Building B

Chapter 969: Back to Northland

This can be considered a miracle. It turns out that when Han Xiao attacked Zhenji City, the city was almost completely slaughtered by Gu worms, but these war slaves were locked in a cell deep underground. It miraculously escaped.

Afterwards, the three brothers and the surviving war slaves hurriedly fled the Baiji Mountain Range. They only wanted to leave here, so they marched towards the harbour of Qifengkou. Unexpectedly, there was already a ruin. The three brothers had no choice but to leave. Hide your identity all the way, and think of ways to leave Nanzhou all the way.

As soon as I walked, I reached the boundary of Mingfeng City. Xu Gui saved a girl by mistake, and the girl’s family was killed by Ji Youli, just because Ji Youli fell in love with her, and it seemed to have a deep affection. .

After getting along, the girl fell in love with Xu Gui, who had a straightforward personality, but this clever woman couldn't afford to cook without rice, so the three brothers quietly crashed into coolies to help Mingfeng City build a harbor.

How could they have thought that the city lord of Mingfeng City was the culprit responsible for the ruin of Xu Guifa's wife and family. As a result, the three of them were recognized by his men when they were paid.

It’s just that Ji Youli didn’t make any announcements at the time, and people followed them back to where they were hiding. Naturally, it was conceivable that after a great war, Xu Ren was beaten to death almost alive because his body was ill, and Xu Shen was drugged. , Got insane and crazy.

Xu Gui was imprisoned and forced him to divorce his wife every day. At the same time, he had to help Ji Youli to act in order to win the hearts of the beauties. However, Xu Gui had a straightforward character and would rather die than surrender. So he was abused every day, and his wife was placed under house arrest. In the dark room, in order to prevent her from yelling and even short-sighted, she was **** and gagged.

Who thought that they both asked them to be rescued, Xu Gui and his beloved wife hugged each other, causing Huzhi to groan from the side. He was not moved, but disliked the noise of these two people.

A few days later, the other two woke up one after another, but Xu Shen was still a little dizzy because of his nerve damage, but he already recognized Lou Yi and Huzhi, and the three brothers knelt down on the floor. In front of B, thank him for his life-saving grace.

Xu Shen's wife also knelt down, Lou Yi looked at the three brothers and asked seriously, "Would you like to follow me?"

The three brothers looked at each other and said in unison, "We are willing!"

Lou Yi nodded with satisfaction, "Very well, get up all!"

The other two stood up, Xu Gui threw to his knees, and said to Lou Yi with the hand of his beloved wife, "Thank you, the master, for saving our three brothers, but can you please also bring Zhuo Jing into his command!"

Lou Yi looked at the woman. In fact, he found out early in the morning that this woman is not high in cultivation, and should only be a child of an ordinary family, but since she is Xu Gui's wife, it might be a good idea to accept it. After all, ask Xianlou There are still mortals here, not to mention that she still has cultivation skills.

Lou Yi nodded and agreed. Xu Gui was overjoyed. He took his wife and slammed Lou Yi's head. The latter raised his hand to convince the two of them. Xu Gui was also confused. He was naturally fine, and knocked a beautiful wife's head. broken.

Xu Gui was taken aback, and then he reacted. Lou Yi wiped it off and stopped the bleeding. It was just that the small bag that bulged on his forehead could not be resolved for a while, and the woman was bitter and bitter. Staring at Xu Gui, Lou Yi kept laughing to himself.

Following the chart, after a few more days, the familiar mist finally appeared in the field of vision. The girls have also woke up one by one. Fortunately, Zili and Xiangfu are there, otherwise I'm afraid They were about to be scared to jump off the flying boat.

Xu Gui’s wife is named Xiangfu, Xiangfu, Xiangfu, they are quite good for husband and child, Lou Yi thinks this name is very good, plus this woman is of good character, it doesn’t matter if her cultivation is worse. Bad, he also has a way to help her make a change.

After entering the fog, Lou Yi quickly flew out through the fog according to the prohibition set up at the time. At this moment, he suddenly felt that he was locked by something, and saw a piece of rubble, whizzing and flying over.

"Wu Xuan can't be!!!" At this moment, a voice urn sounded angrily to stop him.

The flying gravel had sharp edges and corners, and it hovered in front of Lou Yi and the others. Then Wu Tu stood on Xuangui's back and came to Lou Yi and the others.

Lou Yi looked at the mysterious tortoise at Wutu's feet and said angrily, "This guy, I saved him somehow, but he treated his lifesaver like this, a bit too much!"

Wutu chuckled, and touched Xuangui's back spoilingly. At this time, Xuangui's big starry eyes were still staring at Lou Yi, which made Lou Yi very depressed.

It can be seen that it has a very good relationship with Wutu, but only after only a short month has passed, it has forgotten itself completely, which really makes him, the lifesaver, feel a little unbalanced.

