Building B

Chapter 989: Demon Remnant

Lou Yi did not pay much attention to the previous battle. The reason is actually very simple. There are Baitu Kuiwei, Baitu Kuixiong, and Li Ting and Zhao Tong. These people are experienced veterans. Ask these guards in Xianlou, except for Xue Shuanghua and others. Outside of the experience, the rest are survivors who have been fighting along the way.

They know the meaning of life better than anyone else. For their family, for Wen Xianlou, only living is meaningful.

Lou B needs to block the person in front of him. The opponent's body is treacherous and his cultivation level is very high. Moreover, this person always gives him an unfathomable feeling. When Lou B faced blood madness, he was thinking One thing, what kind of power is behind this Blood Hand Hall.

At the beginning, he had obtained the Blood Hand Hundred Tu classics of the Blood Family. This technique is extremely weird. Without contact with people, he can imprint white handprints on people’s clothing or even armor and blades. These white handprints will absorb the opponent’s. Essence, Qi, God.

They will become more and more terrifying as time goes on. When the white handprints are completely turned into blood handprints, the loss of their own spirits and spirits will accelerate a hundredfold.

What's more terrifying is that the white mudra can be superimposed and can bear up to nine mudra, but when the ninth mudra appears, they will instantly kill the opponent in the nine mudra and deprive the other party of their spirits. Turn it into your own use.

Lou Yi stared at this person closely because he knew the opponent's hole cards very well, and this strange phenomenon that he could not understand at the beginning should have an answer at this time.

Since these people dared to sneak in here, they must have made sufficient preparations, but they would never think that Haoxuezong's Lou Yi and the 6 Kang who asked Xianlou would be the same person.

The soft wind and drizzle shadowed, Lou Yi silently attacked, the mother of insight made these assassins invisible, but the situation seems to have changed a little, the master of the night killing gate, or the blood hand The creator of the tang obviously mastered a more terrifying technique.

The surrounding sky was weirdly plunged into darkness, and my fingers could not be seen. There was a whisper around slowly emerging. This sound seemed to be pervasive. When Lou Yi heard this sound, he felt dizzy and fainted.

At this moment, Hu Chi killed him from the front, Lou Yi stopped and said, "I'm fine, do what you should do!!!"

Suddenly there was a ghostly spirit all around, Lou Yi knew that this was all affected by the whispering sound, suddenly a green ghost appeared from the ground, they stretched their bone claws, thinking of his legs grabbing.

At this moment, his pupils were shining with a milky white halo. As soon as he felt that he was being recruited, he looked down at the token of life and death hanging on his waist, and found that it actually gave out a faint black light, that is to say. It turned out to be a magic skill.

Ever since the heavens and humans were born, they swept through the three most powerful evil demon sects that were entrenched in the land of Zhongzhou at that time. For more than 10,000 years, people who cultivated demons had to hide in the dark. .

However, Lou Yi has shown that in the last thousand years, the Demon Sect seems to have resurrected, from the Qingping catastrophe he experienced back then, then the Chi Lian in the Soul Refining Valley, to the blood infant who encountered the resurgence in the North State Conference. The ancestors, and then the magic soul method of the abyss sea eel clan.

It seems that more and more evidences show that demons are gradually awakening, and they have never been truly wiped out. This is the clearest point in Lou Yi, because in the space of his sword marks, at this moment, a demon of the world is sealed. Just know that now he doesn't know what kind of existence is sealed.

At this moment, in his eyes, the pitch-black soul thread is constantly intertwining all around, like an invisible magic hand, quietly gripping him tightly, Lou Yi suddenly understands how he was infatuated by the blood in the first place. plot.

"So it's like this..." Lou Yi muttered to himself.

In the past, I couldn't figure out why the other party could not touch him, but was able to weirdly press the white handprint on his body, and now everything finally came to light.

Magic power, and it is a very evil magic power. It seems that the background of the Blood Hand Hall is extremely difficult. It hides its identity as a night killer on the surface, but secretly uses the Blood Hand Hall to do shameful deeds. These amassed money to develop their power.

It's just that Lou Yi still can't figure out that with the power of killing the door at night, I am afraid that it will not easily succumb to the Kwai family, then whether there is any agreement between the two, or everyone tacitly agrees.

Lou Yi’s eyes began to become cold. The actions of the blood infant ancestor at the beginning have made him hate it. These people who cultivate demon have no bottom line at all. They are just a demon repair in the Yuan Ying period. It has caused such terrible consequences, and the magic repair cannot be tolerated!

The light in the eyes condensed suddenly, and the figure transformed into hundreds of condensed bodies with the soft wind and drizzle. The impermanence of the water was elusive, passing between the fingers of the black ghost hand and converging forward.

It's just that this man's magic skill, in addition to deceiving people's mind, can also isolate the exploration of divine consciousness, and those black soul silks have blocked the difficulty of finding the other side's figure.

