Building Superheroes at Marvel

Chapter 181 Future Black Panthers and Cooperation

Kyle's blow can shatter the entire protective net of Wakanda, and the remaining power can wipe out the entire country from here, which can be regarded as half a blow.

"As expected of you, boss."

In this regard, Natasha shook her head with a smile on her face. In fact, she also wanted to test the power of this protective net.

Since Kyle wants to do it herself, as a personal secretary, it is naturally impossible for her to fight with the boss.

Meanwhile, inside Wakanda.

The old King T'Chaka has been called from home by the Wakanda Technology Department, and they have detected the emergence of a huge energy source.

Once this energy source falls on them, the whole of Wakanda will be reduced to fly ash in an instant.

"Father, what should we do now?"

Behind him, T'Challa, the future black panther who was still a little immature at this time, asked.

Although the throne of Wakanda is hereditary, there are still many people who are plotting wrongdoing, and T'Challa himself has been trained.

However, these trainings are all about teaching him how to fight, not how to face the energy source above his head that can destroy the entire Wakanda.

"King, a special situation has been detected here."

While T'Chaka was hesitating, a technician in charge of controlling the defense network immediately reported.

He detected two unknown people outside the defense network in the east, and the initial burst point of this energy source was also at this location.

"Father, this man is the boss of Water Company, and he is a well-known entrepreneur outside."

After the technician presented the picture, T'Challa, who knew the outside world well, immediately pointed to Kyle inside and said.

Although he himself will basically not attend any parties or press conferences, but as the boss of such a large company, he will definitely attract attention.

"Entrepreneurs from outside? You mean that a mere entrepreneur can release the power to destroy us at will?"

It would be okay if T'Challa didn't say anything, but now T'Chaka was directly angered. Are they so big that Wakanda is going to die in the hands of an entrepreneur?

His father was very angry now, T'Challa couldn't say anything, but just clenched his fists tightly.

"Come out with me,

Go meet these two. "

Taking a deep breath to calm down, T'Chaka waved his hand and led people away from here.

This energy should only be a deterrent. After all, to destroy them Wakanda will definitely attract international attention.

The consequences of doing so are very serious, T'Chaka can only bet that the other party wants him to go out to meet.

outside world.

"Here it comes, it looks like my energy bomb doesn't need to fall."

After seeing the Wakanda team come out, Kyle also dispersed the energy ball, after all, the next step is the negotiation stage.

If you want to gain the support of the other party, then Kyle must first show the corresponding value, otherwise why should people believe you.

The energy ball just now was a threat as well as a display.

Wakanda's vibration gold is a very good material. With this thing, the company's Xinghai series of armor can also enter the development.

"Dear strong man, welcome to our Wakanda."

T'Chaka performed the highest standard of etiquette in Wakanda when he came up, and at the same time looked at the two from the corner of his eye.

Following him is the future Black Panther T'Challa and his sister Shu Rui, all gathered here at the moment.

"That's not necessary. This time we came to Guibao Land to discuss some business."

Kyle stretched out his hand to T'Chaka and said that in the spirit of humanitarianism, the right choice is to give courtesy first and then soldiers.

If T'Chaka doesn't agree to exchange supplies with Kyle, then I'm sorry, the vibration gold must be obtained for his development.

The ball of energy just now will land in Wakanda, wiping this small country off the face of the earth, leaving only the vibrating gold veins.

"It's good to talk about business, why don't we go in first and then talk? It's also a good time to experience the hospitality of our Wakanda."

Hearing that he was not here to destroy himself, T'Chaka took a long breath in his heart and quickly invited.

If Wakanda really perished in his hands, then he would be a sinner through the ages, and he would not be able to pay back even if he died ten thousand times.

"Come on, Natasha."

Now that the invitation had already been sent, Kyle naturally couldn't refuse, and took Natasha directly into the car.


Inside Wakanda.

