Burning Ashes

Vol 2 Chapter 801: : Amakusa's resentment

Chu Ling knows how to sing, and Chu Cheng thought to increase his blasphemous language skills, which is very helpful for Chu Ling's future survival.

Chu Ling's own combat strength is not weak, and he is afraid of being targeted by the gods.

A body in Chucheng is nearly a kilometer in diameter, and its tentacles are even more terrible. It is a monster that can tear up ghost ships. If it is not a god, it is still a very powerful presence in Gaia, the overlord in the ocean.

Don't look at Chu Ling as a big man, and very sensible, but the mind is still simple.

Happiness and sadness are also very simple, so Chu Cheng does not want to give him more complicated tasks. This kind of wise monster is good to be placed as a mascot at home.

This is called reserve, also known as heritage.

The war on the mainland of the Gods is getting more and more fierce. The fleet from Westland is huge, and the goods are constantly being transported, and the second battlefield is already being opened.

No one dares to touch the place like White Coral City, but there are still several medium-sized coastal cities in the middle of the mainland.

Chu Cheng didn't care too much about the progress over there. He didn't sleep well without destroying the kingdom of death.

There are many islands in the northern archipelago, but each area is very small. Now the robots on it are also rotten. The number of undead is too large. Chucheng did not try to attack with the star chart because of the lack of substantive significance.

The star chart can kill a large number of dead souls. The problem is that all the star charts in the hands of Chucheng have released attacks, and they cannot solve the problem.

Amakusa Cangyuan has controlled the throne of ashes and came under the ice, far away from the kingdom of death, at least two hundred miles. Buildings of ice have begun to spread outwards in the kingdom of death.

The thickness of the ice layer is much thicker than Chucheng expected. Reached more than twenty meters.

This thick layer of ice, with its magical properties, is actually much more difficult to deal with than the walls of various forts. Fortunately, the Throne of Ashes has the ability to make big power bombs.

Within the Throne of Ashes, Amakusa Cangyuan is still busy with his affairs. His nine avatars are now in the boat.

On the back of the Throne of Ashes, like the Profound Turtle City, there is also a city, a very small city, but with all its internal organs. There are magic towers, settlements, weapon launch bases, and many plague creatures, which are usually not in the turtle shell, but are active in the city in the back.

They are not afraid of the pressure beneath the sea, and the creatures all over the city are the experimental products of Amakusa.

Now, the guinea pigs have released each newly-made bomb.

The most important thing is the type of Amakusa Cangyuan. It looks like a metal squid. It is more than three meters long without tentacles. The tentacles are not metal. They are made of biochemical materials and dragged straight in the water.

These squid bombs rushed towards the surface of the water, faster and faster.

Finally, when struck under the ice, the squid's tentacles all rolled up, plunged deep into the solid ice, and fixed themselves under the ice.

The top of the squid bomb cracked, and the mechanical drill bit rotated at high speed. In the magic array on the drill bit, material was not ejected, and it was cutting ice. Soon, the squid bomb went deep into the ice and drilled all the way up. After the tentacle broke away, it repeatedly searched for strength in the ice cave and advanced the bomb itself.

More than three meters of bombs continued to drill up until they reached less than one meter from the ice surface before stopping.

Above the ice, there are buildings built by the undead.

Around the squid bomb, more bombs have been drilled.

The undead on the ice is not ignorant. When the squid bomb burrows into the hole, there is no hidden sound, and that is not necessary. Under the ice layer, there is no way to attack the ice layer, and the ice layer can't deal with the ice layer.

The ice layer is a natural defense barrier. With a thickness of more than 20 meters, no one can help anyone.

The squid stopped at the same time, waiting for the hole drilled in the back and the sea to freeze again. The power of the explosion is the greatest in the enclosed space.

"Princess, look at the effect of the first wave of attacks." Tiancao Cangyuan was very calmly talking with Xuangui City. The accurately positioned Beidou Demon Eye immediately noticed this piece.

On the ice, there is a snow-white castle built of bones.

When Chu Cheng opened the picture, he saw that the castle shook, and then the bone debris flew into the sky. The violent explosion caused some distortion in the picture. Strong magic chaos, impacting the castle of the undead from bottom to top, everything was torn apart by the explosion.

The ice layer in the area of ​​thousands of kilometers in diameter sinks downwards, and is pushed out of a hole by pure counter-impact.

Seen from the sky, it is a hole. On the ice, an area of ​​ice is blown up.

With this power, Chucheng estimated that he could release such a huge piece of magic by releasing a ninth-level magic. now what? The cheap bomb squid destroyed the castle that the other party had worked so hard to build.

Amakusa Cangyuan uttered his tongue, but even if the Throne of Ashes did not leave the place, he would not be damaged by the shock wave.

However, the ocean here is not that deep. Amakusa Cangyuan finally found a place that could accommodate the throne of Ashes, and there was a castle above it.