Xuangui scanned all of them with a scrutinizing gaze, and at the same time sniffed with his nose. After confirming that they were not malicious, he turned and left. At this time, Wutu jumped off its back and came to the flying boat, and said , "Brother Lou hasn't been seen for many days. After returning this time, everything must be done, right?"

"Let's talk about it on the island, the whole body is a little tired after continuous driving." Lou Yi said.

"Yes, yes, go to the island, please!" Wu Tu said to everyone.

Building B looked down at the bay below. The ships carrying them here had all been dismantled at this moment. They were disassembled to form walls and pillars, dividing the bay into several parts.

Lou Yi passed on the feeding method to them, thinking that it has already been implemented at this time. If you want to live, you have to eat enough. Only when the problem of food and clothing is solved can you think about other problems.

But for now, they are doing pretty well. The vegetation on the island has been cleared out. According to the arrangement of Building B, they planted spiritual rice. He left some experience of spiritual rice planting, and also left some Give them the recipe for brewing.

In this way, there is no need to worry about eating and drinking. Now the materials are in his universe bag. He is responsible for arranging the Five Elements Gathering Formation, and then let Wutu help him build a boat for crossing the Yuan. It should be enough to calculate the time for three or four months. Up.

After driving to the island, he directly cut into the subject, and at the same time made a large amount of sea soul wood into wood, walnut-sized snail stone, fist-sized star stone, all placed in front of Wutu's eyes.

Originally, Wutu thought that Lou Yi would at best let him build a small boat and ran back. Unexpectedly, seeing him take out such a large amount of materials, the whole person was stupid. He swallowed hard and smiled embarrassingly. Said, "Brother Lou is really not an ordinary person, admire, admire!"

Lou Yi first asked Wutu to help these girls settle down temporarily, and during this period let them choose by themselves whether to return to Beizhou with her or stay on the Linggui Island.

Lou Yi wanted to enrich the Wuman tribe, otherwise it would take a very long time to restore the prosperity of the tribe with the individuals they currently have.

The girls were very restrained at first, but when they saw the beauty of the island, they slowly relaxed. In addition, although the young people of the Utu clan looked fierce, they were very enthusiastic, which made them feel at ease. A lot.

Later, Lou Yi borrowed a dozen people from Wutu and started his work. He was not good at shipbuilding, but he didn't do what he wanted.

A few months have passed in the blink of an eye, and now the Linggui Island has changed a lot. The aura surrounds the island, and the five-color spiritual fog surrounds the island like a rainbow of colors, adding to the beauty of the Linggui Island.

This Wutu also lived up to expectations. He built a huge boat for Lou B, which is no less than a merchant ship that connects the state to the state, but after all, the materials are limited and there are no luxurious furniture, so this thing It seemed a little empty when it was created.

Lou Yi gave all the remaining materials to Wutu, but he was so happy. You must know that the remaining materials are more than enough to make two or three small boats. In the end, most of the girls chose to stay because of this. Let them feel very at ease.

The rest was because he was grateful to Lou B for his rescue and was willing to go back to Beizhou with him. In this way, Lou B drove the newly built Yuanyuan boat and embarked on the way back. Many years have passed since his departure. , I don’t know what Beizhou has become now.

Thinking of this, I felt more like an arrow at home. Du Yuanzhou drove past Hongyuan and kept moving northward. During this period, Lou Yi helped Xiangfu a little, helped her improve the purity of her spiritual veins, and gave I found her three mulberry fruits, which made her overjoyed.

As for the three heroes of the Xu family, Lou Yi taught them the magic sprite warfare, and at the same time gave them the night kill technique. In order to make them recover as soon as possible, various medicinal medicines are also emerging in an endless stream. Enough, this guy has a chubby belly every day, lying on the deck in the sun, don’t have a small day too comfortable...

Finally one day the horizon of Beizhou appeared in front of him. As a result, Lou Yi suddenly thought of a very serious problem. This crossing of Yuanzhou is not an illegal treasure, and there is no way to put it in the bag of the universe. A ship, it is easy to give birth to a covetous heart.

After some consideration, he decided to hide the ship in the reef cave, and at the same time hide it with a formation method. After some tossing, he recorded the location here, and then rode on the flying boat transformed by the Ruyi Bodhi Pearl. Speeding away in the direction of the North.

However, this time when he went back, what was waiting for him was not a sense of warm welcome, but a mess. He had asked Bian Meng to ask him to send a letter to Beizhou if he had not returned from Sea God's Yuan. Jianghou's people said he was dead, and asked Li Gan to take charge of all affairs of QXianlou.

Lou Yi himself had forgotten these things completely, but after seeing that Lou Yi had not returned to Yidao and Bian Mingxing did not want to mention the situation, he mistakenly thought Lou Yi had died. Once inside the Sea God Palace, he passed the news of his death on his behalf.

Unexpectedly, this caused an uproar. Now the Northern Territory is chaotically, but all of them are caused by this. I am afraid that he will be a scorched look after returning to Wenxianlou...

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