Building The Ultimate Fantasy

Chapter 189: Only 1 Qi According to History

This scene was shocking, at least... for Yang Mu, the prefect of Dongyang County standing on the tower and looking down, it was shocking.

When an old man at sunset bursts out like a scorching sun, everyone in the world respects him solemnly.

Yang Mu stood on the tower, he came to the drummer, took the drumstick, he beat the drum himself, mobilized the drum with energy and blood, and beat the drum surface.

The drumhead vibrates and dust is flying.

Sweat and blood splashed from Yang Mu's forehead!


Yang Mu roared.


The Master was reciting poems and proses, and a line of poems came out of his mouth, but his face was full of peace.

Hao Ran Qi is an invisible Qi, but when it is wrapped in the clouds, it turns into something tangible.

Awe-inspiring righteousness is a manifestation of will.

The master could use the grandeur of righteousness before, but he couldn't reach the current level.

But a few days ago, there was a change in the world, as if the shackles had been broken, and the bottleneck of the master's awe-inspiring righteousness seemed to be broken, and he was able to burst out the current awe-inspiring aura that can drive back thousands of troops.

The burly man wrapped in a black robe had a stern expression on his face.

He actually felt the pressure from a mortal?

This is simply incredible.

He raised his hand, and the ground on the ground was rolling, accompanied by a roar, like two brown blankets soaring into the sky, forming a barrier in front of the burly man.

The palm transformed by Haoran's righteousness suddenly fell and hit the barrier.


The earth was flying and the earth was trembling.

The Dongyi soldiers coughed up blood one after another.

Some Dongyi undead rushed forward without fear of death,

However, in front of Hao Ran's righteousness, he lost his strength and collapsed to the ground as if he had turned into a loach.

Grand righteousness, not only can enhance the momentum, but also a very powerful means of attack.

Specially eliminate evil spirits!


The gust of wind howled, flying sand and rocks on the battlefield.

The master stood there, his blood-stained Confucian shirt rattling.

He stared at the mud shield, his old and deep eyes, as if he wanted to see through the shield and see the figure behind him clearly.

The army of Dongyang County was full of enthusiasm. They clenched their swords tightly and looked at the master's back, like a towering mountain, blocking the enemy's attack for them.

When the Master is there, the pillar of their hearts is there.

Originally, the pillar of their hearts should be Yang Mu, the prefect of Dongyang County, but with the appearance of Master, their pillar was replaced by Master.

It's a charisma, it's an influence.

It is worthy of being one of the Confucian masters who once set off a great Zhou storm, one of the hundred schools of thought!

Mo Tianyu held the sword in his hand, he looked at his master, his heart was flustered.

He really shouldn't be counting fortunes anymore...


far away.

The blanket of dirt parted on both sides.

The figure of an elegant and burly man was revealed. The latter walked slowly, and the attack formed by the awe-inspiring energy was blocked by him.

He looked at his wife with admiration on his face.

"A mere mortal can actually use his will to induce such power..."

"You must be an outstanding person in the world."

Burly and humane.

Afterwards, he raised his hand, which seemed to be forming seals, and he also recited a sentence of formulas in his mouth.

The ground around him was twisting, and indistinctly, it began to rise continuously, turning into clay figurines.

These clay figurines opened their eyes and looked like burly people, but they were similar to the previous clones in Nanjun.

However, the strength of these clones is much weaker than that of Nanjun.

Dozens of densely packed people stood gracefully on the spot.

The master stared, and above his head, the awe-inspiring righteousness gathered again.

His sleeve shook off, a bamboo slip fell into his hand, and he tapped on the bamboo slip.

The avatars of those burly men rushed towards him at high speed, but the master ignored them.

Unfold the bamboo slips and recite the poems and articles in them.

What is recorded in the bamboo slips are all the articles written by the ancient sages. After reading each poem, the awe-inspiring spirit behind the master will become stronger.

don't know when.

Thick clouds gathered in the sky.

The morning sun is gone.

A cold wind blew through the clouds, and as the cold wind blew, white snow like rice grains fell from the sky.

The world suddenly became a little silent.

Only the voice of the Master chanting is left.


imperial capital.

Yu Wenxiu was sitting in the Zijin Palace with a very stern expression on her face.

Jiang Li is in prison.

He was charged with persecuting the first emperor and sent to prison.

All the officials in the hall were silent and dared not speak.

