But My Hubby Dotes on Me

Chapter 1215: See you after dawn (9)

The more excited and gentle you are now, the more sad you may be when you finally separate.

She didn't know why she agreed to the five-day request like a fool. She and Qin Zhiyou divorced not because they didn't love or because of contradictions, but because they still had love and unwillingness, and didn't want to be dragged down, they separated from him. With these five days, they wouldn't be able to break them more cleanly, on the contrary, it would deepen her thoughts.

Although she didn't want to be like Qin Zhiyou, she had let go of her words before and would marry again if she had the right one. However, her life could not be only love, and her heart could not only be occupied by Qin Zhiyou. When Duan continued to suffer from the chaos, she was broken, but she was still dragging the mud and splashing all over her body.

However, she sensibly knew to refuse, and it was best to leave now. But her body, her heart can't do it at all. What she did was hug him tighter and let go of all her feelings more casually.

Just like fireworks. Everyone knows that fireworks are just a flash of splendor and beauty, and then they will return to peace. But no one will refuse the most beautiful scenery when the fireworks bloom.

She is just an ordinary woman who is timid, procrastinating, looking forward and looking forward and then undecided. Then, don't demand yourself, let yourself vent all the feelings accumulated over the past few days.

After a love affair, both of them were out of breath. After all, Qin Zhiyou remembered to take measures this time and didn't let her take the medicine anymore. But she straightened her legs, rolled over, stretched her waist, and her voice was sweet, "I'm hungry."

Qin Zhiyou let out an "um" and didn't move.

"Blame you. I'm tired and can't move. But I'm hungry." This time he kicked his calf with a little toe. Qin Zhiyou turned her head, only to see her green silk like a waterfall, and her face slightly reddish. This lazy and pretentious tone was exactly the same as she did to Qin Zhisu back then.

After they got married, her temper abated a lot, and she burst out suddenly only when she was provoked. Facing him, he was mostly silent and compliant, not to mention this kind of arrogant and commanding appearance, and he would not even be able to show coquettish or soft words to him. Their marriage seems to have no love at all, and it has become a family relationship, a partner.

Because at the beginning, the two people lived together, they were comrades-in-arms and partners, so she never ordered him or acted like a baby. If she was like this in her marriage, if she was willing to treat herself tenderly...he wouldn't want to let her go.

No, I can't think about it, at least, there are people around him watching him, and he can't let her take risks. Thinking of this, Qin Zhiyou nodded helplessly: "Okay, I'll cook for you. But only instant noodles."

He doesn't know how to cook at all, and he bought instant noodles for emergency use. Lu Weixi also asked: "The instant noodles have to be boiled with soft-boiled eggs. They must be soft-boiled. I will not eat the fully cooked noodles."

Qin Zhiyou nodded helplessly, "Okay, okay, I'll cook your sweetheart."

Lu Weixi really watched him go down in his clothes, and soon there was the sound of pots and pans in the kitchen. But after waiting for a long time, let alone the sweet egg, the instant noodles were not served. When she was about to go downstairs, Qin Zhiyou came with a bowl of instant noodles, and there happened to be a sweetheart in it.

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