Burning Ashes

Vol 2 Chapter 464: :level

Chucheng released the flying skull and said, "Go collect wealth."

Fei skull nodded and whispered away, he was not unwilling to do this job, but the valuable things in the cave might have been taken care of by Chu Bai. When it was his turn, some secular things would remain Gold and silver jewelry.

What's the point? Eat the rest.

Chu Cheng sat on the altar, manipulated the soul silk, and arranged a map in front of him. My own route of travel, the enemies encountered, the number of enemies, and levels are all calculated using four-dimensional arithmetic.

Without touching the core, the Frost Dragon is still far away.

However, this pattern is temporarily unclear. How long will it take to find useful information?

The Frost Dragon is so cautious that it is possible to discard the territory and escape.

Yeah, Luo Yan did n’t show the power of Tier 6, and he was very controllable, like a strong Tier 5, but there were too many Tiers in his team. In the team.

Such a team, if the Frost Dragon attacks, it may fall here.

In other words, you have to be cautious. There are fifty legends in the plague.

Dragons are usually very arrogant. Chu Cheng originally thought that his lineup was a little luxurious, but it was unexpected that this frost dragon lord was as cautious as a small predator.

It doesn't matter if the family members are dead, there is no vengeance.

The Yongye Movement cannot cover all the positions of the nest, but the snowman is almost a beast, and some are approaching manicly. If they want to attack, they are covered by the Yongye Movement.

More than a thousand snowmen did not escape one under Chu Cheng's men.

Chu Bai found a crystal in the nest. The melting point is very low, and it may melt into a liquid if it exceeds ten degrees above zero. This is not a problem for the mages. In space equipment, everything will basically remain stable. This crystallization should be given to the snowman by the frost dragon.

There weren't in the previous snowman's lairs. The lairs were small in size and had no legendary priests.

After the end, Chu Cheng waved his hands to let the plague creatures eat all the snowmen, and then he turned away from the nest. After leaving the lair, the nine-headed serpent was recovered, and Chucheng released the wings of destruction and flew back to the new camp.

"It's done." Chu Cheng said to the twenty young men and women.

"That's it?" A fourth-order Taoist could not help but ask.

"What else can we do to deal with enemies without legends, we use legendary means instead of going up to compete for power. If we simply compete for power, a dozen or so Tier 4s may be able to siege legends. Many legends that do not fight It was a battle against the enemies below Tier 5 and fell. "

"Captain ..." Gu Kang blushed again.

"You have done a good job. You haven't died in the face of enemies dozens of times your own, and you have persisted for a long time."

"Cough!" A witch coughed. "Is this the captain's compliment to us?"

"It's a compliment now. If you leave this ruin and you still do it, it's contempt." Chu Cheng laughed.

"We must work hard!"

"Yeah, that will be the real danger when fighting the gods in the future. Sooner or later, you will see angels."

"Captain, what does the angel look like?"

"Do you have many wings?"

"Angels in human form usually have wings, but many angels are in monster form, which is hard to say."

"Have you seen an angel?"


"Captain, the plague angel is not counted, we have all heard that there are some in the plague army."

"True angels have no human nature, you just have to remember this."

"No humanity?"

"Yes, your morals, right and wrong views, have nothing to do with angels. They only have God in their hearts. God makes them exterminate human beings, and they can do it without pressure. You have done good things, angels will not praise you Angels will not be punished for doing evil things. Do n’t equate the angels in our galactic universe with those of Gaia. Angels in the galactic universe are a kind of illusion, and angels here are real beings.

Chu Cheng smoothly instilled ideas in these young people, lest they face angels in the future, and die unclearly.

Speaking of these, the disciples of these small schools are really good and have good personalities.

As long as it is a human being, there is a dark side of humanity, and Chucheng is no exception. However, looking at a person still depends on his three main views. These people were envious and jealous of Chucheng, but after getting along for a long time, they admired Chucheng, and some even regarded Chucheng as an idol.

Chucheng has never been a cold person, and the help it provides has benefited a lot from these young people.

Their teachers let them participate in this expedition, mainly to learn actual combat experience and get along with the experience.

Otherwise, why did these small schools break their heads? Of course, it is also to get close to Qingcheng, so that Luo Yan can see these people and know their names, which will have many benefits in the future.

The horizons of these martial arts are still broad. They know that if a mainland war breaks out in the future, they may not be able to hold on to their own words and they must hold their thighs well.