The ghost hand missed a hit, and a voice in the dark said, "Huh? How is it possible?"

It seems that he felt a little unbelievable about Lou Yi's escape from his exercises without injury, because this exercise originated from the once overlord power of Zhongzhou, and it was the three major ones that shocked Zhongzhou and even the entire Kunwu world.

It's a pity that the last three factions collapsed overnight and disintegrated instantly, and the instigator is just like the dean of the Heavenly Academy of the Lower Academy today.

However, the Hundred-legged Worm, dead but not stiff, a large number of monks of the three factions chose to live in seclusion, waiting for the chance to make a comeback, but today's Lian Ying Sect seems to have broken its inheritance, and Lin Wugu chooses to observe the one with heaven and man. protocol.

As for the Assassination Organization of the Dark World, what they are best at is hiding. As the founder of the Blood Hand Hall, he is actually the remnant descendant of the Blood Hand Hall. The Blood Family was in the power of the Blood Hand Hall at that time. Once ranked gold medal killer.

Therefore, most of the exercises of the Demon Hall were accessible to the Blood Family. When the Demon Hall was destroyed, it coincided with the blood family ancestors going out to perform tasks, so he escaped a disaster. He fled Zhongzhou alone and came to the north. The remote part of the state has since been incognito and created this night killing gate.

However, after all, the method of Demon Hall is more inclined to assassination, and it is easy to find clues, so his ancestors thought of another solution, which is to secretly establish another existence similar to Demon Hall.

As a result, the Blood Hand Hall came into being. Through the night killing gate and some organizations and gangs on the rivers and lakes, the Blood Hand Hall has gradually grown. The system implemented is also based on the hierarchical system of gold, silver, copper, iron, and tin to continuously fight against The killer door of the Blood Hand Hall is open to classics.

Most of these classics are obtained through killings and purchases, and they are naturally mixed with some of the techniques of the Demon Hall at the beginning, but this so-called Blood Hand Hundred Tuss, as the treasure of the blood family, is always only blood family talents. Able to practice.

In addition, in order to prevent the leakage of the exercises, the exercises are compiled in secret words and secret words. Only the blood family knows the specific order of the secrets, so that the leakage of the exercises can be greatly prevented.

However, this so-called Blood Hand Baitu, its real name is [Xura Blood Seal Jue], but the original blood family ancestor was afraid that future descendants would leak the family secrets, so he changed its name to Blood Hand Baitu, which shows that the original sky What a tremendous deterrent effect Renyi has played against these evil ways.

Because the blood madness was killed, he, the blood veteran of the old blood hand hall, had to continue to shoulder the important task of maintaining the family. The blood mad father was named Xue Luo. At this moment, he was completely released in his own practice. The horror of myself.

In the dark night, the ghostly shadows are so plentiful, and the whispering sound is like maggots attached to the bones, Lou Yi has to resist this magical sound while using soft wind and drizzle to avoid the opponent's attack.

At this moment, there are floating souls everywhere in the sky, some of them are dark red, some are dark blue, some are green, some are dry yellow, and some are brown and purple. The color.

The five-color spirits seem to have different soul auras. Lou Yi only knows that this lacquer-green spirit will turn into bone-binding claws, blocking his actions, and that there is no sign of ghosts, and he will meet the other party's way if he is not careful.

As for this dark blue spirit, it seems to be the culprit of the whispering sound. They float in the dark night, whispering and ghostly whistling, as long as they relax a little, they will be dragged into the abyss of spirits. It is extremely insidious.

For the remaining three spirits, Lou Yi doesn't know their specific functions for the time being, but he feels the dark red spirit, which seems to be exuding a very tyrannical soul. He wants to use the spirit swallowing technique to kill them all, but he is in Waiting, waiting for the other party to expose himself.

This person has been hiding in the dark since just now, and the weird technique he performed has also aroused his interest. This method can actually isolate the divine consciousness. If it can be used for himself, then the life and death order is boarded. A lot of soul power, I'm afraid it can be used.

There are subtle fluctuations in the darkness Lou Yi raised his brows slightly, he knew that this was the other party who quietly used the Blood Hand Baitu, a huge black ghost claw, slowly in the dark Appeared, quietly grasping towards his location.

Lou Yi thought about it carefully, and decided to take a chance to try it, and see how the opponent's **** hand Baitu is different from that **** crazy...

In the darkness, Xueluo had a pair of eagle-like eyes, staring at Lou Yi steadily. The previous failure of the Blood Hand Baitu aroused his vigilance. After a safe distance, he repeated his tricks. If the opponent can escape this time, it proves that the opponent may have seen through the Blood Hand Baitu, such an opponent is very dangerous.

Their family can continue to this day by being cautious. No wealth or interest can be compared with life. After thousands of years, these dogmas have become absolute truths in their bones and blood.


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