Building Superheroes at Marvel

Chapter 288 Tony Arrives

Two hours passed. During this period, the 36 people in the isolation room basically tried to commit suicide, but Steve stopped them.

In order to keep them from going crazy, they had no choice but to inject tranquilizers into these people to avoid self-harm.

Walking out of the room, the outside has been set up as a checkpoint by S.H.I.E.L.D., and people who want to leave Manhattan are being checked.

Those detector phantoms have been separated, and now 18 bayonets have been set up outside the entire Manhattan area to enclose this place.

And there are military planes overhead that are being sinicized, which probably means to stay at home and lock the doors and windows, and try not to go out.

If someone has self-harm behavior, please do not touch it rashly, you need to protect the contact part first.

"Nick, what's going on now?"

Steve found Nick Fury who was fishing in the bayonet and asked.

They are no longer needed in the current situation, and the top management has not yet ordered how to deal with this incident in Manhattan.

Nick Fury didn't dare to act on his own without receiving clear instructions. Now the top management lacks a person who will take the blame, and he doesn't want to be this person.

"As bad as ever, until now our people haven't figured out how to guard against these little guys."

Nick Fury called up a few pictures from the computer in front of him and said that this is the process of his team members performing tasks.

Everything was fine at first, until one of the team members was accidentally contacted by a strange-shaped monster, and then the whole person started to attack his teammates like crazy.

"Trust Tony, he will bring us good news."

So far, Steve can only put all his hopes on Tony, a genius, hoping to find a way to prevent the alien monster.

No...Suddenly, Steve thought of a problem. Both Stark Tower and Water Company seem to be in Manhattan.

Regardless of the Stark Group for the time being, Steve does not believe that Walter Company has no means to deal with alien monsters.

"Captain, I'm Tony. We have developed a prop that can stop alien monsters. It is expected to arrive at your place in five minutes."

The intercom on the table made a sound, and it was Tony who was on the road in a hurry. After several hours, he and Banner finally developed the medicine.

But correspondingly, the two of them are now exhausted, not physically, but mentally and spiritually.

You must know that for every second they delay, they may lose several fresh lives. Under such severe pressure, their spirits are on the verge of collapse all the time.

Fortunately, there is no unparalleled path, and Tony and Banner, relying on their smart brains, successfully fused the nano-robots and the medicine together.

"Did you hear that, Nick!"

Steve shook Nick Fury's shoulders excitedly, and he finally didn't have to break his promise to those 36 people.

If you agreed to take them out of here alive, you must take them out of here alive!

After being shaken so violently by Steve, black lines appeared on Nick Fury's head, and then he opened his hand all of a sudden.

A few minutes later, Tony successfully landed here, holding a silver metal rifle in his hand, but it was connected to a green liquid.

"Is this the antidote?"

Steve and Nick Fury came out and asked, the cost of this big gun looks expensive.

When he saw the potion in the back, Steve was also excited, those innocent people were finally saved.

"Find a few infected people for me to try first. The drug has not been tested on humans yet."

Tony ignored Steve,

Instead, he turned to look at Nick Fury and asked.

He knew that Steve couldn't allow himself to experiment with those people in the isolation room, but S.H.I.E.L.D. must have its own experimental base to conquer the alien monsters.

"Okay, come with me."

Glancing at Steve, Nick Fury took Tony directly and left here, leaving only the captain with a puzzled face.

Follow Nick Fury to a small house hundreds of meters away. Although it looks small on the outside, it actually hides secrets inside.

Going down is a simple metal anti-theft door. Nick Fury opened it with his pupils, and inside are separate glass isolation rooms.

"The people here are all confirmed infected people, you can use it for whatever reason, this is a necessary sacrifice."

After Nick Fury handed over the authority to Tony, he retreated to the wall, intending to quietly watch what happened next.

Opening the first room, Tony put on the armor directly, he didn't want to be infected by the alien monster.

The people in that room were a little numb, and their bodies were covered with various injuries, all of which were scars caused by unsuccessful suicides.

"Sir, next I need you to cooperate with me in the experiment. If it succeeds, not only you, but all the infected people will be rescued."

Tony first explained to the person in front of him what he was going to do next, and after seeing the person nodding slightly, he raised his gun to aim.

This is a new type of non-contact injection, which sends nanorobots into the opponent's body by launching a needle-hole syringe containing medicine.

Now that the experimental subject had agreed, Tony also pressed the trigger, and the vacuum syringe flew out of the barrel and plunged into the experimental subject's neck.

According to the set program, the nano-robots will start to act after entering the body, frantically besieging and devouring the alien monsters.

Within five minutes, the person in front of him opened his mouth and spat out a black lump the size of a fist with the sound of retching.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Tony sent the opponent back to the west with a pulse cannon. This little thing must be eliminated after it comes out.

"Great, you made it!"

The success of the potion made Nick Fury overjoyed, and the next step is to consider how to let the citizens drink or inject this potion.

"I have a way, let everyone go to the street directly, and then I think it will be enough to spread the potion through rainfall."

This method was thought of by Tony on the way here. It only needs to be said that this is a medicine for treating suicide, and I believe everyone will abide by it.

After all, it has something to do with his own life, if he accidentally returns to heaven, it will be a disaster.

"Okay, I'll contact the military now and ask them to mobilize fighter planes to help spread the potion. You just need to prepare enough potions."

Nick Fury left, hurried away.

Now that the solution to the problem has been found, it means that they can start to launch a counterattack against the alien monsters.

Up to now, the number of people lost due to alien monsters has reached 7649 cases, and there are many executives among them.

Tony's arrival can be described as timely rain, able to appease the restless hearts of the people.

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