Burning Ashes

Vol 2 Chapter 530: : 8 prestige

Among the flowers, monsters stood up and approached the camp. Around the camp, it was only a clearing of more than 100 meters. In other words, the nearest monster can reach the camp wall in ten seconds.

Chucheng glanced at Luo Yan, Luo Yan said: "You come, whatever you want to do, any two of us can attract more monsters."

On the camp wall, other people listened to Luo Yan's words, and all of them looked as if they were as earthy.

Would you like to attract more monsters? Then it will inevitably cause casualties!

Church of Chu ignored it, took the Ashes Scepter out, and then used the Ashes Scepter skill to bless it on the scepter. After obtaining a better state, study the temporary skills.

This is still a skill, the fire of ashes, Chu Cheng glanced at the cooling time, only one hundred and twenty seconds?

It's time to brush mobs again, but unfortunately there is nothing to gain.

Chucheng stimulated the rain of ash. In the sky, the black clouds quickly condensed, the gray rain fell down, and then he released the fire of ash in the state.

The fire of ashes is like a sea of ​​fire skill, legendary level, and the range of an attack is as wide as hundreds of meters.

The rain of ashes fell, and on the ground, the flame rose sharply.

The monster moving forward, and the sea of ​​flowers that gave the monster strength, twisted the body in the flames and made a wailing cry. Outside the camp, the defensive hood was distorted by the sound.

Blocked by the rain of ashes, the monster's howl is still lethal. There is no other reason. There are too many monsters. The injured and the uninjured howl together. Even if it is not a skill, ordinary people are also affected. Not so harsh. But Chucheng was unmoved. He saw many monsters gone. Which one did not call for a while before he died?

Then Chu Cheng inspired the mirror twins, beside him, there was a person exactly like him, also a fifth-order legendary level, but without the equipment of Chu Cheng, just wearing an ashen robe. And this ashen robes are not equipment, but skills.

The Shire's runner has a total of 72 square spaces. There are 24 squares to store miniature ashes angels, 24 squares to store parasitic angels, and the last 24 squares to store mirror twins.

Shire's runner, as the first page of the equipment page of the Chucheng Ash Book, has powerful attributes.

This mirror has the same abilities as Chucheng, except that there is no equipment bonus for Chucheng, that is, no additional equipment such as magic pools exist. If you want to release the large-scale killing magic like the Dragon Skull, there is no possibility. .

However, this mirror image does not require money. If there is no battle, there can be a magic day, but the cooling time is only one magic time. In other words, if Chucheng prepares in advance, twenty-four ashes images can be arranged to exist at the same time. Twenty-four legendary mirrors, lethality can be imagined.

The mirror image was in the other direction, releasing the rain of ashes, covering the earth, and then withered and sighed.

Fish eyes, eclipse balls, don't spread out the same money.

However, there are no casting materials for the mirror image, and it is impossible to release more than 500 magic eyes or eclipses at the same time. In order to save the existence time of the mirror image, only 64 are released at a time.

This mirror image appears, with the ashen robe skill, but not the ability of the robe on Chucheng, but a skill on the ashes ring, also known as the ashes robe. The most powerful attribute of this robe worn on the body is that it can plunder the enemy's authority and bless itself.

This is one of the most powerful attributes when fighting gods.

The mirror image released by Chu City has no weapons and equipment, but in this state, it still has the blessing of the Ash Rule. It released the ashes of the ashes.

Skills inspired, outside the mirror image, immediately shrouded a layer of non-existent power, quickly condensed into a huge ash divine seal, the divine seal is boxy, the seal is an ash angel.

The angel itself will use the other five skills of the Ash Seal, corresponding to the other five sides of the Seal. Chu City controlled slightly, did not allow the mirror to release powerful attack magic, only chose the fifth skill, Ash Ashen Feather.

A huge feather shot out like a flying sword, cutting the body of the monster along the way.

The monsters in the sea of ​​flowers fell like they were cut grass.

Chucheng feels quite satisfied, he does n’t need to do anything, a mirror has legendary fighting power. In addition to paying for the durability of the equipment, it is really a profitable ability.

The ashes of the ashes are flying fast. Although they only exist for three hundred and sixty seconds, they can kill dozens of monsters in one second. The efficiency is terrifying. This does not count. When the ashen **** feather is about to disappear, under the control of the mirror image, the huge feathers spread out in the air and scattered into countless feathers.

The ashen **** feather itself has a length of nearly six meters, and the number of feather silk on it is quite scary.

