Building B

Chapter 962: Make an egg

One minute and one second passed, and there were dozens of water **** of different sizes around Lou Yi. The first step was considered initial success. The method of sea refining was not so much a test of spiritual power, as it was a test of true vitality.

This method of refining is more dependent on the amount of true energy, and Lou Yi also discovered an interesting thing, this method of sea refining can actually improve his ability to control the water spirit veins.

Different water polo **** require different refining methods, but they are inseparable from each other, and they all depend on the priority of the water flow for processing.

For example, this colorful coral relies on the effect of making the water extremely heavy and heavy enough to replace the grinding disc. Through the intersection of two water streams, the colorful corals are ground, and their broken parts will be slowly rotated by the water current. And be integrated into the water polo.

After repeated grinding, it became what it is now. Lou Yi looked at the water ball carrying the colorful coral. At this moment, it was like a gem with colorful rays, and it looked like a star hanging in the sky.

The internal slurry rotates slowly with the water ball, and one or two vortexes can be seen stirring on the outer layer from time to time, which is really beautiful.

Each of these water **** presents different postures, but in the end they will all become liquid, so building B can carry out the second step of refining, but obviously, it takes a long time to prepare.

Relatively speaking, the refining of adjuvants is very handy. Lou Yi once refined Biying Pills. He has done many researches on some of the sea medicines recorded by the soul of the sea, and now they can be said to be handy when combined.

I saw a series of small water **** connected side by side, forming a huge ring at the same time, just like the Ruyi Bodhi beads wrapped around his hand.

The method of sea refining is plainly based on water. The biggest difference between it and the method of fire refining is the refining. The so-called refining is the use of water to strip the medicine components in the sea medicine through the sea water, and then pass the sea water to remove nothing. The value of medicine **** is sold out.

The severity of the current will directly affect the final effect of the refining medicine, but it is a pity that Xiao Mengbao can't help himself this time, he can only solve everything on his own.

The water flows through the water **** connected in series and flows slowly between them. At the same time, between the water balls, the internal water flow revolves around the water flow. Lou B's eyes are fixed on their every move, watching the colorful liquid. , Slowly gathered together.

The biggest advantage of this water refining method is that there is no need to worry about the fryer, but the disadvantages are also obvious. The fusion of medicines cannot be distinguished by simple perception. It can only be observed with the naked eye. Once the color of the water changes, it is proof There is a problem inside them.

At this time, Lou B noticed seven abnormal changes. The most obvious one was the lower left. The color of the water flow changed from the original colorful color to black at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Lou B clicked his finger, and a blister appeared out of thin air in the water flow, confined the medicinal liquid that had begun to change colors in the blister, and then manipulated the water flow to bring them out of the circulation.

One by one blisters of different sizes were brought to his eyes in the same way. Lou Yi began to observe and analyze what caused this to happen. After half an hour, he breathed out and muttered to himself, "So that's it..."

The biggest advantage of water refining is to maintain the activity of the medicine, and the biggest problem is precisely this. The sea is also full of competition. The relationship between species is actually mutual growth and restraint. When two mutually restraining creatures come together, Naturally, the strong side restrains the weak side.

But what Lou Yi wants is that they are all infringements, even harmonious coexistence and integration, so other sea medicine essences are needed to reconcile them.

Things are not perfect, so in the process of fusion of these medicinal liquids, collisions will inevitably occur, and this is the main reason that causes them to break or even decay.

It seems that this sea-refining method is not 100% able to do whatever he wants. Lou Yi sighed silently, but compared to the fire-refining method, the water-refining method is indeed much gentler. It's just that the speed of refining is really outrageous.

What's more, it will have problems anytime and anywhere. It is not as organized and stable as the method of fire refining. This is also its biggest drawback.

In the blink of an eye, several days passed. In these few days, Wu Tu and Hu Zhi stayed on the outside of the water cover where he was. Tiger was not good at water, so he swallowed two Bi Ying Dan during the period. Wu Tu Ze There is no change.

It's just that his skin automatically generates scales for protection, and his body slowly transforms into the appearance of a dragon, as if this will make him more comfortable and more at ease.

There are five large and small water wheels rotating in front of Lou Yi at this moment. At this moment, he has also exerted his true energy to the extreme. Although these five water wheels are independent, they are all connected with water pipes. The solution shuttles back and forth in these tubes.

They did not interact with each other. At this time, Building B was like being in a huge water current cage, with a high concentration of mental energy, feeling the subtle changes in these water currents.

Thousands of blisters are waiting for them. Once there are some problems, they will be immediately isolated, and they will be brought out and sent to him to check where the problem is.