The master is gone, and now Jiang Li is going too, every one of them will leave him.

He, Yu Wenxiu, has grown from being a useless little emperor to now mastering the Black Dragon Guard and the Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Could it be that he has not done well enough?

Why did everyone leave him.

In front of the Zijin Palace.

The old eunuch knelt on the ground with his head bowed.

"Old man, you said...why?!"

Yu Wenxiu raised her head, stared at the old eunuch, with bloodstains appearing in her eyes, and asked.

The old eunuch's body with his head bowed slightly trembled, but he said nothing.

"I know silence! I know not to answer!"

Yu Wenxiu stood up from the dragon chair, glanced at the old eunuch who was silent, but with his head down, and let out a sigh of relief.

"I went to the imperial garden, and no one else was there."

"Kong Nanfei will come to find me later, stop him for me."

Yu Wenxiu said, the words fell, and he walked away.

Only the sound of heavy footsteps remained, lingering in the palace.


The old eunuch lowered his head, lowered it again.

After Yu Wenxiu left, the old eunuch raised his head, his fair face was slightly tired.

He flicked his whisk and went outside the Zijin Palace.

Kong Nanfei was dressed in a Confucian shirt, striding forward, with sharp eyes.

"Commander Kong, stay here, Your Majesty's dragon body is unwell, and refuses to see anyone."

Seeing Kong Nanfei, the old eunuch said in a sharp voice.

Kong Nanfei glared, "Eunuch... why did His Majesty imprison Jiang Li?!"

"What is he guilty of?!"

Kong Nanfei's voice was mixed with anger.

The old eunuch was very calm, and said: "Jiang Li persecuted the late emperor, His Majesty ordered him, there are reasons and evidence."

"Don't lie to yourself."

Kong Nanfei took a deep breath, "Yu Wenxiu's mind was influenced by the black dragon! Feeding the dragon with people is an evil technique! Now the court is full of smoke!"

"What's the difference from the Great Zhou Dynasty Hall where the soldiers of Beijun and Xijun came to the city?!"

"If there was no Jiang Li, the Great Zhou Dynasty would have collapsed, but now, Yu Wenxiu actually sent Jiang Li to prison. This is killing a donkey! Now that we have the Black Dragon Guard, can we brutally kill loyal officials?!"

Kong Nanfei said.

The old eunuch calmly listened to Kong Nanfei's angry questioning.

"Master leaves Beijing, Jiang Li takes off his armor..."

"Your Majesty has lost his right and left arm, and it is also very painful. Your Majesty is just worried that General Jiang Li will be deceived by the bandits in Beijun."

There was icy snow in the sky.

It kept falling in front of the old eunuch and Kong Nanfei.

The two looked at each other, and after a long time, Kong Nanfei shook his head in disappointment and walked away.

"Eunuch, tell your Majesty."

"My master left Beijing, Jiang Li dropped his armor... He also needs to find out the reasons and problems from himself."

"The master once said that everything in the world has a cause and an effect."

Kong Nanfei's voice came from the snow curtain.

The old eunuch's slightly bowed body trembled.

Imperial City Dungeon.

The most smoggy place in the world, dark, damp, and musty.

The old eunuch came here in a carriage.

Guarding the dungeon are two Black Dragon Guards.

Seeing the old eunuch, the two black dragon guards looked at each other, hesitated for a while, and entered the depths of the dungeon. After a while, a figure in black light armor appeared.

The emperor's personal guard, one of the thirteen armors of the black dragon.


The leader bowed his hands.

"Our family wants to meet General Jiang, please make it convenient for the commander."

said the old eunuch.

The black dragon guard frowned slightly: "Eunuch, do you have orders from His Majesty?"

"No." The old eunuch shook his head.

"Then I'm sorry, no one is allowed to enter the dungeon without His Majesty's order...Jiang Li is a repeat offender." The Black Dragon Guard refused.

The old eunuch took a deep look at the black dragon guard.

"Our family just wants to persuade General Jiang Li."

"When the Black Dragon Guard was founded, our family and General Jiang Li had a good friendship, but now seeing General Jiang Li imprisoned, I can't bear it."

said the old eunuch.

The black dragon guard raised his eyebrows.

The old eunuch actually used Jiang Li's establishment of the Black Dragon Guard to pressure him.

Indeed, Jiang Li was the founder and mentor of the Black Dragon Guard.


so what?

Today's Black Dragon Guards are controlled by their Black Dragon Thirteen Armors.

