Burning Ashes

Vol 2 Chapter 897: : Fraud

If An Bai is going now, besides using the ashes tower to attract angels to die, Chu City will also take the initiative to attack and increase the attack strength. This time, he has brought enough flying units.

If An Bai left, Chu Cheng swept through the angel's door.

After losing six eighth-order angel gates, it is no longer necessary to be careful in Chucheng. What if An Bai doesn't leave? That Luo Yan was in another angel's door, and he could do whatever he wanted.

Luo Yan is indeed quite wanton. After entering the angel's door, she opened nine visualizations.

The first wave of the Angel of Morning Light appeared, just like the other angel's door, six eighth ranks, besieging Luo Yan. In the sound of cicadas, Luo Yan's ninth-order sword weapon, containing the power of the ninth order, cut through the souls of six eighth-order angels.

With a cicada, everything went silent.

Luo Yan directly opened a big move to release the power of the Divine Snake Bag carried on her body, killing six eighth-order angels in seconds.

Within the scope of Cicada Ming, no angel could stand up and fall down.

How big is this range? It is larger than the ashes tower built in Chucheng, covering thousands of miles.

Cicada sobbed and cut off thousands of miles.

This is the power of Luo Yan's Tier Nine. Even if it only erupts in a flash, it solves the worst enemy.

The Tianchan figure was recovered by Luo Yan. In the sky, there were only eight visual maps left. She lost blessings, leaving only the power of the eighth order, but still urging the nineth order sword.

Luo Yan does not have the kind of snake bag, but the fake snake bag that Chucheng refined for her can also keep her power above the peak of the eighth order, but the law level cannot reach the nineth order.

With the ninth-order sword weapon, Luo Yan has a sword repair, and the lethality can be imagined.

Besides Jianxiu killing, it is not only something on the strength level. Su Zhenren's swordsmanship is not under Qi Hanshan, let alone Luo Yan has only eighth order, that is, only sixth order, and can exert the power of the ninth order sword as long as she The height of the ontology is reached. The eight visual maps unfolded and the area covered was huge.

Not to mention that these eight visualizations are not equipment, but sword repair skills, which can be transferred with Luo Yan.

Luo Yan didn't even use his sword orbit, so he drove away the biggest threat in Angel's Gate.

Luo Yan killed a lot in the Angel's Gate, and soon became extraordinary ...

Although the tactics are different from Chucheng, Luo Yan's sarcasm is still above Chucheng. The slain angels were thrown into Yongye's visual map, and the mana of the ninth-order sword weapon was consumed.

Luo Yan's image of Yongye's vision is not a dark attribute but a complete extinction of light.

How can the angel of the goddess of dawn tolerate?

The moth rushed like a fire, Luo Yan was basically fighting in the sky, the angel of the goddess of dawn, no matter how good the flying ability, when flying, it will also consume extra power.

Thundercloud, Skyfire, Yongye, stars, Feihong, Aurora, mountains and sea, cranes.

Eight visual maps, each with its own magical effect.

The last picture of the crane's imagination shows a huge crane behind Luo Yan. Even the legendary giant **** can't compare with you. The white wings spread like countless swords, just swept away, just Break up the angels who have assembled into a legion in the sky.

The corpse fell into Yongye's imagination, and it was no longer possible.

The sky fire imagination is burning, the angel of dawn originally has the flame attribute, but when it touches the sky fire, each one becomes a torch, rolling in the air and howling.

It was the pain and depravity of being deprived of faith.

The more Luo Yan is, the crazier the angels are.

You say angels are stupid? Don't know the workaround?

Throughout the history of Gaia, there is no such dare to insult the gods. People who usually do blasphemous things are also very strong, but under the siege of the angelic army, which one is not smashed?

What does history teach angels? Of course it's tough and positive.

It used to do this before, and of course it has to be done in the future.

For the gods, rush it.

It is not just a question of angels, it is also the case of gods. How can the high life and the blasphemy face the blasphemy, or how to use ingenuity?

Sending angels to suppress them is what gods should do.

Even if the gods were not asleep, facing the provocation of Chu Cheng and Luo Yan, they would choose to face a head-on war.

Not to mention the angel of dawn, even the angel of the conspiracy god, will do the same, but the fighting method may be biased towards assassination.

Luo Yan is now in no hurry. The three thousand invisible pawns in the Dutian Battle Banner are her capital.

In addition to the beginning, now open eight visual maps, for her is a daily consumption, there is nothing to support the argument. And within the scope of these eight visualizations, the life under the eighth order could not stand her sword.

One sword can be a million teachers, which is not an adjective for Luo Yan.

On the ground, the biochemical legion poured in, following Luo Yan's footsteps, and slayed deep into the angel's gate.

