But My Hubby Dotes on Me

Chapter 1294: Born for love (7)

"You can still make a choice, whether you want him or not. But you must make a decision as soon as possible. The longer you delay, the worse it will be for your health."

Lu Weixi looked at him, then slowly nodded.

Qin Zhiyou took a deep breath, and then asked: "If you want to leave a child, then you should also know that I can't give up this child. Moreover, our Huaxia State policy, to have a child, requires reporting in the community. Prepare the birth certificate. I can't let this child be born without a father. If you want to keep him-then I must, and I will be responsible for this child and you. I will marry you, give you and this Children have a home."

Lu Weixi looked at him blankly. To tell the truth, if she just refused to have the operation, Qin Zhiyou was full of children, and did not consider her situation. Although she wanted to keep the child, she would not have that strong idea of ​​remarrying him.

But he told her with a serious face that he was worried about her body and he let her make a choice, and he would marry her.

Although she did not agree to remarry immediately, her heart was ups and downs for a while. Maybe he still looks at the child's face so seriously that he doesn't have much love for her yet. But, at least at this moment his promise, she believed it was true.

"You don't have to think about these questions now, you still have time to think about it. But no matter what choice you make, you must tell me. I will wait for you."

Lu Weixi nodded again. Although he was still confused, his mood calmed down a bit.

Lu Weixi did not take anesthetics. The reason why she was in bed was because she had to ban water and food before the operation, and she went through a series of checks for weakness. After waiting for a while, Qin Zhiyou took her out of the hospital and found a restaurant to sit down.

When ordering, Qin Zhiyou asked the clerk: "My wife is pregnant, so I can't eat greasy and fishy smells. Also, if there are any things that pregnant women shouldn't eat, please tell me first."

He knew that this child was the day before yesterday. After that, Lu Weixi was about to have a miscarriage. He didn't have time or opportunity to look at the pregnancy manual. The last time Lu Weixi was pregnant, they were in the cold war, and it was five years ago, so many things are not clear. But in the future, he will definitely be a good father. He also knew that leaving this child was risky. But you can't push the child away from her because you are worried that someone will be disadvantageous to her. In the future, he will work harder to protect them.

Lu Weixi didn't speak, but silently lowered his head to eat food.

After a meal, Qin Zhiyou offered to send her home, but Lu Weixi did not stop.

But when the car arrived near the community, he stopped.

"Xixi, since I decided to keep this child, I will face your mother sooner or later. I know that my mother hates me, and I don't believe I will give you happiness. Her body can't be stimulated now, I can wait. Do you think Whenever I come to propose marriage, I will go there immediately. There is no need to care about my house. If you are worried about the trouble of moving back to Qin’s house, you can continue to live here or go to Xishan Villa. There is only one thing. , I will stick to it. That is, I want to marry you."

Lu Weixi glanced at him seriously and nodded.

Turning to get out of the car, Qin Zhiyou stopped her: "Wait a minute."

Lu Weixi turned her head, Qin Zhiyou lightly kissed her lips: "Be careful."

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