moray eels and the sea tribes who followed them and rebelled, a plesiosaur, managed to escape from the mouth of the dragon, but did not realize the terrible drizzle.

Rainwater penetrated into their bodies, but it did not feel like the moisturized sea races. On the contrary, a force of extreme cold began to wreak havoc in their bodies quickly. Ice crystals frozen the muscles and various organs in their bodies. Gorgeous ice flowers bloom.

However, these ice flowers are reminders. They quickly revealed their hideous true colors. From the beautiful ice crystal flowers, they turned into terrible ice briers and began to bloom everywhere in their bodies.

The plesiosaur's body twitched fiercely for a moment, then it fell down, and the corpse burst open before it fell to the ground.

The same scene is constantly being played out in the area covered by the wind curtain. These large sea races still need to struggle a bit before they die, and like the abyss moray, they burst into death almost instantly.

It's just that this effect will not last forever. To put it bluntly, it is by surprise. Once the opponent consciously starts to defend, it will not be easy to succeed.

However, he didn't expect to catch them all in one go by just moving clouds and rain. He just wanted to be surprised, and he could kill as much as possible. More importantly, he injected vitality into his own sea clan. Obviously, his goal was achieved.

But this is an extremely energy-consuming thing, requiring his incomparable concentration. There are many sea people waiting for opportunities to attack. Thanks to tigers guarding it, he avoided interference.

On the other side, Wutu took his chieftain warrior and shouldered the heavy responsibility of guarding the ground. Not all sea races like to fight above. At this moment, there is a large group of Antarctic giants outside the area of ​​Building B. Mouthworms are coming all over the world.

They are greedy predators, unscrupulous, and never afraid of danger. They are considered the most terrifying corpse eaters. Of course, this corpse also covers the wounded who are about to die and are still alive.

As long as they are topped by them, they can only pray that they will die before being eaten, because in order to taste the fresh flesh and blood as much as possible, their saliva will secrete a substance that will activate the body of the prey.

In other words, most of the prey on top of them watched himself being eaten alive. Wutu was holding two great axes, his scales shining brightly, he was like a violent warrior, and he rushed into these greed without fear. Among the predators.

The huge axe slashed into the open mouth, and there were black holes measuring several meters in size everywhere. The edges of the black holes were terrible fangs, which extended into the invisible esophagus.

The body of giant worms is attached to a layer of viscous liquid to protect their bodies from being hurt by predators. Although they look very weak and small, they can only know how terrifying these guys are when they really face them.

The viscous liquid blocks the damage of sharp blades and sharp teeth, and their body fat can offset the damage caused by the impact. Fortunately, Wutu is strong enough to fight these Antarctic giant worms, and the chiefbone warrior behind him But he was caught in a difficult battle.

Their strength is not enough to cut through the body of the giant mouth insect monster, but they are surrounded by them. These terrifying creatures keep shrinking the encirclement, wanting to surround these live prey groups and feast on them.

However, they did not realize that the ground was covered by a thin layer of ice, and they continued to spread to the surroundings until all the giant sea worms were included.

The next moment the earth began to tremble, and the ice flow on the ground suddenly rose. This scene was so sudden that the sudden and chieftain warrior did not know what was going on.

Then they discovered that all of the Antarctic giant worms had floated, and a thin layer of ice stream held them all up, but these ice streams were not hostile to them, and they even watched these ice streams. Go up against their bodies.

They seemed to use their bodies to lift all these giant mouth worms up to the sky, and everyone looked at Lou Yi together, and saw a dazzling giant sword, which was shining with dazzling ice at this moment.

A huge shadow of a profound dragon whizzed towards the sky. It hovered high in the sky, slowly opening its mouth, and then the ice flow flew towards its mouth.

At this moment, the Antarctic giant mouth worms felt despair. The mucus in their bodies and their bloated bodies all lost their function at this moment, and even the biting ice began to quickly freeze their bodies.

In an instant, the giant mouth worms disappeared in the body of the profound dragon ice shadow, and then the shadow of the profound dragon soared into the sky, rushing towards the enemy above.

