There was nothing wrong with the way Victor Kiss chose his subordinates. In order to meet the needs of political propaganda, the Bulgarian government was very generous and did not treat them as refugees.

Instead, they were given preferential treatment, a living allowance of 500 levs per head, and half a month of short-term life knowledge training before they were dispersed and resettled.

This is already a rare preferential treatment. According to the usual practice, they are assigned to the place first, and then carry out life training. All these expenses will be deducted in batches from their wages afterwards.

The group of them saved a lot of expenses, and each of them had an extra 500 levs in living expenses, so that they could survive the early economic difficulties.

Ordinary people are easy to resettle, but Victor Keith's resettlement is a bit troublesome.

First of all, he is a hero of Bulgaria. He made great contributions in the battle between Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire, but this identity cannot be made public, so no title or land can be given!

Secondly, he is now leading the Armenian family to defect, and this identity is not easy to settle.

The status is too high, which will damage his personal reputation; the status is too low, which violates the principle of fairness that Bulgaria has long implemented.

After sending his resume all the way to the cabinet, Constantine discovered that the legendary figure who had decimated the Ottoman Empire was also a Bulgarian spy!

Finally, the cabinet made a decision. Victor Kiss has three places to go: 1. Serve as a senior official in a province in Bulgaria; 2. Colonial governor of a certain place in Africa; Fight against the United States for the first time!


Victor Kiss is in a good mood recently, and he returned to Bulgaria again, and the people who followed him have also been properly resettled. Given the current situation in Bulgaria, it is not a problem no matter how hungry they are.

This is also a good choice for ordinary people who are displaced. Many people are willing to climb mountains and rivers to Bulgaria with them. Isn't it because they are greedy for a stable and prosperous life?

A soldier ran up to Victor Kiss and said, "Mr. President, someone is looking for you!"

Victor Keith frowned, and then said: "How many times has Ream told you that I am no longer the president, can you ask me Victor Keith to understand?"

Ream immediately replied: "Understood, Mr. President!"

Victor Keith rubbed his forehead, he was powerless to deal with this young man with no nerves in his head, and said helplessly, "Who is looking for me?"

Lim replied: "It seems to be a high-ranking official, followed by the police!"

Victor Kiss knew that his appointment should be made, and then said: "Take me there quickly, don't keep the guests waiting for too long!"


Seeing the person coming, Victor Kiss exclaimed, "Morka, why are you here?"

The person who came was Morka Valdo, one of Ferdinand's intelligence chiefs, who was also Victor Keith's immediate superior. The two had worked together before the Constantinople uprising broke out!

Morka, who was wearing a police uniform, first gave him a hug, and then said with a smile: "Long time no see, old friend, welcome home!"

Victor Kiss suppressed his excitement. After all, he couldn't show too much, and his identity couldn't be revealed.

The acquaintance of the two can also be explained. After all, the mainland of Bulgaria has expanded from the Balkan Peninsula to Persia, and there must be many people from these places who have defected to Bulgaria.

Victor Kiss started the revolution from the Balkans all the way to the Transcaucasus. After traveling all the way for so many years, it is not surprising to know some friends.

The identity of Morka's intelligence leader is naturally kept secret. His ostensible identity is still a retired major general of the Bulgarian army, and he is currently the deputy minister of the Ministry of Public Security. It's no big deal if the two have some friendship.

After a pause, Morka said with a smile: "I also brought the cabinet's decision on your appointment this time. There were originally three choices, but now one more choice is added. You have a total of four choices.

1. Serve as a senior official of a certain province;

2. Serve as Governor of the Colonies;

3. Go fight the Yankees;

The fourth option was added by me. You can join our police team and specialize in anti-terrorism work. Think about it! "

Victor Kiss hesitated. These four options are all good. If he wants to retire, it is naturally better to be a high-ranking official in the local area. With his ability, he can now sit firmly in this position.

If you still want to continue to fight hard, then it is a better choice to be the colonial governor or to fight the Americans.

Going to be a governor in a colony is less risky. As long as you don’t contract diseases, there is basically no danger. Although the Bulgarian colony is poor and deserted, there are not many troublemakers, and a few chiefs are still unable to rebel.

And to fight the Americans, the risk of this cross-sea expedition is a bit high. If you are unlucky, it is not a surprise to die on the battlefield, even though he will be a high-level military officer!

