Building Superheroes at Marvel

Chapter 128 Destruction

"Amazing, is it so strong after just one evolution?"

Looking at the defeated Hydra in the sand table, Kyle showed a satisfied smile on his face.

That giant zombie was able to withstand the attack of small shells just by evolving for the first time.

According to his prediction, this modified T virus can trigger three evolutions, and the latter two will be stronger.

"Launch the final attack, this boring test should be over."

Kyle controlled the sand table again, and the crystal blue energy in his hand kept pouring into it.

Inside the sandbox.

All the zombies seemed to have sensed something, and began to rush towards the base. There were still three or four giant zombies in the crowd.

At the Hydra base at this moment, after learning that the plane could no longer take off, the five leaders visibly panicked.

How many years have they worked to get to this position, and they have encountered this kind of thing before enjoying it.

Since they haven't been on the battlefield in person, these people don't know how terrifying zombies are, let alone the ones that have evolved once.

In fact, zombies also have a very powerful ability, that is, they can use human love.

Your loved ones are infected, do you choose to pick up the butcher knife and kill them with your own hands? Or willingly choose to be infected together? Or is it a cowardly escape and chooses to commit suicide?

This applies to many situations. There are very few people who can make perfect choices. They are all born rational.

"No. 45, is there any progress?"

At this time, the leader who proposed to arrest the zombie research pressed the communicator in his hand.

No. 45, this is the researcher who came up with this idea, a biologist who graduated from Harvard University, a pure high IQ talent.

"Oh my god, these demons are simply amazing, their bodies have been greatly improved, this should not be a curse, but an evolution!"

On the other side of the screen, Na Ming's researcher held a bottle of black blood in his hand, which was just extracted from a captured zombie.

After research, he found that the bodies of these zombies had been severely altered, and they were always developing in the direction of how to kill better.

There is no doubt that, except for the ordinary zombies that have just been transformed, other types are beyond the reach of human beings.

"Don't keep doing these useless things, now we are in a catastrophe, quickly make me the serum."

Seeing the crazy appearance of researcher No. 45 on the other side of the screen, the leader was obviously a little angry.

This base is as strong as a military fortress, but it can't withstand the siege of nearly a thousand zombies, not to mention that there are stronger mutants inside.

"My dear sir, next I will choose to join this glorious evolution. With all due respect, you Hydra are as inconspicuous as garbage in the gutter."

Researcher No. 45 said disdainfully that he was forced to join Hydra in the first place, and if it wasn't because his life was in the hands of these people, he would have quit long ago.

But now, with the tube of black blood in his hand, he can join this glorious evolution.

Under everyone's horrified gazes, the researcher directly drank the whole tube of blood into his own mouth.

In the next second, his body collapsed on the ground in an instant, and he began to twitch uncontrollably, and a painful growl came from his mouth.

This situation lasted for about half a minute, and black blood began to spurt from his facial features, and a white diaphragm was solidified on his eyeballs.

The back became bent, the two arms became long and thin, and sharp black nails extended from the fingertips.

The skin became pale, and the face began to split and swell, forming two balls of fleshy tissue at the chin.


In just two minutes, the transformation was complete, and it directly passed the first stage and came to the evolutionary body.

Listening to the ear-piercing screams, let them all understand that something is going to happen inside the base.

"Send someone to kill him,

There are so many of us, but only one of him. "

The leader tapped the red button, and the soldiers patrolling the base received mission instructions.

Unable to refuse the order, they immediately grabbed their weapons and rushed towards the place where researcher No. 45 was last.

In a dark passage.


A cry of pain came, a soldier was directly pierced through the chest by sharp claws, and researcher No. 45 appeared.

With the help of dim lights, it can hide itself very well, just like a ghost, waiting to harvest the lives of everyone at any time

Now Hydra already knows the contagiousness of these monsters, and directly shoots and kills that team member, as long as it can solve that monster, everything is worth it!

The sound of gunshots kept ringing, but in this small and enclosed space, the role of firearms was greatly reduced.

On the contrary, researcher No. 45, with his powerful agility, sent all those who attacked him away claw by claw.

Bullets could indeed pierce through his chest, but zombies don't feel pain, so it doesn't affect his speed at all.

With a dozen or so newly transformed younger brothers, they directly started the road to bloodbath this base.

Half an hour later, as the last living person died at the hands of the zombies, the island was completely occupied.

The roar resounded throughout the entire island, and only three hours had passed since the T-virus took effect.

Outside the sand table.

Kyle looked at the island that had completely fallen, and knew it was time to leave.

This business trip was completed very well, and I used Hydra to test a virus that I had never used before.

The effect naturally lived up to expectations, and the effect of this enhanced version can be said to be several times stronger than the original version.

"The next step is to destroy you."

A dazzling light erupted from his hand, and the sand table in front of him was disintegrated the moment it touched the light.

After doing all this, Kyle used the power of connection to lock this different space. The protective measures can be said to be perfect.

"Oh, it's time to go back. Tomorrow, I have to go to the Ancient One to pick out magic books for Wanda."

Wanda at home has absolutely no talent in magic, and now she can control some of the chaos magic in her body.

The magic book brought back from Karma Taj last time was about to be finished by her, and Kyle had to buy some more. Anyway, his library is big enough.

However, there is one thing that makes him feel very strange, that is, Karma Taj, as a magic holy land that has been passed down for so long...why there are martial arts cheats in it!

"Wait... Could it be that those melee mages of Karma Taj went astray like this?"

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