In the archipelago area, most of the waters in the sea are very shallow, with an average of more than 100 meters.

The length of the Throne of Ashes is more than two kilometers, and the city behind it is impossible to get into. In this test, if you really attack, you can only let the deep submersible ship do it. The average length of the deep submersible ship is only 200 meters, and the thickness is more than 20 meters. Most areas can still be drilled into.

If this is not possible, a smaller deep-dive vessel is used. The smallest deep-dive vessel is more than 80 meters long.

Amakusa Cangyuan has some headaches because the waters between the islands and some places are only a few meters shallow. Just make the squid bomb make you know you can swim. Anyway, the squid bomb is nailed to the ice and will drill holes by itself.

The most annoying thing is that the nearby creatures are either poisoned or frozen to death. Since the undead in the underworld came to this world, there is no life near the northern archipelago.

Amakusa Cangyuan prefers to eat fish, even if he is 8th grade, with a little ability of photosynthesis, he can not eat for a long time by practicing, but the ancestral habit is that it will be hundreds of years or thousands of years Will change.

Damn undead, really a scourge on earth.

Amakusa Cangyuan mumbled, thinking about whether he could use the angel material he had obtained before to make a bomb with purification properties.

If one of those bombs goes on, it can weaken the undead into pieces.

Killing is not easy, but weakening can definitely be done.

In the past, Tiancao Cangyuan didn't care about the undead, because Chucheng was the necromancer, and Green also, they never made a lot of undead in front of Tiancao Cangyuan, and they didn't destroy the nearby ecology.

But the guy in the underworld, is too unruly.

Amakusa Cangyuan wanted the gods of the Underworld to taste the bitterness, and it happened that he had an angel's body on hand. He was among the angels, and chose the light angel who restrained the undead more seriously.

Luck is not very good. Of course, his laboratory is not inclined to this aspect. This light angel has only fourth order. If it is in a suitable box, it has already begun to lose energy.

Amakusa Cangyuan and the nine avatars quickly plucked, decomposed, and stuffed this angel into the machine, and various tools quickly made more detailed cuts. Matching drugs, extraction, purification ...

An angel was quickly solved by Amakusa Cangyuan. In such a short period of time, the biological light brain re-created a formula, and the bright explosive potion can be melted into magic gunpowder.

Amakusa Cangyuan was very excited. I do n’t know whether it was because the sashimi was lost by the undead, or because the previous weapon design was wrong, and I did n’t consider that most of the archipelago had no deep water under the ice. Now that even ordinary submersible ships can't go deep, how to deal with the ice?

It is easy to clean up the deep water area. The squid bomb is not expensive. Amakusa Cangyuan is enough to use his own house money.

Shallow water is not easy to get, but at present, most of the undead buildings are on the ice in shallow water. Less than one-tenth of the buildings on the ice in deep water.

Rockets are also easy to get early, but unlike underwater bombs, rockets can be intercepted by the undead.

There are many things that can fly, such as the undead. The Crow is the most common. A rush of the Crow can destroy a rocket. And the Crow of the Underworld, even if it is released over 100 million, will not see signs of reduction.

Of course, there is no underwater creature suitable for Gaia's survival. These undeads have been weakened by the sea environment on the ice. At the beginning, Chu City created the kingdom of death on the island, also because in the island area, the undead would be weakened, and he was not too worried about the gods of the underworld causing big things.

Now he was beaten, people opened the Underworld channel directly here, and the undead swarmed out.

In the cold caused by the dead air, the ice layer has magical elements and a small amount of divinity, which makes the fire element less active in this area, and things like fireball are weakened.

Science and technology weapons have become a good choice, and it does not matter if they are weakened. Anyway, the cost is not high ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But magic weapons are different. Launching a magical artillery once and shooting an elemental fireball, if it is weakened, it will be quite 20% Yu burned a lot of gold coins, and the wasted part was enough to blow up Bone Castle again.

Amakusa Cangyuan withdrew from the danger zone, so as not to be found by the undead, he began to reform the twelve deep-dive ships that followed, so that the deep-dive ships could also fire the squid bomb he built.

Squid bombs can be made bigger or smaller, and the functions are the same.

The difference is that he had to install a guide device for the squid bomb and swim to the shallow water by himself. Deep submersible ships are all biological battleships built with turtle shells, but they are not equal to defense invincibility. It ’s true that the undead do n’t like water, but if it is more true, it can still be done by forcibly destroying the deep diving ship.

Beware of it, the giant tentacle monster seems to greet many small tentacle monsters to come back.

The tentacle monster must be surrounded by the ice, lest the undead run around.

Although Tiancao Cangyuan doesn't know what the undead should do, they can't let this stuff spread everywhere. This will affect Chucheng's plan and will kill more seafood.

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