Going back to work in the old profession, it is estimated that normal people don’t want to go back after quitting. Although the salary is high, the merits are not visible after all.

Victor Keith declined and said: "Let me go, old friend, I have been chased by the Ottoman police for so many years. Now when I see the police, my first thought is to run away. Let me be the police, and I will not be suffocated. I!"

Seeing that Victor Kiss refused, Morka didn't care. Anyway, he is not short of manpower now. He came forward to recruit Victor Kiss. ​​It was because he was originally from the Intelligence Department. He, the boss, doesn't care about his subordinates, right?

Morka nodded and said: "Well, I didn't say anything, you can choose the first three yourself, and you'd better hurry up, the expedition to the United States has already started to be formed, and it will be released by the end of the month at the latest. If it's too late, you only have two choices!"

Morka's words undoubtedly showed from the side that he is a free man from now on, and his direct relationship with the intelligence organization will be erased, and this part of his past will disappear forever.

Victor Keith said gratefully, "Thank you!"

Victor Kiss is also satisfied with being able to say goodbye to the past perfectly. If he is not one of his own, it is impossible for the cabinet to give him three good positions to choose freely. The intelligence department must have contributed to this.


The appointment of Victor Kiss came down, and those who stayed were relieved. The life of the boss is easy, but the life of the younger brothers is easy!

Anyone who understands knows that these three appointments are real power positions with room for improvement, not the kind of empty positions that look glamorous on the surface but are actually empty.

As a confidant, Ralph asked, "Mr. Victor Keith, which one do you plan to choose?"

Victor Kiss thought for a while and said: "I'd better go to war! I have spent most of my life in war, and Bulgaria has the most expensive military achievements. The best choice to get ahead is to go to the battlefield!

This opportunity is very rare. If I miss it, I am afraid that I will never have the opportunity in this life. If I want to climb up through political achievements, I have no advantage. I am even inferior to others in governing the local area! "

Everyone's eyes lit up. This is what they hoped for. If they had no ambition, they would have been placed like everyone else. Many soldiers had chosen to retire before, and they were assigned to places together with ordinary people on a family basis.

Those who stayed didn't want to be ordinary farmers or workers, and wanted to fight for a while, but just in time for the war with the Americans, they were left behind and reorganized into a reserve division.

Now Victor Keith chooses to go to war, then their division commander is Victor Keith, don't worry about the sudden arrival of paratroopers and use them as cannon fodder.

Raffle said excitedly: "Great, with Mr. Victor Keith under your leadership, we will definitely shine on the battlefield!"

Victor Kiss interrupted the excitement of everyone without hesitation, and said coldly: "Don't be too happy, among all the Bulgarian troops, our division has the worst combat effectiveness!

Once we are on the battlefield, we will not be able to achieve results. I am afraid that before the end of the war, we will become civilians and retire early! "

Everyone's face changed drastically. It is very realistic in the army. Everyone speaks with their fists. Troops without combat effectiveness are of no value.

Ralph said unwillingly: "Isn't it? Our army is the elite of the three-clan United Kingdom? It has the strongest combat effectiveness among all the troops, and has defeated the encirclement and suppression of the Ottoman army many times!"

Victor Kiss glared at him, and said angrily: "Don't dream, I have seen the Bulgarian army fighting. Back in the Balkans, a Bulgarian regiment captured an Ottoman Empire division and beat it. In terms of our combat effectiveness Not much more than the Ottomans!

Don't mess with my weapons and equipment. If there is no accident, we will change our outfits soon. Now we can throw away these junk.

But no matter how good a weapon is, it has to be used by people. You have seen the Bulgarian garrison in Asia Minor. The planes are directly deployed to the company. We can't even find a pilot here.

Who of you have used tanks and armored vehicles? I'm afraid most people in the army don't even know what a tank looks like?

If these belongings are handed over to you, you can use them? Don't daydream, let me study obediently and quietly, if anyone dares to make trouble, just get out of here! "

After hearing Victor Keith's words, they all chose to shut up. The facts were in front of them. The era of common man's bravery has passed. Now is the era of aircraft, tanks and cannons, and the role of personal force value has been greatly reduced.


