Building B

Chapter 980: Dynasty change

After eating and drinking in the holy mountain, Hu Chi hiccuped all the way down the mountain. Looking at the billowing belly, Lou Yi felt a sense of accomplishment for some reason, but he himself didn’t know why he felt that way. Maybe it's an achievement to feed a guy who is hungry every day.

This time he had tossed for a full three or four hours, and various ingredients and fine wines poured in, turned into delicious delicacies under his hands, and placed them in front of a few people.

At first, the tiger idiot guarded food, but as more and more delicious food was placed in front of his eyes, he couldn’t take care of it anymore, so that at the end of the meal, the mouth was stuffed full with his hands. Holding the leg of a roasted monster beast, his body was full of meat, and tears could not stop streaming down.

It wasn't because he was moved, but because of so many delicacies before his eyes, he couldn't eat it anymore.

The three brothers of the Xu family were also full of food, but they weren’t as fruitless as Tiger Chi. When they were full, they were full. So the final picture is that the three of them still have Building B, staring at Tiger Chi and watching this stuff. When are you ready to give up.

After tossing for a long time, Huchi finally gave up. Seeing him burst into tears, Lou Yi told him if he couldn't eat it, he could put it away first. He seemed to have reacted at this time.

The begging beggar asked him for a Naxu ring, Lou Yi also gave the other three people one by the way, anyway, this thing was made by Huo Yan, and he couldn't use it himself.

Huzhi happily swept away the wine and food, and the three Xu family brothers knelt on the ground. After that, they went down the mountain. After returning to Cedar County, Huzhi was called away by Baitu Jili, saying that it was necessary. Teach them the techniques of the Baitu family.

Zhengshou didn't know how to improve Huzhi's combat power. This is fine. He helped solve this problem. It may be because of eating and drinking enough. This time, Huzhi gave face especially, so he obediently followed.

Lou Yi took the three brothers from the Xu family to Wenxianlou. He told Baitu Jili that he would meet with him after the matter was over. He would have a task to do and let him notify the Baitu family to be on standby at any time.

Although the Baitu family swept across the entire Northern Territory before, after all, its foundation was unstable and they were not from the local state. Although most of the forces chose to surrender on the surface, they were still doing shameful deeds behind their backs.

What Lou B has to do now is to completely change the dynasty, clean up all the malignant tumors, and make the Northern Region the base camp of Wenxian Lou, so that the people here can live and work in peace and contentment.

He had this extravagant hope for a while. At the beginning of the establishment of Wenxianlou, he had such an idea. However, at that time he was just a six-story ant in the fading period, and the five sects of the thirteenth family were pressing on him. Two valleys.

The thirteenth family is entangled in the Northern Territory, and the forces behind it are even more ingrained, and the Five Sects and Two Valleys are the sect forces rooted in the Northern Territory. He is a small questioning fairy building that can’t even occupy a county. Dominate the entire northern region.

However, it is different now. It seems that all the conditions have been put together. The thirteenth family evacuated from the Northern Territory, and some even evacuated from Beizhou, and most of the remaining depended on the Tie Family or the Kui Family.

The Five Sects and Two Valleys have also existed in name only. The Iron Kings originally wanted to occupy the Northern Territory, causing the Feiji Sect, Hanyu Sect, Haoxue Sect, Beiwu Sect, and Ganhui Sect to fall.

As the land of two valleys, Contemplation Valley and Snow Wolf Valley, one was destroyed by bandits, and the whole valley left Beizhou.

The dozens of mountains that were pressing on him are gone, but two insurmountable moats lie in front of him again. The Tie Family swallows the Wang Family and sweeps the entire Eastern Region. The Kui Family rises strongly and integrates the entire Western Region, while the Southern Region originally The three-legged situation of China has been broken, I am afraid it will be the result of continuous wars in the future.

Taking advantage of the fact that the two families have no time to pay attention to the Northern Territory, this is the best time to win the Northern Territory in one fell swoop. More importantly, the people of the Northern Territory have suffered enough, and it is time to let these monsters roll out of the Northern Territory. .

The base camp of Wenxianlou in the Northern Territory, where the Northern Wuzong was previously located, is now very different. The entire mountain peak where the Northern Wuzong is located is filled with huge stone castles, perhaps because of the separation of the Baitu family. , Forcing Li Gan to have to do this.

Now the surrounding towns have basically withdrawn, and they are still in control of the two boundaries of Wenxianlou and Qianhuizong.

Hearing that Lou Yi was still alive, Wen Xian went up and down with joy, especially when the two brothers Li Gan and Li Chuang, the huge boulder on their bodies finally fell to the ground.

At this time, Hua Wuyue was holding a pair of babies in her arms. They seemed to be only four or five months old. One boy and one girl were quite slick, staring at the outside at this moment.

Li Gan touched their little heads a little bit, and said to Hua Wuyue next to him, "What do you think he would think if he saw these two little things?"

Hua Wuyue smiled charmingly, "I am his mother-in-law, these two are his brother-in-law and sister-in-law, what do you think he can think!"

