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Time passed quickly, and New York ushered in the most wonderful night, and the carnival belonging to the little people arrived.

Kyle was sitting in his office, behind him was Bruce Banner who was correcting the paper.

Since the time given by Nick Fury is at night, Kyle naturally cannot let go of Dr. Banner, a top talent who has received seven doctorates.

It just so happened that the laboratory managers under him had long had a lot of resentment, and their identities on the surface were professors who taught and educated people in the college.

The thesis of some graduates will be sent to them for review in these two months.

As a result, the progress of the experiment was directly slowed down, which made those people feel very dissatisfied.

But now, Banner's arrival directly helped them eliminate this boring job, and they could devote themselves to research.

"Dr. Banner, thank you for your help today."

Soon, Banner finished the last paper in his hand, and these papers were a piece of cake for him.

Seeing this, Kyle handed him a bottle of water. He has been busy since noon until now, without even eating in the middle.

"It doesn't matter, if I can't become that green guy, maybe I will stay in school and be a teacher."

After taking a sip of the water, Banner's tone was full of emotion.

If he could do it again, he would definitely choose not to conduct the experiment on the gamma range, causing himself to fall into this situation.

But it is a pity that there are no ifs in life, and now Banner can only practice hard by himself, trying not to let this power hurt others.

"If you are not used to staying with Nick Fury, you are always welcome here."

Kyle wrote down his contact information and handed it to Banner. Whether it is wisdom or combat effectiveness, Banner is not weak.

Although it is not as perverted as Stark, at least they have created half a time machine, and it might be successful if given a little more time.

And Banner can also refuse, accepting this contact information, he feels that he will be able to use it sooner or later.

"Let's go, I'll send you back next."

Seeing that Banner accepted his contact information, Kyle also showed a smile on his face.

He raised his hand to check the time, and now it was the time he had agreed with Nick Fury, and he needed to send Banner back to him.

Due to Hydra, Nick Fury can't act alone now, and is easily surrounded by them.

"Okay, but can I ask where the parking lot is?"

Banner picked up the jacket and put it on and asked, he knew the way back, but he didn't know where the car was.

This is also the first time for Water Company, so naturally I don't know how to get out of this complicated place.

Even the internal staff will get lost in some places without the guidance of the Red Queen.

"No, come with me."

Kyle shook his head and said, then lightly tapped his fingertips in front of him, and a faint blue space door was directly opened by him.

Then he walked directly into the door, and Dr. Banner behind him froze for a moment, but followed him in.


S.H.I.E.L.D., underground base in New York.

Nick Fury was sitting in his office, bandaging his wound with iodophor and gauze.

The news of their actions leaked out this morning, causing the trap originally set for Hydra to directly target their own people.

If it weren't for the two new powerful combat forces of the US team and the Hulk, I'm afraid SHIELD would really exist in name only after today.

After returning from a narrow escape, Nick Fury directly caught the guy who dared to betray them.

Fortunately, it was discovered early enough that the location of the base was not exposed, and they intercepted it.

However, several future plans and logistical supply points have been conveyed by the other party, and it is estimated that they have all been destroyed by now.

In front of him, the blue space door opened, and Kyle's figure walked out of it, followed by Dr. Banner.

"Yo, I haven't seen you for a few days,

How did it get mixed up like this, do you need some help from me? Mr. Chief. "

Seeing this extremely shabby wooden office, Kyle smiled secretly in his heart, making the brat dare to make up his mind.

But at the same time, this also reflects the difficulties of S.H.I.E.L.D. at the moment. The power controlled by Hydra is too huge.

Nick Fury didn't expect that the space carrier he spent a huge amount of money to build was actually marked with the mark of Hydra.

However, it is naturally impossible for Kyle to let them fail. The transaction has already started, and it is impossible to run away before it is completed.

"Someone has to be careful recently. Snakes are the most ruthless species. If you offend him, you will definitely be punished."

Nick Fury was also unceremonious, and directly replied.

It sounded like a mockery, but it was actually reminding Kyle to be careful of Hydra's revenge, and he was still greedy for those things in the treasure house.

If it is taken by Hydra, then the world will fall into a place of eternal doom.

"Okay, man, I'll send it back to you. At the same time, I added some safety measures to him, which can isolate the sonic weapon that makes people angry."

Back to the topic, Kyle told Nick Fury the enhancement he made, don't let this guy be stupid and still guard against sonic weapons.

That weapon should have been developed solely for Bruce Banner, and it didn't work against people like Coulson, Hawkeye, and Captain America.

"Thank you for that, but don't underestimate our gods. Except for those that are inconvenient to transfer, the rest of the 084 items are stored here."

Hydra certainly couldn't get all of these things. In order to take them away, Nick Fury abolished Dali.

But the hard work paid off, and on the last day of the plan, success was transferred by him.

"Hydra has gone through a self-destruct blow from you, and the remaining power will not be too much, so I will lend them a big gift by lending your hand."

Kyle took out a pen and paper from his coat pocket, wrote a string of coordinates on it and handed it to Nick Fury.

This is the coordinates of the self-explosive spaceship that was buried before. It was originally intended to be used on SHIELD, but now it seems that Hydra will be more suitable.

If Nick Fury can't handle it well, he will release all eight of his clones and clean up the Hydra of Pierce's line.

He is also responsible for the safety of his employees, and those ordinary people have no idea what happened.

"Leave it to me, and I'll get the message across."

Nick Fury is a smart man, he quickly noticed Kyle's "conspiracy", and he happened to catch an undercover agent himself.

Use his identity to convey this string of coordinates, and when this gift is opened, it will be time for their S.H.I.E.L.D. counterattack.

"Then, I wish us a happy cooperation."

"Happy cooperation!"

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