New York City Suburban Forest.

Seven figures in blue combat uniforms and black special masks moved forward from four directions.

In the center is a long-abandoned dilapidated house with weathered walls cracked and cracked with moss.

"Everyone, this time we have to do the task perfectly, so that we can get the samples of Water Company."

The leader took off his helmet and told the three people behind him that they were responsible for the frontal assault here.

The rest of the people guarded other positions to prevent the people in the wooden house from escaping. This time, the target was a group of robbers who had robbed the store of goods.

And according to the boss in charge of the security department, the man named Gasco, if their team completes the mission this time, they will be given enhanced serum as a reward.

The fact that Walter Company can turn ordinary people into super soldiers is basically known by insiders.

It's just because Kyle Walter's backhand on them is not allowed to speak out, otherwise his head will explode in minutes.

Even if he just uttered the word "serum", something inside his body would capture him and start exerting pressure on his brain tissue until it exploded.

"Long live Hydra!"

After being poured down with a bowl of chicken soup, the spirits of the crowd visibly increased, and even the pace of their feet became much faster.

There are only tens of meters to the end of the wooden house.

On a hill in the distance.

"Tsk tsk, this group of people is really facing a catastrophe, but they still have the time to drink chicken soup."

With a telescope in his hand, Kyle could clearly see the movements of the people below, and he could translate the lip language for him with the red queen by his side.

Now for robot research, Kyle has hired two experts, and believes that with the deduction of the Red Queen, the first generation will be created soon.

"Boss, I suggest that I should be responsible for the review of all recruits. The efficiency and ability of the manual team are very low."

The Red Queen's voice came from the headset, and she felt a little guilty about the assassination of Kyle.

After all, this can be regarded as his work error, and he did not conduct a comprehensive investigation of the internal personnel, which led to the appearance of the traitor.

"Well, there are nanotoxins, these people can't pass on our news, artificial must be there."

Kyle spit out a new term, nanotoxin.

In fact, this is the first system product he owns, and it was opened from the novice gift pack together with the beauty serum.

As for the function, it was used to control people at that time. As long as it is injected into the body, the set keywords are forbidden words.

Once you want to spread the forbidden words, the toxin will start to oppress the brain tissue, create pressure, and finally explode with a bang!

For a person in charge like Ryan, the control will be easier, and he will only feel incomparable pain, and he will not recover until he gives up this idea.


the other side at the same time.

Gasco also drove a black modified car, which contained six members of the security forces, to the entrance of the forest.

"Okay, everyone get out of the car."

After arriving at the destination, Gascola opened the door to greet others to get off. Today, he and Natasha are all on the go.

In front of them were six deep pits that had already been dug, and each pit reached a depth of ten meters.

"Captain Gasco, what is our mission?"

There is a small plain around here, not to mention the mission target, not even a living thing can be seen.

There are... It's just that the big hole has been dug there. When I saw this hole, I felt the slightest feeling in my heart.

"Your task is to die!"

A bloodthirsty smile gradually appeared on Gasco's face,

Knowing that these people are ghosts, the killing intent has long been unbearable.

After successfully tricking them out, they were finally able to deal with it together, and vented their anger with their own hands.

"No, it's exposed, fight back!"

Things have come to this point, if you continue to pretend to be stupid, then you are really a fool, and all you can do is fight back first.

It's a pity that these people are just ordinary people who have undergone special training, and it's still too tender to want to compete with Gascoby.

As soon as the guns in their hands were loaded with bullets, the hand knife had already arrived in front of them, and they were all stunned in just a few seconds.

"The thing I hate the most in my life is the traitor."

After getting rid of these people with one move, Gasco still felt puzzled and spit on them by the way.

In two of the battles he fought, he was attacked by enemy artillery because of the betrayal of the battlefield defense map by the inner ghost.

Countless brothers who were born and died together all died under the betrayal of the inner ghost. In the end, only he and a few others survived.

Then he took out the shovel and began to bury all these people in the pit directly. Throwing the corpses into the sea is not the best choice.


outside the cabin.

Natasha pushed open the door, her thoughts had already sensed the arrival of these people, and today she was invited to send them on the road together.

"why you!?"

The leader was about to break in, but was forced back by this scene, but when he looked up, the face that caught his eye startled him.

As a person who climbed to the squad leader in Hydra, he naturally heard of this S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.

I thought she had been taken prisoner by the enemy organization of S.H.I.E.L.D., but why did she appear here.

"Look at you, do you know me?"

Natasha leaned against the door with a very puzzled look on her face.

When she was at Walter Company, she was always in-depth and simple. Except for Kyle and others, only the heads of various laboratories and people who strengthened the troops had seen him.

"Forget it, anyway, my task is to get rid of you all."

Stretching out that white and tender right hand to point at several people, Natasha began to gather her spirits, and a turbulent thought power surged out instantly.

Since the development of her brain domain reached 29%, her development speed has been stuck here, and her mind power has been strengthened, but she just can't break through the 30% barrier.

The thought force directly strangled the necks of the seven people, and with Natasha raising her hand upwards, they directly lifted them up.


Being suspended in the air more than ten meters high, his face was extremely red from being suppressed, but there was still nothing he could do.

They can't see things like mind power at all, and even if they touch it, they can't resist this huge power.

Natasha was not ambiguous either, she swung down and smashed these people to the ground, and died instantly under the huge impact.

"It seems that there are things like ghosts everywhere, and I don't know if there are ghosts in S.H.I.E.L.D."

After easily killing all these people, Natasha began to think about more profound issues.

But in the future she will know what Snake and Shield is, and time will tell us everything.

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