Building Superheroes at Marvel

Chapter 188 Fierce Battle

"Not bad, this power is more than ten times higher than before!"

Seeing this scene, both Natasha and Carter were very shocked. It was like three autumns since they hadn't seen each other for a day.

Kyle even praised it, it seems that the godhead has greatly improved Sol, and it has been directly elevated to another dimension.

Compared with the previous blue thunder, this purple thunder has a more destructive nature, which is why its power can be so powerfully improved.

"However... if you only have this means, then the final victory will still belong to me!"

This wave of offensive can only be regarded as a small temptation, Natasha didn't even use one tenth of her power.

After testing Sol's current ability, she also had to get serious. Losing would be embarrassing.

Natasha slowly closed her eyes, and the surrounding area suddenly seemed to be shackled, and Sol inside felt like he was carrying a truck.

The originally straight body could not help but bend a bit, and even his movements were greatly disturbed in this state.

"This is the ability usage that I recently researched, and I hope you can stick to it!"

Seeing that Saul had entered her suppressing domain, Natasha rubbed her wrists, preparing for the next attack.

This is the use of her newly discovered ability when she was in Wakanda, using the huge thought power in her body to create a field of gravity suppression.

In this field, the enemy will be subjected to gravity equivalent to fifty times the original, and will also be mentally suppressed.

This is the inspiration Natasha got in Wakanda's gravity chamber, but her thoughts are stronger than there.

Fifty times is just a starting point. If Natasha explodes her thoughts with all her strength, she can create a field with a pressure of up to 100 tons.

"Hmph, it's just a mere increase in gravity."

Sol didn't pay much attention to this field, and it was nothing compared to the pain he suffered when he inherited the godhood.

The power in the body surged out of the body crazily, forming a golden armor covering the body.

"Huh? Gravity suppression doesn't work..."

At the moment when the armor was formed, Natasha felt that her suppression domain was useless to Thor.

In other words, the two of them are now back to their original state, and Sol, who is armored and protected, is even stronger.

off the field.

"Boss, is this magic? I feel a different power."

Carter frowned when he saw Thor's golden armor again, a new type of power he had never seen before.

Compared with Natasha's thought power, this power seems to have no source, but it is very powerful.

"It should be...well, but don't worry, ordinary magic is of no use to you."

Kyle doesn't know if this can be regarded as magic, but divine power should be regarded as another way of magic.

After listening to his words, Carter nodded to understand, and at the same time he had a new idea in his heart.

He had never been exposed to magic before, but he heard from Kyle that this power would double his damage.

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In order to test how strong his current defense is, Carter wanted to talk to Saul after the fight.

At the same time, the situation on the field has changed.

After using the divine power armor, Sol's mentality obviously began to swell, and he took the initiative to attack Natasha.

First, several thunderbolts struck directly at him, but Natasha dodged them very sensitively, and at the same time used her mental power to form an invisible blade to counterattack him.

These transparent and invisible blades are very sharp and can easily chop diamonds. Faced with this kind of attack, Sol adopted a method of hard resistance.

Boom boom boom! ! ! !

Violent explosions continued to sound, and the smoke and dust flew straight into the sky along with the flames.

The resulting shock wave shattered the ground within a range of fifty meters.

"Interesting, that armor is so strong."

Before the smoke cleared, Natasha had already seen through Sol inside.

Except for part of the armor being blown apart, I didn't suffer any damage at all, not even a single hair fell out.

This level of sturdiness really opened Natasha's eyes, and it was faster than Carter's before the first half of the year.

"For the glory of Asgard!"

Relying on the armor to block Natasha's attack, the next moment is Sol's counterattack.

Several thunderbolts scattered from the hammer, and they struck directly, the energy attached to it distorted the air.

Knowing intuitively that this blow cannot be resisted forcefully, Natasha put her hands flat on her chest, and directly created a mind shield in an attempt to resist it.

Boom! ! !

The deafening sound swept across the four directions, and Natasha's body was blown away more than ten meters like an arrow off the string.

"Damn, what kind of power is this."

At this moment, Natasha's condition is not good, a hole was pierced directly in the shoulder, and the gushing blood stained her arm red.

At the same time, she felt very strange in her heart, logically speaking, her shield just now could be blocked very easily.

But the moment the thunder hit the shield, Natasha felt that the contact part disappeared directly.

"The power of law..."

On the edge of the battlefield, Kyle, who was sitting here, saw the doorway.

As a user of the power of connection, Kyle can also create many laws out of thin air. He saw a trace of destructive power in Thor's thunder.

It was also for this reason that Natasha's shield could not completely resist Thor's thunder.

Of course, this is also due to the relatively low development progress of her brain domain. The power used is only superficial and not deep.

"Law? What's that?"

Beside him, Carter heard Kyle talking to himself, so he asked with doubts.

Having lived so long, this is the first time he has heard of the law, which seems to be more profound than magic.

"Laws... You can understand it as the foundation of the world's operation, which is somewhat similar to rules."

Regarding Carter's question, Kyle thought for a while and replied, he didn't think about this question carefully, anyway, he could create it at any time.

After listening to Kyle's answer, Carter nodded thoughtfully. It seems that there are still many things in this world that he doesn't know.

On the battlefield, the battle between Natasha and Thor also began to enter a fierce stage.

In the case of crippling Natasha's shoulder first, Sol chose to attack from the front, trying to defeat Natasha by relying on melee combat.

"Don't underestimate me!"

Sol has a hammer that can be used as a weapon, and Natasha will naturally not be so stupid as to fight the opponent with bare hands.

The invisible power of thoughts exploded instantly, and dozens of weapons invisible to the naked eye condensed around his body to surround him.

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