But My Hubby Dotes on Me

Chapter 1233: After the separation (2)

The other party cueed his brother a few times, which is called hotness and shame. If you don't speak at all, this is called arrogance and isolation, and you will be scolded. If you cooperate to fry CP, CP fans will always be biased, and the side that is pulled will be sucked by the other side. In the end, the CP is demolished, and it will be slammed by the other side. It's a big drama.

Xue Feifei first appeared in the image of Huang Mi's "Little San". Huang Mi's girlfriend did not make it public at that time, and a "Little San" came directly. It is conceivable what kind of scolding he could be. It was later clarified that she and Yu Sixing fell in love with the official announcement, and the fans were still reluctant. If it weren't for later cooperation, Xue Feifei would both respect and appreciate Huang Mi, without the slightest affection between men and women. Huang Mi has a good relationship with her, and she will be scolded even now.

She filmed with Huang Mi this time, it was the literary film. After getting the script, she went to the location to be filmed first, and got acquainted with the local environment in advance. But she went first, and it was also related to one thing: Yu's situation was too chaotic, and Yu Sixing seemed to be delayed. She also didn't want to make Yu Si's behavior difficult, so she went to work first.

Sure enough, Yu Sixing didn't follow her after she worked. Although I still have video calls with him every day, they are not living together after all.

Although Xue Feifei is irritable, she is not a fool. Although she and Yu Sixing had just announced the official announcement, they also had some worries in each other's hearts, but since they are in love, they must be tired of being together. He reports on time every day, and Xue Feifei also knows that he is very busy with work, and he has several big projects ready to start shooting or financing. In the cold winter of film and television, all film and television companies are cautious about investing money, and he should work hard.

But she still vaguely felt that there was something he was hesitating about, but she didn't say anything.

Anyway, she didn't have the deep will to grow old with Yu Sixing. Although the two are in love, love is precisely the emotion that is the easiest to change. She can only guarantee that when she is in love, she will do everything for her lover. For other things, look at the sky.

Just like today, the news of her return to China has clearly been told to Yu Sixing. But until I walked to the parking lot, I didn't see Yu Sixing's car coming. I got in the car and was about to drive. This time Yu Sixing finally called, and apologized as soon as the phone was connected: "Sorry, I'm really busy at work today, I can't come over to pick you up."

"It's okay, I don't have a driver or an assistant, and I can't go back without you." Although Xue Feifei expressed understanding, there was still a bit of ridicule in the words.

Yu Sixing was silent for a while, and then said: "I asked the secretary to clean up the house yesterday. You don't need a sister-in-law when you go back later. Don't worry, I told the secretary to keep them clean when they clean your things."

"It's okay, those things are worth a few dollars. It doesn't matter if you throw them all away."

"Feifei." Yu Sixing's voice was slightly lowered.

Xue Feifei felt it, and she didn't want to quarrel with him as soon as she returned to Yancheng. It took a long time to say: "I still have something to do, hang up first, and you should be busy with work."

After finishing speaking, it does not mean that Si Xing said goodbye to her and hung up the phone directly. She thought about it, and first called Lu Weixi. It took a long time for the call to be connected: "Feifei."

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