However, after rolling his eyes for a while, the black dragon guard smiled and turned slightly sideways: "Then please invite me."

The old eunuch stepped into the depths of the dungeon.

The black dragon guard squinted his eyes and nodded towards a black dragon guard.

"Follow, if there is any change in this old thing, immediately seal the dungeon."

Afterwards, the black dragon guards had someone bring the horses and went into the palace in person.

It was dark in the dungeon.

The old eunuch walked on the somewhat damp ground, his face became a little serious, and he passed one cell after another, and the cells were full of numb people.

Came to the deepest part of the dungeon.

But he saw that Jiang Li was sitting on the prison bed covered with hay, handcuffed and handcuffed with heavy chains.

As if sensing the breath of the old eunuch, Jiang Li slowly opened his eyes.


Chi Lian waited for a long time, but after all, he did not see Jiang Li's return, but got the news that Jiang Li was going to prison.

This news seemed to stir up a thousand layers of huge waves, causing the entire Great Zhou Dynasty to completely boil.

Hundreds of officials condemned Jiang Li with their mouths and pens, telling Jiang Li's crimes.

Some people said that Jiang Li was bought by Tantai Xuan in Beijun, and some people said that the failure of the Northern Expedition was Jiang Li's fault.

More, it still revolves around Jiang Li's "crime of killing the former emperor".

Chi Lianqi's face turned red.

When Kong Nanfei came back with a dark face, Chi Lian understood that the little emperor really wanted to kill Jiang Li.

"Who stood up at the time of the Great Zhou crisis..."

"This dog emperor, has his conscience been eaten?"

Chi Lian cursed in the direction of Zijin Palace, and under the cover of Kong Nanfei, rode out of the city.

She couldn't leave the city. Following Jiang Li's imprisonment, the entire imperial capital was in turmoil. The Black Dragon Thirteenth Armor led the Black Dragon Guards to arrest Jiang Li's accomplices.

Everyone is at risk.

As Jiang Li's subordinate, Chi Lian naturally escaped from the city, so she had to save Jiang Li's useful life.

In the depths of the Zijin Palace.

Yu Wenxiu was outside the imperial garden, listening to the terrified cries of the eunuch and maidservant from the pool behind him, as well as the sound of chewing bones, he looked at the sky full of snow with a calm expression.

"If the world wants me to be unkind, then I will be a tyrant for the rest of my life."

In the past, at the edge of this pool, with the black dragon entangled behind him, he said such a sentence to the traitor Zhao Kuo.

But now, this word seems to be gradually being realized.

Good people are bullied, and weak people are bullied.

But now he, Yu Wenxiu, is no longer kind or weak.

Da Zhou is also completely in his hands.

The water in the pool gradually calmed down behind him.

Yuwen Xiufang turned around slowly, with her hands behind her back, and walked to the edge of the pool.

The air was still filled with strong blood energy, and blood clots stained with fresh blood were faintly scattered in the pool water.

The black dragon got its head out of it and opened its mouth, revealing its sharp teeth.

Yu Wenxiu looked at the black dragon, raised her hand, and lightly caressed the black dragon's icy scales that shone with a bone-chilling chill.

"I have nothing left, only you are left."

Yu Wenxiu stared and said.

The master left Beijing, Jiang Li disarmed, and everyone left him one by one.

The black dragon wrapped around Yu Wenxiu's body, as if a little bit of black air seeped out from the gaps in the black dragon's scale armor and diffused into Yu Wenxiu's body.

Outside the imperial garden.

There was the sound of hurried footsteps.

A little eunuch came quickly.

"His Majesty!"

The sharp eyes of the black dragon wrapped around Yu Wenxiu suddenly landed on the little eunuch.

He opened his mouth and let out a roar, the gills of a fisted fish were wrapped around his head, and water waves burst out.

The little eunuch's face was pale and his body was cold.


Yu Wenxiu patted Heilong to calm him down, and looked at the little eunuch.

"The news from Beiluo City..."

"Liu Tao, the thirteenth guard of the Black Dragon, led the Black Dragon Guards into Beiluo City under the order of His Majesty the Son of Heaven, to record Lu Pingan's preaching and practice methods, but because Liu Tao saw Lu Changkong in front of Beiluo City, he refused to get off his horse and was beheaded. Killing... the Black Dragon Guards were also taken into the Beiluo Dungeon, and Lu Changkong personally said that after Bai Yujing finished preaching and practicing, he would be released back to the Black Dragon Guards..."