Hearing a loud bang, the ice dragon burst from above the sky, and countless ice cones mixed with the remains of the Antarctic giant mouth insect monster shot towards the dense area of ​​the abyss moray, which immediately caused a tragic picture. .

The corpses of the abyssal conger eels were constantly falling in the sky, and there was an unpleasant stench all around, but the area where Building B was located was exceptionally clean, like a pure land with no dust.

This benefited from the protection of the five elements, preventing him from being contaminated with the abhorrent black blood. Lou Yi's actions completely angered the strong man of the abyss conger clan, and he forced Xiao Hei to control it with a palm. The soul of whale kun suddenly appeared in the sky above the five elements.

An extremely terrifying storm swept all around in an instant. Lou Yi opened his eyes fiercely, and two icy blue lights shot directly into the sky. The next moment the five elements raised the sword to the sky, and the surrounding space shook wildly. The black ice giant was hundreds of feet long. The dragon turned out at an astonishing speed, and roared at the strong man.

However, the strong man didn't even look at these profound ice dragons. He raised his arms and waved downwards, and a terrifying blue electric current diverged at an astonishing speed, and the huge electric current like a water tank raged in the air like a snake disaster.

The profound ice dragon was defeated in an instant, turned into a sky full of ice crystals and burst apart. Lou Yi's face paled for a while, and the other party didn't intend to let him go. He stretched out a finger, which was entwined with terrible magic power, fiercely. Of one finger press down.

The surrounding space was actually shattered, and the wind barriers that Lou Yi had worked so hard to condense disappeared in an instant. At this moment, his face showed decisiveness. He had seen Xiao Hei coming with all his strength, but before the shot fell, It is out of reach.

That is to say, whether he can withstand this blow will determine his life and death. He cannot retreat because he saw the tiger idiot not far from him, as well as the Wutu and the chief bone warrior below. He retreated and all these people were To die.

"Fight!!!" This was the only thing he was thinking about now, the Five Elements Faxiang burst into unprecedented light, and Zhishuixianjian gave up resistance for the first time because it also felt threatened.

Although this threat is not enough to hurt it, but a next creature dared to be disrespectful to it. This is a great insult. Lou Yi will contribute every drop of true essence that can be extracted from his body to the five elements.

Faxiang contributed everything to the Immortal Sword of Zhishui. The sword sounded, and the frost was thousands of miles away. The cold air in the fairy ice crystal was drawn out in an instant, and a sigh came from the immortal sword, as if he was very dissatisfied.

But it still released its own power, a brilliant sword light flashed, and the black fingers that fell from the sky, slammed together, and the energy that ruined the sky swept the sky, and the terrible storm swept the sky. The powerful sea clan was torn to pieces.

Lou Yi and the man were the first to bear the brunt. The Five Elements Method was transformed into a group of five elements light, which was condensed to the extreme. It wrapped Lou Yi and was violently drawn to the ground by the roaring storm, and the tiger idiot was affected. The tiger's aura desperately protected his but he was still blown away and fell on the coral peak far away.

Wutu and the Chief Bone Warrior, because they were on the ground, were the least affected, but the terrible storm that could form the moment when Building B fell to the ground also swept them all away.

A huge crack appeared in the sky, and the invisible sea water was pulled into the cracks in a large amount. The bodies of the abyss moray eels and the two fighting parties were swallowed by these cracks uncontrollably, and the scene became out of control.

And the brawny man who started the instigator, except his face became gloomy, didn't even suffer any harm. He looked at the huge cracked ground, the cracks that spread out like spider webs everywhere.

He knows that the kid is not dead, but he also knows that he has no chance to make another move, because the annoying whale spirit is entangled again, and what makes him even more disturbed is that he felt another breath just now. , A force that made his heart palpitations, it came from the barrier enchantment before.

Some terrible existence is awakening, and he needs to make a decision at this moment, whether to continue to seize the opportunity of this place, or to leave this place quickly while the other party has not fully awakened.

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