Entering the interior on a suspension vehicle, this country of science and technology gradually began to manifest itself. Many technologies that have not been successfully researched by the outside world are here.

"Your country is a bit interesting. There are so many powerful technologies, but they still have to be placed on old antiques."

After observing it for a while, Natasha lost interest. The level of technology is indeed very high, but it is not very good to use it.

In this regard, T'Challa and Shu Rui have no way to refute, after all, this is the tradition of Wakanda.

Soon, the convoy arrived at the main control tower.

"It's the most pleasing thing I've ever seen."

This tower is quite technological, and there are three ring-shaped defense devices floating outside, but the detection effect is a bit poor.

In Avengers 3, General Deathblade easily avoided these defensive facilities, entered the interior of the tower, and found Vision.

"Mr. T'Chaka, I don't think our conversation should be so strenuous, let's just go inside and talk."

For T'Chaka's thoughts, Kyle directly opened the mind-reading ability and knew all about it.

In his view, to negotiate terms with a person who can destroy himself at any time, he must first show his own value.

If your own value is not enough, just like the pebbles that can be seen everywhere on the side of the road, it is nothing to be kicked away.

But its own value is enough, the situation is different, at least T'Chaka can have a fair chance to negotiate.

After reading his thoughts, Kyle really wanted to laugh.

In terms of scheming, you have to learn from Nick Fury. Although that guy is a bit greedy, he is definitely very strong.

"Inside? Where is inside?"

T'Chaka was puzzled by what Kyle said.

They are already in the main control tower now, where should they go?

Next, a shocking scene appeared in front of him. Kyle just stretched out his index finger and tapped casually in front of him, and the five-meter-high space door was opened directly.

"Natasha, you can play with the two of them first, the old king and I have some private matters to discuss."

After finishing speaking, Kyle directly grabbed T'Chaka and entered the portal and disappeared without a trace.

Natasha froze in place with a dazed expression, how could she become a loner in the blink of an eye.

"Miss... why don't we go visit first."

T'Challa noticed the hand signals given by his father before he left, and now he can only bite the bullet and entertain Natasha.

"Okay, then I'll go shopping with you first, the provincial boss said I was dereliction of duty."

Kyle has left, and Natasha has nothing to do.

It's better to follow the brothers and sisters T'Challa and Su Rui and visit the high-tech city of Wakanda.

"In that case, please come here."

After hearing Natasha's promise, the two were also relieved.

T'Challa planned to take Natasha to the place where he usually trained. As early as the first time he met, he felt the threat from this woman.

It is no exaggeration to say that this beautiful woman with a hot body can take his and Su Rui's lives at any time.

Come to the place where Techara usually trains, here is a gravity room, the interior can be adjusted to a maximum of fifty times the gravity mode.

"Come to fifty times first to warm me up."

After listening to T'Challa's introduction, Natasha unceremoniously chose the highest-grade gravity.

He had never encountered such a scene before, and it was a good experience to carry out training with fifty times the gravity on his back.

"Suri, turn on the highest gravity for Ms. Natasha."

Since it was her own request, T'Challa would not refuse.

It happened that he wanted to see how strong Natasha was, so he brought him here to inquire about the news.

After receiving the order, Su Rui and T'Challa left the room directly and went outside. They couldn't bear the fifty times the gravity.

Buzz~! ! !

The violent sound was accompanied by shaking, and now Natasha only felt as if she was carrying a boulder on her back.

And as time goes on, the weight of this boulder is also increasing until it reaches a critical point.

"Not bad, much better than Carter's fist."

I felt it myself, although my actions were indeed restricted, but Natasha felt that compared to Carter's punch, these were nothing.

In a duel with that guy before, Carter's punch directly hit half of the basin, and the force directly penetrated the earth's crust.

Since that time, Natasha has never fought with Carter again, and she feels that her life is threatened.

"Is this a person?"

Seeing this scene, T'Challa and Su Rui's eyes were about to fall out of shock, which was too outrageous.