Since Britain, France, and the three countries reached an agreement, the United Army Command was established. Perhaps because everyone saw that the Americans were about to die, countries announced their joining one after another, and then the United Nations Army, which has participated in the most countries in human history, was born.

More than 40 countries, large and small, participated in this military operation. If it were not for the unequal strength of the two sides, it would be possible to declare the outbreak of the Second World War now, but this time it is the Americans who singled out the world.

The number of countries participating does not mean that everyone has a large number of troops. Many countries are here to make soy sauce. It is enough to send a boat of hundreds of soldiers to represent it and explain it to domestic public opinion.

The real main force is still the four countries of Britain, France and Japan. The troops of these four countries alone have more than one million troops, and the remaining dozens of countries add up to only more than 700,000 troops. Among them, the American countries are particularly outstanding. positive.

If nothing else, when the war breaks out, there will be more than 2.5 million troops capable of attacking the Americans. Just look at the neighbors of the Americans. They are all gearing up and waiting for the big show What about fists?

It's just that the coalition forces haven't fought yet, and they dare not seek bad luck from the Americans. The formation of coalition forces by countries around the world has long spread in the United States, even though the Wilson government wanted to block the news, it couldn't do it.

In addition to frantic preparations for war, the Wilson government is still building a large number of submarines and wants to learn from the Germans to fight against them. Of course, this genius idea should be ignored for now!

The question is, where will the coalition forces land? Whether it is Canada or Mexico, they will provide supplies to the enemy. What the Americans regret most now is why they did not unify the American continent during the World War?

If the American continent is unified, relying on the natural defense line of the ocean, even in the face of the attacks of various countries, it is not invincible?

Now every neighbor is a steel knife inserted into them by the enemy. It cannot be done unless it is pulled out, and it cannot be done in a short period of time. The Wilson government is now in a dilemma!

There is no way out of the war yet. Britain, France and Bulgaria have secretly increased their troops to Canada and Colombia. To be precise, the two countries are the main ones. As early as when the "American flu" was planned, the two countries had hooked up.

After the third wave of the epidemic, three Bulgarian army divisions and two air force divisions were secretly sent to the colonies, and then came to the Americas.

Then the French got involved, and the three countries sent nearly 200,000 troops to the Americas, but all of this was done in a decentralized manner for the sake of secrecy.

The U.S. government has also discovered Britain's move to increase troops to Canada, but the specific number of troops is not the 50,000 they received.

Of course, the outcome of this war is doomed before it even begins. For the Americans, the Panama Canal is their lifeline, but they are unable to keep the canal!

It is too far away from their homeland. After the younger brother in America defected, the Panama Canal is now in jeopardy.

Don't look at Panama as a puppet of the Americans, but now the U.S. government is beyond its reach, and Colombia is attacking them, and the confidence of the Colombians comes from the reinforcements of Britain, France and Paul!

Although these troops have not taken the initiative, they have provoked the conflict. Anyway, with the support of the three bosses, they will not hesitate to face the Americans this time!

On January 11, 1921, Colombia asked Panama to block the canal on the grounds that the League of Nations sanctioned the United States. After being rejected, it decisively used force and ignited the flames of war.

On the same day, the Japanese government also announced that it would take charge of the Philippine Islands on the grounds that the League of Nations sanctioned the United States, and then they attacked Luzon Island.

As for Bulgaria's attack on Liberia, there was no news at all. Killing an African chief does not need to be on the world news!

Really fight! The whole world knows that the League of Nations is going to be serious this time. As expected, on January 12, 1921, the London headquarters of the League of Nations announced:

Given that the U.S. government is engaged in anti-human biochemical virus research, it has caused the death of 100 million people around the world, seriously threatening human security.

Moreover, he still didn't know how to repent, obstructed the work of the investigation team, and brutally silenced the insiders. The black hands behind the scenes are still at large.

For the survival and safety of all mankind, and to give an explanation to the 100 million compatriots who died, the League of Nations was forced to take forceful action against the US government, and now invites all responsible countries in the world to participate in this humanitarian action!

Then, all independent countries in the world, except the United States, signed up to participate in this charity event.

Regardless of the number of troops sent, at least in terms of momentum, everyone successfully overwhelmed the Americans, at least the American intelligence personnel in London, after hearing the news, they collapsed!


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