Building Superheroes at Marvel

Chapter 151 Abnormal (3)

"Valter Company? First Prize!?"

Hearing the news, Julia couldn't believe it at first, but when she saw the work certificate that Gasco presented, she jumped up from the spot in an instant.

As a woman who loves beauty, she is very impressed by Water Company, a company that has produced several special-effect beauty products.

"Come in! Come in!"

I won the first prize. Although I don't know what it is, it must be worth a lot, after all, it is such a big company.

Alice followed into the room, she silently reached into her pocket, took out a bug and stuck it under the table.

"It's like this. The beauty serum you bought before won the first prize. The prize is a Porsche 911. It can also be replaced with equivalent money."

Gasco took Aristotle's suitcase and took out Julia's shopping list inside and said.

These were all discovered by the Red Queen when she was investigating her background, and the plan was made in just 5 minutes.

They want to ensure that Julia does not die, and only get rid of the life form in different latitudes in her body.

As for how to get it out, of course it depends on Kama Taj's bronze mirror, which can not only be used for investigation, but also to expel evil spirits.

"Well, let me think about it...then change it to cash."

Julia brought two glasses of water, and after listening to Gasko's introduction, she chose to exchange them for cash.

Compared with the car, she prefers to use the money to buy things she likes, and the rest can be used to travel around.

"Okay, this is our award receiving location, please get there at five o'clock in the afternoon."

Seeing her nodding in agreement, Gasco took out a pen and wrote down an address. This is the venue they prepared.

The construction team was very fast, and directly bought a two-story small building and transformed it into an exorcism venue.

As long as Julia goes there, they are 100% sure to get that evil spirit out.

"Uh, ok, I'll be there on time."

Although she was puzzled why she chose this address, she still couldn't help the temptation of money, and finally chose to accept it.

Alice also finished arranging various monitoring items, and the Red Queen has taken over every corner of the room.

"Then we'll be there waiting for you."

The goal has been achieved, and Gasko has to prepare for the amnestics, otherwise the girl probably won't be able to survive the rest of her life.

Even a tough guy like Gasco couldn't bear this kind of psychological blow.

When I thought of myself lying on other people's bodies and gnawing on them, I drank the blood with a satisfied face, and ate the flesh, even the internal organs in my stomach.

He only felt a gust of cold wind suddenly crawling up his back, and the feeling of numbness in his scalp kept hitting him.

"Then we'll go first."

After saying goodbye to Julia, Alice and Gasco left.


outside the building.

"Tsk tsk, I still can't tell if this Julia from last night is the same person as before."

Alice was quite speechless. The Julia in the surveillance video last night was like a demon who came to the world from hell.

And the Julia I saw in the room just now is no different from a normal modern woman.

"If it weren't for these monsters being able to hide so perfectly, the company wouldn't have specifically asked people with superpowers to lead the team."

Compared to Alice, Gasco thought a little deeper.

Kyle had previously commanded that after discovering these life forms at different latitudes, they should only monitor and keep silent, even if they killed people.

Before the two teams of ability users came back, the strengthened warrior team had no way to deal with these life forms other than massaging people and bombarding them with firepower.

Karma Taj's magic weapon is only used to detect and disperse, and has no substantial lethality.


New York, one kilometer outside Stark Industrial Park.

The exorcist base created by Alice and Gasco is stationed at this location, which is why Julia was puzzled when she saw this address.

Walter Company placed the award receiving place not far from Stark Group's hometown, and people who didn't know the truth would think it was a deliberate provocation.

As for why it was chosen here, of course, there are particulars.

In case they encounter a powerful life form from a different latitude here, they can call and shake people over.

We all know how strong the firepower of Iron Man's armor is, not to mention that with Kyle's amulet, Tony can also increase magic resistance

"I'll get her under control for a while, and then you'll force out the life form in her."

Looking at the time, Julia should be arriving soon.

According to the surveillance of the Red Queen, the other party had already left home in half an hour and was driving here.

These alien-latitude life forms will be in a state of deep sleep during the day, and will come out to look for food at night.

About an hour later, Julia showed up outside the building in a car.

"Welcome, beautiful lady, please follow me to collect the cash."

Gasco came out first and said, he enthusiastically took Julia's hand and walked towards the dark room.

Alice, who had been acting as a transparent person, immediately dodged to the back and closed the door.

"What are you going to do!?"

Seeing this scene, Julia began to panic.

Although she couldn't escape Gasco no matter how hard she struggled, she was rewarded with a hand knife just to be on the safe side.

Julia rolled her eyes and passed out, and Gasco carried her neck with one hand into the dark room.

"The next step is to get out that alien latitude life form."

Alice came in with a bronze mirror in her hand and placed it on Julia's forehead.

The golden-red seal lit up along the edge of the bronze mirror, and Julia's eyes widened in an instant, and she began to writhe violently.

The rope used for binding kept tearing, Gasco immediately suppressed her with his arms to prevent Julia from breaking free from the rope.

As the radiance of the seal became brighter and brighter, a black phantom visible to the naked eye appeared on Julia's body, and countless sticky thin threads connected her body.

"Finally showed up!"

A pure ray of light flashed across Alice's body, and she returned to her angelic form, cheering up.

Gasco picked up the bronze mirror, used it as a knife, and cut directly at the threads between Xuying and Julia.

Puff! !

The moment those liquid threads touched the bronze mirror, they were cut off by the attached white magic power.

"Who dares to disturb me"

The alien-latitude life form that had been sleeping all this time woke up, and it immediately found that it was no longer in Julia's body.

But when he saw Gasco and Alice, his green eyes were about to explode.

It's like a person who is used to eating rotten meat suddenly encounters an extremely delicious, juicy and tender barbecue steak.

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