Feathers spread out and thundered into the monster body in the distance.

In a blink of an eye, there is no more monster within a kilometer range in this attacking direction. Chu Cheng breathed a sigh of relief, because if the ashen **** feather casts himself, he needs to use the ashes material as the casting material. The mirror image has no spell-casting material, and it is directly released. The attack of the Ash Ashen Feather has less cracking effect.

The result is still satisfactory, less cracking effect, still kill the monsters under the legend.

Level suppression is not an adjective here in Chucheng.

With the mirror image, Chucheng is much easier. The power contained in the mirror image is provided by Shire ’s runner, and he is not required to output it. Fragmented enemies can be solved with a few cool magics.

The people at this camp wall found that they were idle at once.

The fifth-order necromancer actually blocked all enemies within a hundred meters. He is still a series of bone shields at a distance of more than 80 meters. Up to now, those bone shields have not been attacked.

"Why don't you close the title?"

"That is, the captain is also a legend, there is no way to compare."

"I'm going, the fireball exploded, and my ears hurt because of shock. Are you sure this is Necromancer?"

"Elemental Master is not so fierce."

"This sound has caught up with Leifa!"

Everyone has a lot of discussion. Do n’t blame these people for being amazed. During the release of the spell, the sound is not the background music. When the sound is loud enough around you, it can directly shock people to death. Daomen's best lightning method, even if it does not directly hit the enemy, also has a stun effect. This is the reason.

For Leifa, closed hearing is not very useful, it can only reduce the attack effect a little.

The undead dragon inflammation released by the mirror is a small fireball, which explodes when it hits the enemy, and the surrounding monsters fall in pieces.

And the attack distance of the undead dragon inflammation seems far more than 300 meters.

Chu Cheng listened to his ears and found that he was indeed too windy. The defense of the entire camp wall was almost contracted by himself. Those monks and priests can pick up bits and pieces of injured monsters and look like they are looking at the lively people.

Chucheng immediately gave orders to the mirror to reduce the frequency of attacks, and sent 20% of the monsters over to other people to deal with.

In this case, the mirror image can support more than ten minutes.

Theoretically, this mirror image can persist for a magic day, but that is without fighting. Once put into battle, the energy stored in the mirror image will be consumed quickly. High-intensity battles, even a magic, can't persist. Before Chucheng was to test the power of the mirror, let the mirror fire fully open.

Such a mess, maybe you can't hold on for half the magic.

The mirror firepower was reduced, and everyone felt that the Necromancer of Chucheng was a bit close to a normal person. Luo Yan also looked at his heart and sighed. No wonder Master said that if a person is too outstanding, he can be easily isolated. Therefore, the Qingcheng system should avoid this phenomenon.

Give genius more opportunities, but can not let genius leave the group.

When facing a god, a genius alone is meaningless. At that time, genius can also be sacrificed, and only the collective power can fight against the gods of Gaia.

Chucheng slowly releases water, increases his attack frequency, and reduces the attack power of the mirror again. After four-dimensional arithmetic is run for a while, you can know that even if it is, it is difficult to maintain the mirror for a magic time. Because of the monster's attack, there is no gap at all, and more monsters will come out as many as you die. This kind of battle is not normal.

For yourself, which fighting method is better? If you take on the main attack task yourself and let the mirror assist, even without mirroring, it will be less durable for the equipment, which can save combat costs. It can be tempered by itself, which seems to be a better choice. The mirror image is only used as an auxiliary, which can extend your fighting time.

But what if we attack the kingdom of God? The Kingdom of God is just like here, the number of angels is too terrible, and it can be resurrected and used repeatedly. It is a more appropriate method to release the mirror image as the main force of the battle, and its own strength will always remain above 60%. When necessary, you can maintain the peak state by taking drugs.

In addition to the level of sapphire ointment, usually recovery drugs, taking it, the best thing is to first restore 40% of the strength, the rest slowly recover.

It can be used when the mirror is released, in theory ...

Theoretically, his own mirror has no space for undead, and can be used as a wizard to summon the flow! Chu Cheng suddenly realized that his equipment skills have unlimited potential.

Although the mirror image can't bear the equipment, it has its own weapons that can be used without soul matching and soul binding, the snake bag, and the red flame gourd!

No, no, the time that the mirror exists is too short, the more suitable for this kind of equipment is the Ash Knight.

The ashes knight can't usually use it because he hasn't met the right enemy. If these miscellaneous soldiers, the ashes knight can make a tense decision in it and directly crush them.

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