Li Gan smiled awkwardly, and said, "You don't care, but my cheap father-in-law is... alas!"

"What do you think about so much, haven't you said, you two have different opinions, you are his father-in-law, he is your host, it's good!" Hua Wuyue said with a smile.

"Hehehe, hehehehe..." Li Chuang smiled carelessly from the side.

Li Gan glared at him and said, "You laugh, you are the uncle of these two children, that is, the uncle of the original poster!"

"Uh..." Li Chuang suffocated his breath and swallowed fiercely with a distressed expression on his face. At this moment, someone outside informed that the host had returned.

The crowd gathered on the square. Not long after Lou Yi took the Xu family's three brothers into their sight, Lou Yi first saw Li Gan and Hua Wuyue, and naturally saw the baby in her arms.

He stepped forward and clasped his fist, "I have seen the mother-in-law!"

"Yeah!" Hua Wuyue nodded and agreed.

At this time Lou Yi saw the expressions on the faces of Li Gan and Li Chuang, and he asked, "What happened to you two?"

"No...nothing." The brothers replied with a guilty conscience.

"Well, I will ask Xianlou to gather later, I have important things for you to do!" Lou Yi ordered.

The two brothers looked at each other and said in unison, "Yes, the subordinates know!"

Lou Yi pointed to the three brothers of the Xu family and said to Li Gan, “They will ask the brothers from Xianlou, this is Xu Shen, this is Xu Ren, this is Xu Gui, you first take them to see Huo Yan, and hand this in too. Give it to him, tell him to do his best to fulfill the requirements of the three of them!"

Lou Yi handed all the large amount of supplies for the Nanzhou trip to Li Gan and asked him to pass it to Huo Yan. At the same time, he also handed over the transcribed Hai Lian method to him. At this time, the ghost spoke. Asked, "May I ask her...?"

Li Gan replied, "Oh, she is retreating in the Ebony Linggu at the moment, and she should be able to come out in a while!"

Hearing this, Xu Gui breathed a sigh of relief and said to Li Gan, "Thank you!"

Li Gan waved his hand and said, "They are all my own brothers, why be so polite, you come with me!"

"Thank you!" the three brothers said with fists.

After they left, Lou Yi said to Li Chuang, "Go and go to Huizong, and summon Zhao Tong and his daughter back!" "

"Yes, the subordinates will do it!" Li Chuang took the order.

At this time, Lou Yi looked at Hua Wuyue with a smile, and said meaningfully, "Mother-in-law, you really gave me a problem..."

Hua Wuyue was still a little confused, but seeing Lou Yi's eyes looking at the pair of children in her arms, she immediately understood what he meant, and she smiled and said, "Come and see your brother-in-law and sister-in-law."

Lou Yi smiled awkwardly, first squeezed the boy's cheek lightly, and then kept looking at the girl. Hua Wuyue saw that his expression was different, and said with relief, "It's been so long. Just let it go..."

Lou Yi sighed, "After all, it's my fault..."

Hua Wuyue was silent for a moment and then sighed, "That child has a hard life. She doesn't want to affect your future because of her pregnancy. She is willing."

Tears flickered at the corner of Lou Yi's eyes. He gently touched the girl's cheek and said, "What a fool!"

Hua Wuyue gently touched his arm and said, "It's good if you have this heart, and she will be very happy in the Spirit of Heaven."

Lou Yi took out a pair of silver rings and put them on the necks of the two This is a pair of magic weapons, named "Dragon and Phoenix Chengxiang", which he collected from Mingfeng City What I found out from the treasure house was a wedding gift from the Nangong family to Ji Youli and the second girl.

These two treasures, water and fire, are very suitable for these two children. Hua Wuyue has double veins of water and wood, and Li Gan has double veins of fire and earth. These two treasures are gifted by the Nangong family. It is very valuable if you want to come, otherwise this season Being polite will not hide so tightly.

Above the two silver rings, one dragon and one phoenix exuded red and blue light. The two little guys seemed to like them. The chubby little hands held them, and the little boy poked out his fleshy little mouth, and went. Licking the silver ring around his neck.

"Such a valuable thing, what can I say?" Hua Wuyue initially thought that Lou Yi gave them some meeting gifts casually, but when she felt the breath of the two silver rings, she knew it. Very precious.

"Accept it, just treat it as a meeting gift given to them by Rumei and I. You can keep all of these as well as these." Lou Yi said and took out a large number of elixir, many of which were nine-tier treasures. , Piled on the ground exudes an amazing treasure.

Hua Wuyue opened her mouth wide in surprise, and quickly put it away, complaining, "How can you be so profane with such a precious medicine!"

Lou Yi smiled noncommitantly. These are actually some medicinal materials that he doesn't use for the time being. In his Qiankun bag, there is also a good-quality elixir, which he only bought from the Bian clan. , It was enough for Hua Wuyue to be surprised.

A few hours later, all the people with identities in Ask Xianlou gathered to ask Xianlou. Many of them have not been seen in a long time. Lou Yi didn't want to hide it, and said straightforwardly, "I want this northern region. The sky has changed. Can you help me?"

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