This speed is doomed not to be too fast, but the angel is rushing head-on, no need to find a fighter, just hack it all the way.

On the other side of Chucheng, there is also An Bai supporting the scene, which is better than invincible.

On Luo Yan's side, the legion invaded like a locust, and the angel was like a wave rushing towards the reef.

Pat it up, then smash it.

Luo Yan didn't even command the legions, she only went to kill the angels. Starting from the strong, what was left to the legions was no longer an elite.

Chucheng did not contact Luo Yan.

He blocked the entrance with the ashes of the kingdom of God, An Bai no matter how strong he was, he didn't know what happened inside the other angel's door.

The Kingdom of Ashes could have maintained a magic day, and with the blessing of the Ash Tower and other equipment, it could be extended to two magic days, which he had not shown before.

The bonus of the Divine Snake Bag gave him the power of order nine, and Anbai is also order nine. If it were not in the angel's gate, it would be impossible to confront him.

Chu Cheng dragged An Bai, but not only watched, he also kept locking An Bai with his magic eyes.

An Bai was upset. She knew that in the sky, there was the power of the sword track and the astrolabe. If locked, she might be hit hard at once.

She is very clear about Chucheng's fighting ability. If the injury is too heavy, she might fall here.

The dead angels and dead plague creatures are transformed into ashes creatures in large numbers and continue to fight. After the ashes were dead, they were resurrected inside the gate of heaven.

An Bai looked in her eyes and was useless in anxiety. She could only wait for the shot from the High Temple.

Her pope avatar was blocked in the angel's door and could not be sacrificed.

Chucheng's strategic fraud succeeded, he deceived himself, so that An Bai was willing to wait here. He closed his inner world before, and everything went according to the big plan.

Attack on both sides to clear the railway.

Over the triple door, he actually didn't even think about what he would gain. It ’s just not doing anything, and it ’s impossible to cheat your majesty the Pope.

Green hides in the army, still very depressed.

He came here, did he count?

Luo Yan alone basically solved the problem. The strength of the three thousand invisible pawns made the strength of a sword repair reach a point where he couldn't look directly at it.

This is the arrogance cultivated by Qingcheng. One person decides the battle.

Even if this angel's gate is only eighth-order, not the most powerful, but the angel gate of the goddess of dawn, if you reach this level, the number of angels is not mentioned, and high-level angels have terrible lethality.

As a result, there were six eighth-order angels in one pot.

Unlike another angel's gate, Chu Cheng had already judged which angel's gate was stronger. He went to the strongest one. The other one was handed over to Luo Yan so that she could take it quickly.

The door of angels of the same rank depends on the quality of the angels inside.

What Chucheng wanted was the angel's gate itself. If these two were won, he and Luo Yan's second primal **** would have the best refining materials.

That's right, what Chucheng does not want is the core of divine power, what he wants is the space of the angel's gate.

With the experience of body swallowing, these two angel doors will make him and Luo Yan's second elemental **** have a great fighting power.

Chu Cheng is very clear that such an angel gate, placed on the front line, has very special properties in itself. The eighth-order morning light angel sits in town. Under normal circumstances, even if the enemies of the ninth order go in, they are not the opponents of the six eighth-order angels.

And these six eighth-order angels are never separated. With bright escape, the speed is extremely fast. Within the angel's gate, they can support any point in the shortest time.

Until now, Chu Cheng thought, what to do with Luo Yan's side, and deep inside his closed heart, Gu Jing was impenetrable, calculating the time patiently.

With a little closed heart, the Pope could not sense it.

This is the first time Chucheng has committed strategic fraud, and he has long wanted to try it. Before his attack, the Pope sensed that he actually attacked the Kelasu Empire, and the Star Chart did not gain much.

An Bai looked at Chu Cheng with some uneasiness in her heart. She was not the pope, and she was closer to Chu Cheng.

An Bai couldn't understand the reason why she was uneasy. She could only put this kind of uneasiness on the projection of the sword track astrolabe in the sky ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ She could not understand it at all, Luo How is the fighting power of smoke calculated.

No matter how powerful Luo Yan was before, it was just that she was within her understanding.

Chu Cheng now shows the rationality. Observing the movement of the western front through the star chart, An Bai lost the direction of judgment. And she couldn't understand it. She won the two angels' doors, all she wanted was the space itself.

Opening up space, although it is also difficult for the ninth level, it is not too big.

Direct transformation of the half plane is the most cost-effective thing. In a world as large as Gaia, there are countless half planes attached, and even the number of half planes occupied by human mages may be only one percent of the half planes around Gaia.

What Chucheng did was something that the gods could not understand.

He can do this because he is too familiar with the means and thinking of the gods.

After this battle, if he can win the two angels' doors, he and Luo Yan's second elemental **** will no longer have to worry about accidental fall.

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