Burning Moscow

: 195 Tank Brigade, Assault! (twenty one)

  The battle lasted for nearly an hour, and various exciting battle reports were sent back through the walkie-talkie in the car from time to time.

   "Comrade Commander, I am Colonel Kistyakov. My mixed regiment has occupied the south of the city and eliminated the remnants of the enemy. At present, Lomov is leading his troops to assault west of the city..."

"Comrade commander, I am the political commissar of Slavkin. Our mixed cadet has already occupied the city center after fighting. Now the commander, Lieutenant Colonel Mlakintsev, is leading the main force of the regiment to attack the east of the city, preparing to take over Priyev. The general's cavalry army..."


"Commander Oshanina," General Katukov called me this way. Perhaps his tank was not driving at high speed, so the voice that came through was very clear: "The German armored units in the city have been wiped out by us, except In a few buildings, there are German submachine gunners shooting at us. We can no longer see the enemy’s formed units. Our brigade has just occupied the north of the city and is clearing the enemy’s firepower. Please send infantry to help as soon as possible."

"Okay, I will inform Colonel Kistyakov immediately and let him send troops to assist you." After interrupting the call with General Katukov, I will call Kistyakov again immediately: "Comrade Colonel, General Katukov has captured the north of the city. You immediately send an infantry unit to help him destroy the enemy hiding in the building. Also, the cadet’s troops have already occupied the city center. Please pay attention to your troops when they pass by. Identify, don’t misunderstand fire with friendly forces."

"Understood," Kistyakov agreed very readily: "We encountered very weak resistance during the offensive. At present, the troops have occupied the west of the city and are clearing out the remnants of the enemy. I immediately ordered Major Kulesov to bring one. The battalion rushed over to support."

   I walked to the door of the car and looked in the direction of Sun Mountain City, listening to the explosions one after another, watching the red light emitted by the burning buildings, dyeing half of the sky discolored.

   The battle at this moment is progressing surprisingly smoothly. Even if it is only temporarily driving the enemy out of Sun Mountain City, the first attack I launched after taking charge of the Eighth Guards Division is still brilliant, and it is bound to be praised by the higher authorities. I should be in a particularly good mood at the moment, but I don't know why I felt a little nervous.

Major Durov, who is good at observing words and colors, discovered my anxiety. In order to divert my attention, he began to slap my ass: "Comrade commander, according to the battle report, our division is progressing smoothly. At present, it has occupied most of the city. General Pliyev’s cavalry army can successfully recapture the three lost settlements and quickly rejoin our division. In this way, even if the enemy troops in the city cannot be wiped out, they can all be driven out. And you This offensive battle planned and directed will be a great victory."

   Hearing the major said this, and thinking of Zhukov’s hint to me, I knew that this battle was related to my future, and I couldn’t help becoming more nervous. Looking at the battlefield in the distance, I took a deep breath. I felt that since the overall situation has been set, there is no need to stay so far away from the battlefield. I should go to the city and have a look. So I decisively ordered: "Comrade Major, we Go to Sun Mountain City."

Major    was taken aback, but immediately nodded in agreement, then ran to the door of the car and shouted outside: "Captain Yushchenko, the commander has an order, immediately set off to Sun Mountain City."

   Following his order, the security forces outside began to quickly shrink and gather, and began to board the covered trucks that had been parked in the forest. Looking at the soldiers running back and forth outside, I can’t help but change Yushchenko’s attitude. He is worthy of being from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He is very experienced in guarding important targets. Not only is there fixed sentries and guards around the communication vehicles. The patrol team has even set up secret guards in many places, even if there is an enemy sneak attack, it can organize effective resistance. If they were the guards of the division some time ago, then Commander Panfilov would not have sacrificed.

   Due to the availability of cars, it took less than ten minutes for our convoy to enter Sunhill City. I looked out from the car door, Sun Mountain City is really a misnomer, not only without mountains, but even without a city wall.

   At this time, the explosion of shells could hardly be heard in the city, only the sound of guns firing around. After the car stopped steadily, I was about to get off when I was stopped by Yushchenko. He said with a blank expression: "Comrade Commander, although our army has occupied most of the Sunhill City, there are still a lot of leaks. The enemy was hiding in a building in the city and shooting cold shots. For your safety, you'd better stay in the car."

   "Yes, Captain Yushchenko is right." Major Durov also echoed him: "It's black and light outside. You can't see anything when you go out. You should stay in the car and direct the battle."

I was hesitating whether to stay in the car, or to run to the front line first to shoot a few shots. Suddenly there was a roar of tank motors in the distance, and Yushchenko under the car yelled first: "The enemy's Tank, ready to fight!"

His voice ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ scared me to death. According to what I have just observed, our convoy has no anti-tank equipment at all. It just relies on the rifles, submachine guns and a few machine guns in the soldiers’ hands. Confronting tanks, it's almost death.

  The soldiers slumped down on the spot quickly, pointing their guns in the direction from the sound of the motor. Major Durov and Yushchenko who rushed into the car got me out of the car one by one, preparing to run to the burning building on the side of the road.

   "It's our tank!" The approaching tank was illuminated by the bright headlights, and the sharp-eyed soldiers immediately saw the model. It was not a German tank, but a T-34 of the tank brigade. Durov and the two also saw clearly that it was their own tank, stopped, and let go of my hand.

  The tank drove to the convoy and stopped, the hatch opened, and a tall tank soldier jumped out of it, asking loudly, "Where is your commander?"

   Durov hurried forward and said loudly, "I am Major Durov, what can I do?"

The tank soldier jumped out of the tank and ran in front of him. After saluting, he reported: "Comrade commander, I belong to the tank brigade. After we occupied the north of the city, the brigade commander ordered us to turn around and support the infantry troops behind. We met halfway through the road. The enemy's anti-tank. We have three tanks destroyed. I came here specifically to ask for the help of the infantry. Without the infantry to destroy these pesky anti-tanks, we can't move forward in the city."

   When the tanker said this, I had already walked in front of him. When he finished speaking, I turned to Durov and Yushchenko and said, "Order the troops, keep up with the tanks, and wipe out all the enemy's anti-tank fighters."

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