The little eunuch said.

His words had just finished.

The air in the imperial garden suddenly became icy cold.

However, Yu Wenxiu, who was standing beside Tan, stared at the little eunuch coldly and mercilessly.

That look made the little eunuch's lower body go limp instantly, a stench came out, and he fell to his knees on the ground.


Outside Dongyang County.

Master Ru's shirt was stained with blood, and he calmly looked at the figures of clay figurines approaching at high speed.

The means of cultivators are indeed mysterious and unpredictable.

The master knew this a long time ago. When he entered Beiluo, he had a contest with Lu Fan. That time...he knew that Lu Fan didn't try his best.

However, he felt terrible pressure from Lu Fan.

At that time, Lu Fan, the name of the young master of Beiluo Lu had not yet spread all over the world.

But now, the name of Young Master Lu is known all over the world.

He even defeated the four masters of a hundred schools of thought, and his name was passed down to the world.


The master smiled and shook his head.

"Some people say that only practitioners can deal with practitioners. This old man believes it."

"But... the old man is not convinced."

The former philosophers and hundreds of schools were not small fish and small shrimps. They once led an era.

The Master's eyes suddenly lit up, like an open flame in the dark night, so bright that it was shocking.

He turned around, looked at the Dongyang army with fiery eyes behind him, and Mo Tianyu with red eyes, and smiled.

"I have done many things in my life..."

The master sighed.

"Right now, the only thing I want to do is to let you...return home safely."

"This can be regarded as the atonement that this old man gave you for the current Da Zhou..."

Words fell.

The hair on the master's body fluttered in the wind.

It was as if a gust of wind was blowing his clothes.

The Master's eyes were bright, as if a flame was burning.

The awe-inspiring righteousness gathered at the top, like a lit bonfire, bursting out with extreme and bright light.

The burly man wrapped in a black robe frowned slightly.

There seemed to be a bad premonition in my heart.

Under his control, the countless running clay figurines seem to falter slightly.

Afterwards, the burly man had a solemn expression on his face.

Manipulating the clay figurine to rush out.

"A mortal... how can he fight a practitioner?!"

The burly man didn't believe it.

At this moment, the Master seems to be exuding a radiant brilliance to the extreme.

He has never entered the Dragon Gate, and he has never comprehended spiritual energy.

But at this moment, his power, at this moment, is actually rising steadily.

It caused the clouds on the sky to roar and roll, and the black clouds rolled.

The origin of heaven and earth seems to be attracted at this moment.

In Beiluo City.

Sitting on the pavilion, Lu Fan calmly looked at the people in the pavilion of Baiyu Jinglou, as well as the many practitioners around the lake, and suddenly felt something in his heart.

He couldn't help looking sideways to the east.

The gaze is fixed.

Mo Tianyu was cold all over.

He watched Master's momentum getting stronger and stronger, as strong as when he was facing Beiluolu safely.

But the stronger Master is, the more heavy and restless his heart is....

The whole body of the master is like a small scorching sun, shining brightly.

His face was calm.

Haoran's righteousness was burning like fire.

He turned his head, looked in the direction of Beiluo City, and sighed.

He once said that if it is possible, he hopes to retire on Beiluo Lake Island in the future.

Now it seems……

This wish has no chance to come true.

The master's aura is getting stronger and stronger, faintly, as if not weakening the peak of the Qi Dan of the practitioner, or even the realm of body storage.

He uses the awe-inspiring righteousness as a guide, and the awe-inspiring energy condensed by burning the soul and reciting the poems of the sages illuminates all things.

"Only one breath follows history."

The master's voice resounded loudly.

next moment……

The clay figurines running on the ground disappeared like melting snow under the blazing flowers.

The burly man covered his head, bleeding from his seven orifices, knelt down on one knee, howling miserably.

His soul was severely injured, and he stared at the old man who displayed the ultimate brilliance in disbelief.

It's like watching a madman.

People in this world... are all lunatics!

He retreated frantically into the vast sea and disappeared. The Dongyi army also retreated in disorder. Their courage was shattered, and everyone rushed to climb onto the boat.

The flames between the sky and the earth are lonely and extinguished.

The ultimate brilliance will eventually have a dark moment.

The sky began to drift with white snow, as if playing a sad song.

Yang sprinkled on an old man who was standing straight and staring into the distance.

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