Building Superheroes at Marvel

Chapter 194: Emerging Crisis

"Captain, I think there might be some danger here, why don't we go back and have a long-term plan."

Banner endured the discomfort in his heart and said that this was the first time he would repel Hulk when he saw him.

You know, this is something that has never happened before, it is too evil.

"Please, Banner, you are the strongest Avenger, shouldn't you be afraid?"

Tony didn't think about it that much. Now his battle armor is still under the control of the Red Queen and has not returned to his control.

But this does not affect him in the slightest. He can't suppress his curiosity about the mysterious base of Water Corporation.

Especially the appearance of the Red Queen, who can seize the existence of Jarvis in an instant, must be a real artificial intelligence.

Prior to this, Tony had never heard of the existence of artificial intelligence in Water Company, and he only thought that those mechs were controlled by programs.

"Well, Banner, you go back to the fighter plane first, and we can talk about it after we finish the mission and come back."

Steve glanced at the time on his watch and said, the more it drags on now, the worse it will be for them.

On balance, Banner can only go back to the fighter plane to meet Nick Fury first, and wait for the mission to be completed before talking.

At the same time, Nick Fury on the fighter plane noticed something was wrong, and he was able to see what was going on inside through the cameras placed on Bucky and Steve.

Logically speaking, how could Hulk's fearless temperament be repulsive to a small cave.

"Director, let Dr. Banner come back first, otherwise they won't be able to start action."

Behind him, Coulson tapped the keyboard twice and said that he was trying to hack into the base's control system.

With the acquiescence of the Red Queen, the progress was very smooth, and it only took a few minutes to control the base.

However, for some confidential documents and data, Red Queen has encrypted them to ensure that they will not be discovered by Coulson.

"That's how it is, you can let Banner come back first, captain."

Seeing the time passing by, Nick Fury also made a decision after a moment of contemplation.

Soon, with the help of Steve and Melinda, Banner returned to the top of the valley through the rope and entered the inside of the fighter.

inside the base,

The few remaining people began to brake the battle plan, and Tony projected the layout map onto the wall through his helmet.

When Red Queen 9527 left his armor, he left behind a lot of information about the base and what could help them.

"According to this drawing, there are three gates in front of us, and then we will reach the first fork, which is the place leading to the storage room and the laboratory."

"Then I will go to the storage room by myself, and the four of you will go to the laboratory to save people."

Using the built-in function of the watch to take a photo of the map, Steve immediately divided up the teams of several people.

The storage room is underground and requires a long walk to reach it, and there must be many dangers in it.

As the captain, Steve took the initiative to take this job on his own, and the task of saving lives was handed over to Stark and others.

"Captain, this is for you."

Now that Steve has made a decision, Tony can only contribute his own strength to do the last.

He opened the small space behind the battle armor, took out two special high-explosive grenades and goggles and handed them to Steve.

Although the size is similar to ordinary grenades, the power has been increased by a full five times. The means of life-saving at critical moments can also be used to kill the enemy together.

As for the goggles, they are night vision equipment prepared to avoid entering this environment.

"I accept it, let's go, everyone."

Putting the two grenades on his waist, Steve quickly pulled up his mask, put on his shield, and rushed directly into the extremely dark passage.

Relying on the night vision equipment provided by Tony, even if there is no light here, he can see very clearly.

Not long after Steve left, after calculating the distance from here to the laboratory, Tony took out three night vision goggles and handed them to several people to wear.

"Wait... Are you new to S.H.I.E.L.D.? Why haven't I seen you before?"

When he came to Bucky, Tony looked at half of his face hidden under the black mask with some doubts.

He had been wondering about this person since just now, but Banner and Steve kept getting stuck on the topic, so he didn't ask.


Bucky replied with some stuttering, his mind was constantly flashing through a mission he had performed.

In that heavy mission, he brutally killed a couple, and this was Iron Man's parents.

"It's strange that S.H.I.E.L.D. will still ask for a stutter, but don't hold back later."

Touching his head, Tony was a little puzzled, but the important thing now is not this, but going to the laboratory to save people.

After confirming that everyone was ready, Tony took the three of them and rushed to the laboratory.


In the passage to the underground, Steve ran here. The road was full of blood and broken equipment, and there were many bullet holes in the walls.

"It's so strange..."

After going through a corner again, Steve stopped his steps.

What appeared in front of him were stumped limbs, broken arms, internal organs, and even half-broken heads.

This scene is enough to scare ordinary people into fainting, but it is too simple for Steve who has experienced World War II.

What made him feel strange was that there was not even a single corpse here, which was really unbelievable.

"Nick, did you see that?"

Steve turned on the headset and communicated with Nick Fury outside. This base will definitely not be so simple.

On the way just now, he saw a room named Burning, but he didn't go in and take a look.

"Hydra doesn't have the habit of collecting corpses, Captain, you should be careful."

Nick Fury didn't understand what was going on, so he could only turn on the ultrasonic detector on the fighter plane to see if he could find anything.

This can never be done by Hydra, those people will do anything to achieve their goals.

"Okay then, I'll move on."

The discussion was fruitless, and Steve marked the walls he passed by to ensure that he would not get lost and continue to move forward.

After walking for nearly five minutes, he came to a room made of all glass, with the words "Experimental No. 1" written on the doorplate.

Looking at the shattered glass door, Steve suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

In the next second, Steve immediately blocked the shield on his arm behind him, and a strange force came instantly, knocking him into the air.


His body hit the wall, and Steve also screamed out in pain. When he looked up, a monster with a height of two meters was standing there.

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