"But I'm sorry, I didn't have any loot to give you this time." Chu Cheng thought, he gave orders to feed the plague creatures.

The snowman ’s heart is very valuable, but it also contains energy. The plague creatures brought by him are newly created, and the level has not reached the upper limit. So recently, the plague creatures have been full, and some are turning on the genetic lock. Like the heart of a legendary priest, let the magic lord eat it, and eat a few more, it is possible for the magic lord to enter the sixth order.

The magic lords brought by Chu City this time are all zero-type, and entering the sixth-tier combat power will be quite powerful.

They will not only command the battle and protect themselves, but also have a strong attack power.

Although everyone regrets, but the part that did not contribute, it should not have been the merit. The captain took care of them a few times before, and they did not want to be cared for by this.

Chu Cheng said: "Next, as long as it is not this large lair, you are the shots, I only provide plague creatures to support, and guarantee that you will not be harassed by the legend."

While talking, other news came from the camp. Luo Yan directly contacted Chu Cheng and said, "I found a frost dragon, but it was not a fifth-order."

Chu Cheng took a breath, but then calmed down.

This dragon has a companion? Do n’t you say that the dragons are all living alone?

Tier 5 frost dragons are also as difficult to deal with as Tier 6 creatures. This relic is bigger than Dragon God Realm, and the level of danger is even higher. The power of the dragon is also more than that of Dragon God Realm.

Luo Yan said: "The dragon is a cruel creature, he will not mind using the life of his companion to determine our degree of danger."

"It stands to reason that Taoist priests can find the frost dragon's lair. Why is it so troublesome?" Chu Cheng doesn't understand. Although Luo Yan is pure sword repair, if you can work hard, you should be able to use the Taoist technique to measure the frost dragon. s position.


Chu Cheng understood that this relic is too large, the power of the law, it is not impossible to fight, but it has to pay more. The four major schools join forces to determine the initial periphery, and it should not be consumed too much.

Fortunately, the ruins are rich in resources and can be taken out to feed the small martial arts attached to it.

It would be unrealistic to let the four great gates take out so many things alone. The Xiaomen party is more enthusiastic about exploring the remains, and is willing to invest manpower and resources.

"You do it or I do it?" Chu Cheng and Luo Yan discussed.

Luo Yan thought for a while and said, "I'm coming."

There are two kinds of plans. One is that if you scare away the Frost Dragon, Luo Yan ’s own harvest is not bad. If you do n’t scare away the Frost Dragon, Chu Cheng will deal with the Tier 6 dragon. Would be good.

If Chu Cheng shot and Luo Yan did not, then the Frost Dragon might escape without hesitation.

It is troublesome not to let the sixth-order dragon know the true power of Chucheng. Why don't the dragon come up with a wave?

Luo Yan left the camp and flew away alone. The fifth-order frost dragon, even if it was a trap, was no more than a sixth-order dragon, she would not be able to beat it, but it was difficult to leave the other party.

If it's in Gaia, then no one can run, all of her prey.

This is the consequence of the different laws of the world. Otherwise, it is just a ruin. Why should the four great schools join forces?

Chu Cheng stood in the camp and looked into the distance. He saw a sword light shining and extinguishing, and there was no more power fluctuations.

Is it just a sword?

No, Luo Yan's sword contains more things than his sword.

Qingcheng sixth-order sword repair pure sword, basically all legendary creatures will die, a few will be hit hard. Only minor injuries can be caused by this blow, and they are all very rare breeds.

The frost dragon is only rare and not yet unusual.

Chucheng is a little envious ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Jian Xiu's attack power is too high, he needs the dragon flame skull that has been brewing for a long time, similar power, in Luo Yan's hands, is an instant attack.

Envious of Luo Yan, just like Gu Kang envious of himself, envy will not come!

Luo Yan returned quickly without causing any disturbances. Most people did not know what Luo Yan did, Green knew, but it was no big deal. Replaced by his teacher Chu Cheng, he could also get the fifth-order dragon. It is himself, if he is fully prepared, leaving a fifth-order dragon will not cause himself to be hurt.

"Not very good." Luo Yan said the first sentence to Chu Cheng after returning.

Chu Cheng was very surprised and said, "Clean and neat?"

"I feel that this ruin may be a multi-level world."

Chu Cheng was surprised, and said: "How is that possible? The world annexed by Gaia, left behind, how could it be multi-level!"

"I don't know, if it is multi-level, it can explain why Zongmen is so nervous."

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