The blisters entered and exited in the channel formed by the water flow in an orderly manner. At this time, Lou B realized that the more he got to the back, the more complicated the problems he had to face. Only then did he truly realize that the method of sea refining was not what he imagined So beautiful.

At this moment, in the center of the thousands of water channels, all the perfectly fused substances, after countless tiny streams, begin to converge here.

The second step is a small accomplishment, and Lou Yi can breathe a sigh of relief. However, the substances of the 27 main drugs and the substances of the 133 auxiliary drugs are combined here, but it is a very Slow process.

And by this time, he can no longer control everything here. The central water ball must be in absolute tranquility. After Lou B saw countless tiny particles flowing in here along the fine water flow, they began to spontaneously Gathered toward the center.

A peculiar light group gathered in the center, and Lou Yi’s mental power was completely concentrated on it, because the first time was an experimental stage after all, and he used very few materials to verify its feasibility and improve his own Proficiency.

What I didn't expect was that the refining was successful the first time. It can be seen that as long as the true energy is enough, water refining is much more reliable than fire refining without major errors.

Those substances gathered here and slowly merged together. As more and more substances merged, it seemed to grow a bit larger. From the very beginning, it was the size of sesame seeds, and became the size of gravel. With the continuous aggregation of matter, its size is getting bigger and bigger.

In this way, another ten days or so have passed. At this moment, there are hundreds of water **** around Lou Yi. These are a batch of refining after him. The successful experience has greatly increased his confidence and naturally more. Let go and do it.

It's just that Wutu and Huchi, especially Huchi, have begun to break their thoughts. Lou Yi was so disturbed by his belly that he couldn't concentrate. He had to separate a ray of energy, made two bubbles, and wrapped one. A grilled crab claw was delivered to this guy.

The tiger idiot is simply grateful, holding the crab legs and gnawing fiercely. It is not ugly to eat. It is just that Lou Yi has not figured out one thing, that is, this guy has already existed in the fit period, why is he hungry? Isn’t it time to reach bigu status long ago...

When he retracted his gaze, his face suddenly changed. It may be due to the influence of the tiger infatuation. The water soul that was originally refined had some problems. For some reason, it swelled up, and from the beginning The size of longan has become the same size as coconut fruit today.

Lou Yi frowned and gave Hulun a fierce look. This idiot caused himself to make a mistake. The soul of the sea who was refining now is still an egg.

At this time, all the material has been completely integrated into this strange egg, the egg is emitting a brilliant jade light, and what is even more strange is that there is a sound of fetal breath in it, this thing is actually alive?

But what happened at that instant just now, Lou Yi really didn't know, and he didn't know it didn't mean that it didn't happen. The reason why this happened was because of Lime who had been integrated into his body.

He has been hiding in his body, and while he was distracted, he quietly injected his own breath into the soul of the sea. Of course, it also took part of Lou Yi's blood. To put it bluntly, this thing is actually quite So Lou Yi's heir.

For the next ten days, Lou Yi has been studying this weird egg, because the aura it exudes is getting stronger and stronger, and it always makes him feel a kind of intimacy, as if it carries inside, is with him What creatures are closely related.

This is really too strange, more than half a month has passed, and the magic pills that emit sapphire blue light appear in front of his eyes. This thing is really strange.

Its outer layer is very soft and transparent, but inside is a group of rotating nuclei, which is made up of many different substances. Lou B carefully counted them, and it turned out that there were no more than 27 species.

He suddenly wanted to understand one thing This so-called soul of the sea is actually a shell composed of 133 auxiliary drugs, plus an inner core composed of 27 main drug substances. Just like those tombs outside the Sea God Palace.

This Sea Soul is actually an ancient sea clan polymer that has shrunk countless times. No wonder it possesses such a magical power...

Lou Yi squeezed one of them gently, and found that its outer shell was extremely soft but extremely tough, and the contents inside would not be deformed due to squeezing. Just as he was hesitant to try one, suddenly A strange power enveloped this Sea Soul Pill, and at the same time, nine more were simultaneously carried by this power to the strange egg that was still gestating.

Under Lou Yi's extremely surprised gaze, they were shrouded in a cloud of light and disappeared in front of Lou Yi's eyes. At this time, many puzzling patterns appeared on the eggshell, and everything returned to normal afterwards. Lou Yi heard vaguely, as if there was a hiccup.

He looked at the egg suspiciously, shook his head and looked outside. He happened to see Huzhi touching his stomach contentedly. Lou Yi assumed that the sound came from Huzhi, but at this time in this egg, There are still nine souls of the sea surrounding a little strange creature, and that burp comes from it.

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