Business Tycoon vs. Drama Queen Star

Chapter 14 The Prodigal Son

Luo Tiantian had a smile on her face, and she had already felt like a villain in her heart.

Xue Feimo took a panoramic view of Luo Tiantian's little expression with great interest, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

He nodded lightly and said, "Thank you."

"..." Luo Tiantian paused, and the hands holding the chopsticks couldn't help tightening.

Forced an awkward yet polite smile, "You're welcome."

There was endless complaints in my heart, why didn't this Xue Feimo play cards according to the routine?

When a normal person sees a pretty little girl pick a fishbone for him, wouldn't he be a gentleman and say no?

And, that's all.

As the biggest boss in the whole book, he has a high IQ and great supernatural powers.

Can't you see that she has something to ask for?

Luo Tiantian was cursing in her heart, and the movements of her hands were not slow at all.

She didn't eat a single bite of the three Yangtze saury, and they all went into Xue Feimo's stomach.

Looking at the fishbone on the plate, Luo Tiantian kept telling herself, "If you can't bear it, you won't be popular..."

"That shrimp seems to be good."

Xue Feimo's magnetic voice suddenly came from beside his ear.

It seems to have some kind of enchanting magic power.

Luo Tiantian followed his gaze and looked over.

At a glance, I saw a big lobster on the plate.

"..." Luo Tiantian frowned, her eyes full of resistance.

Forgive her, she never liked things like bugs since she was a child.

And the lobster's tail, to her, is like a big caterpillar...

At this moment, the housekeeper explained thoughtfully, "Master, this is the French blue lobster sent by Young Master Gu."

"!!! What? French blue lobster?"

Luo Tiantian's eyes were about to burst as she stared at the plate of lobsters.

"Yes, it is the legendary French blue lobster that even the rich can't eat." The butler replied proudly.

"..." Luo Tiantian glared at the housekeeper viciously after hearing the words, and couldn't help but say, "Prodigal son."

The world's number one blue lobster comes from France.

Because the species is rare and grows extremely slowly, only one blue lobster will appear in an average of 2 million lobsters, so it seems particularly rare.

Once someone catches a blue lobster, it is usually sent to a high-end restaurant such as Michelin.

Because of this, its value not only represents wealth, but also represents status.

As for the taste, some say it is no different from regular lobster.

It was also said...

The blue lobster is thick and juicy, with a strong but sweet taste.

What you taste in your mouth is not only a wonderful taste, but also a happy experience.

Of course, the only way to know how it tastes is to taste it.

And now, in front of her eyes, there is such a one.

"What should I do... my hands are itchy." Luo Tiantian was at war in her heart.

"...Miss Luo, this is a gift from Young Master Gu." So it is not considered a prodigal.

The butler looked at his young master aggrievedly, as if saying, "Master, I am not a loser."

Xue Feimo turned his head, and saw Luo Tiantian staring at the lobster with a tangled and longing face.

He who had no appetite before suddenly had an appetite, "Housekeeper."

When the butler heard the words, he instantly understood.

He hurried forward, put on his gloves and started peeling the shrimp.

After the shrimp shells were gone, the fresh and tender shrimp meat appeared in front of Luo Tiantian's eyes.

Immediately, a rich, money-like fragrance came from the tip of the nose.


Just wanted to say that she would try it too.

But the housekeeper couldn't wait to put all the shrimp meat into Xue Feimo's bowl, "Master, eat more."

"..." Luo Tiantian looked at the housekeeper in disbelief, "Uncle..."

good night babies~

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