It is enough for ordinary people to bear five times their own gravity, and professionally trained astronauts can bear twelve times.

For example, T'Challa can withstand 15 times, but this has already made him feel extremely painful.

But Natasha in front of her can still be so relaxed while carrying 50 times the gravity on her back, it is simply incredible.

"Hey, those two outside, do you have something like a target for me?"

After a few moves, Natasha felt a little weak.

The main reason was that there was no goal, so it was too monotonous to practice by himself, so he asked the two people outside.

"The iron pillar in the middle of the gravity chamber is a force measuring device. You can use your attacks to your heart's content without worrying about damage. The upper limit is 100 tons."

T'Challa immediately pressed the console button, turned off the mirror reflection, and found a target for the master.

At the same time, Su Rui also pressed the record button, and today she wants to get all of Natasha's data.

If her father went to deal with the other party's big boss, then she and T'Challa would defeat the woman in front of her.

In fact... the main thing is the reluctance among women to admit defeat. Since they have failed in appearance, they have to find their place elsewhere.

"Since you want it so much, let me show you."

As everyone knows, this kind of small action has already been seen through in front of Natasha, who has developed 35% of her brain.

As for how to deal with small movements, she once learned a very good trick from Nick Fury.

Stretch out your palm to aim at the iron pillar in front of you, and then Natasha began to shrink inward slightly.

Outside, Su Rui looked at the data on the display screen, his face was full of horror, obviously this woman didn't do anything, how could there be as much as 30 tons of force falling on it.

"It's boring!"

I thought it would make T'Challa and Su Rui have a longer memory, but it seems that they don't intend to stop.

The wine-red hair floated up from the air, and Natasha's eyes seemed to have a little bit of starlight.

Click! ! !

Accompanied by a loud noise, the iron pillar in front of her was directly crushed into pieces by her incomparably powerful thoughts.

After doing all this, she looked back at the brother and sister outside who couldn't even pick up the pager.


New York, Water Company.

"Please take a seat, Your Majesty the King."

Bringing T'Chaka back to his own territory, Kyle invited him to the office.

Wakanda has strong technology, but weak research on biotechnology, and their fighters are ordinary people.

And Kyle planned to exchange the improved second version of the bio-enhanced serum with T'Chaka for vibration gold.

This serum was further enhanced by the chief researcher Ryan based on his own research on the No. 7 crystal, which can enhance the basic attributes of the human body by five times.

"Sir, if you have something to say, just say it, as long as the conditions are not too excessive, I can agree unconditionally."

However, T'Chaka doesn't think so much now. In the space channel, he has been frightened by what he saw.

Due to the characteristics of the ability, Kyle's time and space movement will show the dreamy characteristics of the universe, and the scene is very spectacular.

After going through this kind of test, T'Chaka could only say with a wry smile on his face, he was really afraid that the man in front of him would destroy Wakanda if he was upset.

At first he came with an equal attitude, but now he realizes that he was wrong too far.

"Don't worry, Mr. T'Chaka, our company has always followed the code of integrity."

"We also know about your concerns. Here are three cooperation plans specially provided. Which one do you like?"

Kyle snapped his fingers, and three plans appeared on the table in front of him, which were drawn up by the Red Queen.

The first plan was just an ordinary commercial standard, and Water Company would provide 600 bio-enhanced serums per month in exchange for 20% of the vibrating gold.

The second plan is that Water Company will use 300 bio-enhanced serums per month plus five No. 7 crystal implants in exchange for 40% of the vibrating gold.

As for the last plan, it is to take the initiative to connect with Kyle.

Wakanda paid 60% of the vibration gold in exchange for the protection of Kyle, a sub-celestial father-level existence.

"I have already read the three proposals. According to the current situation, only the last one is the most suitable."

T'Chaka rubbed his sore brows and said, the other two proposals are not as realistic as this one.

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